Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Zs'Skayr (pronounced "Zuh Scare") was the Ectonurite High Ecto-Lord of Anur Phaetos and Anur Transyl in the Anur System. He was one of Ben Tennyson's most dangerous enemies. After being defeated by Ben and loses his powers, he seeks revenge as Clownborg.


Zs'Skayr was once the High Ecto-Lord of Anur Phaetos. 8 years ago, Ben encountered and defeated him which makes Zs'Skayr loses his powers. He is imprisoned in Plumber prison to hold him, under a beam of concentrated sunlight to keep him helpless despite his new abilities.

8 years later, he has escaped from prison and needed help from DNAliens to going vengeance. Delta gives him a Mutantrix to become Clownborg to kill all of the Ben 10 fans, including the Shreck family.

Ayumi was his next target. While hiding in the graveyard, she needed help from Fantasica to fight Clownborg. She was chosen to become Cyber Ghostfreak, unaware to Zs'Skayr.

After Ayumi was captured, Zs'Skayr ordered his minions, Masqueradeborgs (Red Triangle Gang) to torture her, but Ayumi soon broke free and Zs'Skayr was defeated again.

Zs'Skayr was imprisoned again by Cybercrime Busters.




Clown! Mutant Up!

–Transformation announcement

As Clownborg, he can stretch his arms. He can also generate poison, and, like Toepick, generate fear.

It is also assumed that he retained most of his Ectonurite powers.


Ironically enough, despite being an Ectonurite himself, he is no match for Cyber Ghostfreak.


  • This is the first non-human to use a Mutantrix.