Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

"Serve me and I promise you won't see that boy ever again."

"What if we don't wanna help you?"

"Oh, I was hoping you'd ask."

-Zs'Skayr and Thumbskull

Zs'Skayr is the DNA Sample of Ghostfreak and escaped from the Omnitrix. He wants to merge with Ben to become whole again. He is currently deceased.


Zs'Skayr's body is gray and he had black nails with lines on his chest which were black as well, and a white, upside-down head with one eye.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Flight: He can fly.
  • Overshadowing: He can possess living creatures.
  • Density Shifting: He can fly through material.
  • Invisibility: He can make himself transparent.
  • Space Survivability: He does not need oxygen.
  • Tentacles: He can open up his body to unleash five tentacles.
  • Claws: He can cut through metal.
  • Enhanced Strength: His tentacles are strong enough to lift a bus.
  • Telekinesis: He can push objects away from him with his mind.
  • Energy Beam: He can shoot a beam out of the center of his body.
  • Darkness Empowerment: He is at his most powerful the darker it is.


  • Sunlight: He will disintegrate in sunlight.
  • Intangibility: If someone intangible attacks him while he's intangible they will cancel each other out a be like normal attacks.
  • Magic: He can be harmed by magic.



He learns of the Omnitrix and leaves Anur Transyl to search for it.


He finds Shyo collecting a Florauna DNA Sample on Flors Verdance. Zs'Skayr possesses the Florauna and his DNA, along with his consciousness, is collected with it.

April 17, 2007[]

Zs'Skayr becomes conscious again because Ben gains access to Ghostfreak.

July 18, 2007[]

Ben uses Ghostfreak to sneak into a horror movie and Zs'Skayr temporarily gains control to contact Viktor his plans. After Ben turns back he feels weird and just thinks the movie was too scary for him.

July 25, 2007[]

Zs'Skayr finally gains enough control over himself to escape the Omnitrix and terrorizes Ben. In the end Ben defeats him by exposing him to sunlight, seemingly killing him.

June 19, 2008[]

Zs'Skayr is brought back to life by Dr. Viktor and tries to merge with a now 12 year old Ben. Ben defeats him with sunlight once again.

April 12, 2013[]

He revives Lord Transyl to team up with him and rule the Anur System. They are stopped by Ben Tennyson, Scout Lunas, and Rad Dudesman who finally put an end to Zs'Skayr, for now that is.


  • He has technically died 3 times. All by Ben's hand.