Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Sanarmis
Home World Duo Faciem Tuam
Body Robotic Humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Enhanced Durability
Armor Generation
Healing Abilities
Shield Generation
Boosters Generation
Mode Switch
First Appearance TBA

Zeta is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Sanarmis from the planet Duo Faciem Tuam.


Zeta is a white robotic humanoid with cream accents. He has cream oval shoulder pads and his head is somewhat thin with an oversized visor with triangular pupils. He has a four fingers on each hand and two toes at each feet.

He wears the Omnitrix symbol on his left pectoral.

Powers and Abilities[]

He can generate armor over his body for protection against projectiles or physical attacks.

His pads generate a healing light that can cure scars or bad ailments.

His shoulder pads can turn into shield.

Can generate boosters, which when placed on an ally boosts either their attack, defense or speed.

He can switch between himself and Omicron.


He's exclusively a support alien, can't be used to attack the enemy if he's by himself.


General Information
Species Inproten
Home World Duo Faciem Tuam
Body Robotic Humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Reflexes
Weapons Arsenal
Enhanced Elasticity
Enhanced Stamina
First Appearance TBA

Omicron is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an Inproten from the planet Duo Faciem Tuam.


Omicron is a purple robotic humanoid with green accents. He is more slender than his Zeta mode, he has sharp green triangular shoulder pads. Similar to his Zeta mode he has an oversized visor with triangular pupils, a lozenge on his forehead and a jagged mouth. His upper limb is black, and the rest is grey, with the exception of his black fingers. He also features green spikes on his back. He has black and green thigh pads, green boots with a purple and green details and three toes.

He wears the Omnitrix symbol on his right pectoral.

Powers and Abilities[]

Omicron is capable of manipulating electricity.

Omicron is essentially a living weapon arsenal since he has a large variety of weapons integrated into his body, such as blasters, a saw launcher, explosive mines, and an energy whip, among others.

His body is incredibly flexible and elastic. When someone attacks him, the first thing he does is abnormally stretch his body and divide it into small cubes and later reform it.

If one of his limbs is cut off, he can control them and put back on their place.


The only known weaknesses Omicron has is his energy core located between the green spikes on his back. If it is hit by something, he will temporarily become incapacitated.


  • Sanarmis comes from the words sana, Latin for heal and armis Latin for armor.
  • Inproten comes from the words inpulsa, Latin for shock and proten Latin for stretch.
  • Duo Facem Tuam means two face in Latin.


  • Omicron's design and abilities is based on Snare from the Max Steel animated movies Turbo-Charged & Turbo Warriors.
  • Both the planet and species name were given by Alanomaly using her Name Supplies Service, which you should clearly use if you don't have an idea for a species and planet name.