Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki


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The following section contains some spoilers about an upcoming episode. Read at your own risk. Or, avoid reading at all.

Zein's Jet is a so far unnamed aeral vehicle, built by Jury Rigg and Zein in Ahmad 15 (Rebooted) to be used in Season 2, as a main transport vehicle piloted by Zein.


This Jet is built by Zein and Jury Rigg in the third episode of Season 2.  


The Jet is able to go over in hypersonic speeds, using a powerful engine powered by Neuroshock.

The Jet is able to fire Neuroshock shots from the front of it, or launch explosive missiles.

As seen in Episode 10, this Jet is able to project a shield of electro-magnetism in front of it. In the same episode, it is shown to be very durable, able to survive a 900 Km/Hr full halt, though with the help of Grey Meteor.


The Jet will appear in most episodes of Season 2.


  • A running gag is that it will be damaged or destroyed from time to time. This rivals the running gag of Kevin's car's continious destruction, however, Zein doesn't really sound to care, though he forces Ahmad to rebuild it.
  • Spoiler: There is more to the Jet than meets the eye.