Xceed Swampfire[]

Xceed Swampfire is the Xceedtrix's DNA sample of an Xceeded Methanosian from the planet Methanos.
Xceed Swampfire has a white wooden body with blue details, with just some minor differences to the original Swampfire. He has a greenish-blue cape that goes all the way down his legs, has blue spikes and fingertips and a white mask. He also has a white and blue flower on his back, with a green and blue "antennae" on the middle. His face and eyes are also blue. The Xceedtrix symbol is located on his waist.
Powers and Abilities[]
Although he has lost his fire powers, he can absorb solar energy to power-up through his flower, recharging him, letting him shoot powerful light-blue energy blasts from his hands. He still can create seeds to manipulate plants however, and create light spores to iluminate dark places. He can regenerate from any damage, and unite his body from incredibly small pieces.