Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Yosuke Keisan (計算 洋介, Keisan Yōsuke) is the Computer Mutantrix user and a former high school student.


As a child, he didn't get along well with his family, often getting scolded due to his addiction with computer games and explicit sites. His computer was soon confiscated by his parents.

As a teenager, he gets many fail marks because of his computer addiction. He attempted to steal back his computer, but was caught by his siblings siblings and kicked out from his family house.

Keisan felt angry, humilated, and disappointed. That night, after his eviction, he sneaked into his school and Stole his teachers and principal's computer to (somehow) make a brain manipulation machine. After he was finished, he got caught again by his teachers and principal who work overtime. Keisan knocked them unconscious, tied them to their chairs and used them to test his device. While the teachers were being mesmerized by his computer, Keisan discovered that he could use it to absorb people's knowledge to become smarter.

After finding out what Keisan had done and realizing that his parents are right about it being mind manipulation, the principal was furious and expelled Keisan on the spot, but Keisan murdered him, along with the teachers, by pushing them out and burning them to death. He then craftily altered the security tapes to make his former teachers' death look like a suicide, and then expelled himself from school, deciding to get even with his family for evicting them and become rich and famous himself.

He joins with the DNAliens to become Computerborg, and then steals all of the computers from the stores. He then created his own army as his new family members, and kidnapped college students (including Arisu Watanabe) to manipulate their minds.

He then kidnapped his parents and his grandparents and imprisoned them into the computer factory along with the college students and the others. Upon realising his imprisoned victims are only 98 in number,he seeks out his siblings as the last 2 he needs to gain some unspecified power.

But, his siblings, Cybercrime Busters, and the Cyber Alien Heroes are quick to stop him and his army. He merges with his army to become giant robot (Only Computerborg who controlled him) as a last ditch effort, but is defeated by Cyber Upgrade. After the victims are broken free, he was arrested and imprisoned, swearing veangance.




Computer! Mutant Up!

–Transformation announcement

As Computerborg, he can kidnap his victims by turning them into data for manipulating their minds. He can also calculate his enemies' movements.

He can also manipulates electronics.


As a techno-organic being, he is vulnerable to being destroyed by a Galvanic Mechamorph.


  • He is the only half-robiotic character to have been known to be defeated by a Galvanic Mechamorph, likely due to Ben 10: Cyberflash's episodic nature.