Zipzap is the Codex Metamorphosis's DNA sample of a Pelzorian Yish from the planet Pelz.
Zipzap appears as a five foot tall bipedal feline with black and white stripped fur always standing on end. He possesses two tails that constantly in erratic motion. His face is also very catlike with a blue button nose and eight jagged whiskers that resemble lightning bolts.
Powers and Abilities[]
Zipzap's primary power is his super speed. Zipzap is capable of reaching speeds as high as 800 MPH with effort. His reflexes are faster and his brain moves at a faster pace as well allowing Zipzap to adapt to situations extremely quickly. His twin tails provide him with additional balance. Zipzap is fast enough to run on water and up vertical surfaces.
Zipzap's fur is conducts and enhances electricity very well. Using the static electricity generated from his speed Zipzap can deliver powerful melee electric attacks. At high charges he's able to hurl bolts of lightning. Zipzap can finely control his electric output either expending all at once or across multiple attacks.
Zipzap is able to pick up on subtle changes in the electromagnetic field giving him a heightened senses and agility to track energy signatures.
Zipzap can't slow down easily. Once he reaches certain speeds if he loses control he can seriously injure himself.
Zipzap's coat has a limit to the electricity it can absorb and it can be overloaded with enough watts, injuring and incapacitating him like a normal human.
Zipzap's tails are extremely sensitive.
Zipzap's name refers to how he zips around and also "zaps" with his stored up electricity.
- Zipzap's original name was Electricat.