Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Yuma Shimizu (清水 遊馬, Shimizu Yūma) is a 16-year-old paralyzed boy who is the first year college student. He forming a contract with Transylian engineer Frank to transforms into Cyber Frankenstrike (サイバーフランケンストライク, Saibā Furankensutoraiku) to fight DNAliens and the Mutantborgs in order to protect the universe.


File:Yuma Shimizu in Cyber Frankenstrike Mode (Masked).png

FS-18 Cyber Frankenstrike.

Yuma Shimizu! Access granted!

–Cybertrix Access Card announcement


–Transformation call

Cyber Frankenstrike! Complete!

–Transformation announcement

This is his basic form of Cyber Frankenstrike.

Powers & Abilities[]

Frankenstrike has an electromagnetic body with two conductor coils on his back that allow him to generate and manipulate green lightning and electromagnetism.

Frankenstrike can emit powerful lightning bolts and emit magnetism from his hands or his feet, allowing him to attach to metal structures.

Frankenstrike can emit his lightning in the form of waves that can travel along flat surfaces.

Frankenstrike can alternatively shoot concentrated beams of electricity.

Frankenstrike possesses enhanced strength.

Frankenstrike has enhanced jumping.

Frankenstrike is durable enough to withstand being blasted by one of the DNAliens' electric blasts, as well as having enhanced reflexes, as he was able to dodge the same blasts easily.

Frankenstrike can enhance his physical attacks by giving them an electrical charge.

Like all Anur System aliens, Frankenstrike is immune to the effects of Corrodium and can see in the dark.

Frankenstrike can survive in the vacuum of space.

Despite his claims, Frankenstrike is actually quite fast.

Frankenstrike has a form of technokinesis by connecting himself to machines with his conductor coils to control them. He can do so with his electricity as well.

Frankenstrike is resistant against extreme heat and immune to an Anodite's mana attacks.


Frankenstrike can be harmed by the impact of another Transylian's electrical attacks.

The two generators on Frankenstrike's shoulders are the source of his electricity.

Frankenstrike is unable to fit through small or tight spaces.

Frankenstrike can be controlled and hypnotized by Vladats via their Corrupturas.

Frankenstrike can easily be scared by Toepick's species.

Alternate Forms[]

Cyber Frankenstrike Vehicle Mode

FS-18 Cyber Frankenstrike Pickup

Cyber Frankenstrike Combiner Mode

FS-18 Cyber Frankenstrike Pickup (Conductor Form)

Cyber Henkei!

–Vehicle mode call

Vehicle Mode!

–Vehicle mode transformation announcement


–Combination announcement

Combiner Mode!

–Combiner mode transformation announcement

By switching his Cybertrix dial to its vehicle mode, Frankenstrike can transform into his mecha form, FS-18 Cyber Frankenstrike Pickup. In this form, Frankenstrike can combine as the pair of the conductors of Cyber Omni-Kaiser combination.


  • FS-18 Cybertrix: transformation arsenal
  • FS-18 Frankenstrike Conductor: personal weapon