Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Cornelius Zelosis Xenon
Alias Xenon
General Information
Species Cerebrocrustacean
Home World Encophalus IV
Age Unknown
Part In Team Technology Expert
Friends None
Alternate Counterparts The Puppet Master
Abilities and Equipment
Abilities Electrokinesis
Heightened Intelligence
First Appearance Tech 10: Ultimatrix Unleashed - Alien 3

Xenon (full name Cornelius Zelosis Xenon) is the main antagonist of Tech 10: Ultimatrix Unleashed, and a secondary antagonist in Tech 10: Combalien Evolution.



Xenon's history pre-series is largely unknown, though it is known that he was banished from his home planet thanks to his brutality and inhumane methodology.

During Series[]

Xenon first appeared in the 'Alien 3' entry log, where he attempted to kill Tech and take the Ultimatrix. Thanks to a newly unlocked alien, Xenon's assault was ultimately fruitless, forcing him to throw the fight and teleport away.


Like other Cerebrocrustaceans, Zenon can generate and manipulate electricity, and has a heightened intelligence.


Xenon is similar to a large crab with an oversized head and pink eyes. He wears a black harness and has an orange-copper shell.


His main weakness is his extreme arrogance, which often leads to underestimation of his opponents and not properly thinking ahead.
