Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

The Yenaldooshi, referred to as Yen for short, is a Loboan from Luna Lobo, a moon of Anur Transyl

Thadd Yenaldooshi


Unlike his original apperance in the original Ben 10 series, He is completely black with glowing purple claws, eyes, teeth and outline of fur.

His legs are slightly larger than an average Loboan and his arms are extremely muscular, His upper-chest is more bulkier and his tail and head seems to be more flatten.


Having a deep hatred for Ben, Thadd, and the plumbers, He wants to kill both Ben and Thadd, take their omnitrices, and use their DNA to become a godly ultimate being.

The only people he seems to not dislike is other enemies, Example: Vilgax, Khyber, Malware, ETC and his own species, including Anur Transyl's species.

His powers are:

Ultrasonic Howl: Unleashes a purple powerful sound wave out of quad-hinged jaws

Subsonic Howl: Can unleash a smaller slighty-less-powerful sound wave from his jaws

Enhanced Strength: Can smash through thick metal and taydenite, along with enduring lava, despite having fur.

Enhanced Durabiltly: Can withstand a hit from Way Big and almost every alien of Ben's or Thadd's.

Enhanced Jumping: Can almost jump as high as Crashhopper

Sharp Claws/Sharp Teeth: Can slash or bite through thick metals and stone.

Enhanced Speed/Stamina: Can run about a 1/8 of the speed of XLR8, Can run for about 2 hours straight without stopping.

Enhanced Smelling/Hearing: Can track smells and hear quiet things from about half a mile away

Enhanced Agilitly/Reflexes: Can move pretty fast and can dodge most attacks

Enhanced Yenaldooshi[]

After being injuried in an unknown accident and in need for more power, Yenaldooshi had further enhancements to his body.

Thadd Yenaldooshi Remake


He has dark-red scars all over his body, 2 on his left upper chest, one on each forearm, one on his right thigh and one crossing through his left eye. His left eye seems to glow brighter, while his other eye slightly dimmed. His head is no longer flat

He is covered in dark-purple bolt-like objects, calling them ''Muscle Boosters'' that causes his muscle mass to expand heavily, similar to the Vilgax from the original series.

The muscle boosters can also cause thicker bones, longer and sharper claws and teeth. and more powerful sonic howls.

He has 3 on each forearm, 2 on each upper-arm, 1 each on the back of his leg, 6 running down his back (3 on each side), and 2 on the back of his head.


His hatred for Ben and Thadd has grown. Now wanting them dead, no matter the cost. He no longers cares about the plumbers.

He works with other villians and still likes his species, including Anur Transyl's.

All of Original Yen's Powers: Ultrasonic Howls, Subsonic Howls, Enhanced Strength/Agility/Reflexes/Stamina/Smelling/Hearing/Speed/Durability, and Sharp Claws/Teeth

Muscle Boost: Uses the bolts on his body to severly enhance his muscle mass, bone mass, and claws and teeth size. Also can make sonic howls more powerful.


After accidentally absorbing rejected DNA waste spat out by the Hydraitrix after a fight, the waste containing a molecule of all of Thadd's aliens, He becomes a chimera of Thadd's aliens.



Yen: Head, Upper-Torso, Mane and Remains of Fur on Thighs

Wildmutt: Noses on Waist

Humongusaur: Lower-Torso and Tail

Feedback: Tentacles on Sides of Body and Upper-Back, Plug on Tail, and Middle Eye

Ghostfreak: Eye-Track on Stomach, Eye on End of Fiery Tentacle

Upgrade: Circuit Pattern on Left Side of Upper-Torso and Upper-Back

Goop: Body Structure and Left Upper-Arm

Lodestar: Left Shoulder Spike

Swampfire: Legs and Red Petals on Back

Chromastone: Right Upper-Arm, Spikes on Left Upper-Upper Shoulder and Bloxx Spikes Structure on Back

Bloxx: Spikes on Upper-Back and Colors on Right Upper-Upper-Arm

Diamondhead: Some of Right Upper-Arm's Structure and Spikes on Back

Heatblast: Left Upper-Upper Arm Material, Right Arm Protruding From Right Side, Skin on Left Upper-Wing and Left Lower-Wing and End of Lure on Fire

Ripjaws: Protruding Right Arm Structure, Lure, and Toes on Left Foot

Crashhopper: Right Foot's Toes

Armodrillo: Drill and Jackhammer on Right Upper-Arm

Echo Echo: Back of Inner-Mouth and Left Eyes

Alien-X: Lower-Back and Inside of Eye-Track

NRG: 2 Grills on Upper-Torso

Four-Arms: Double The Arm Count and Left Lower Arm's Upper-Arm

Snare-Oh: Left Protruding Arm

Spider-Monkey: Left Lower-Arm

Rath: RIght Lower-Arm and Claw

Toepick: Right Upper-Upper-Arm's Fingertips and Tubes

Gravattack: Right Upper-Upper-Arm's Structure and Mid-Back

Cannonbolt: Armor on Left Upper-Upper-Arm

Terraspin: Fin on End of Left Upper-Upper-Arm

Pesky Dust: Left Lower-Wing, Right Upper-Wing's Skin, Right Lower-Wing's Skin

Astrodatcyl: Left Upper-Wing and Right Lower-Wing's Structure

Stinkfly: Right Upper-Wing and Left Lower-Wing's Structure

Ball Weevil: 2 Legs Sticking Out of Right Upper-Arm's Shoulders


His feelings are slightly distorted to the overwhelming powers of the Hydraimitrix DNA. But hates Thadd more, not caring about Ben anymore. The rest

His personality is very violent and aggressive. Being a mix of every alien he has in his DNA.

His powers are:

All of Yen's and every absorbed aliens' powers
