Yeigken are a species in the Trixters universe. They live on the planet Tk'Tyk.
Yeigken are humanoid aliens with notable features like long noses, long eyelashes, and protruding teeth.
The Yeigken live on the Phonkian side of Tk'Tyk. We do not know where the Yeigken come from. It is safe to assume they are around as old as the Phonkians since they heavily rely on farming the Yeigken for their meat and milk. They may come from the deepest darkest pits of Hell.
although for one of you, the darkest pit of hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting my friend.
Yeigk cannot comprehend any thoughts beyond racism, misgoyny, homophobia, and all other forms of bigotry for more than half a minute. Because of this they are always either saying something hateful or grazing in the fields.
Powers and Abilities[]
Yeigken can turn into a sloppy, wet goo at will.
Yeigken are really annoying, even more annoying than All my Buddies.
Yeigken are incredibly scared of minorities. Terrified even.
Yeigken are not physically strong whatsoever.
Yeigken are racist.
Like Ismail, if I explain where the name Yeigk comes from I could get in trouble so I'm not doing it.
Notable Orgulon[]
- Ismail (the Ultimatrix's DNA sample of a Yeigk)
- Ismail (DNA donor for the Ultimatrix)
- Yeigken are a type of barely sapient, grazing herd animal on the Phonkian side of Tk'Tyk
- In fact, they are so barely sapient that it was only Ogre's use of them as a sapient transformation that caused people to find out about their sapience.