Xceed Shocksquatch[]

Xceed Shocksquatch is the Xceedtrix's DNA sample of an Xceeded Gimlinopithecus from the planet Pattersonea.
Xceed Shocksquatch has white, grey and black fur that is only visible in his chest. He has five fingers and has knuckles on the top of each hand. He has a red visor has three yellow horns. He also has four bolts on each side of his waist and wears the Xceedtrix symbol on his chest. He has arm, leg and back armor, and there are two lightning rods on his back.
Powers and Abilities[]
Xceed Shocksquatch has the ability to release strong, yellow electrical charges from his hands, mouth or bolts. By covering objects with his electricity, Xceed Shocksquatch can telekinetically move them. He can also move electricity along a surface to cover an object or shock his target, and he is also very agile. Xceed Shocksquatch can charge his impacts and collisions with electricity to enhance it. Xceed Shocksquatch has enhanced dexterity, as he can run on all fours, and he is physically powerful. Xceed Shocksquatch is immune to freezing climates thanks to his thick armor and fur, and can use his electric field to temporarily shield him from cosmic radiation. Due to his armor, he can no longer be insulated. He also has an electric forcefield around him that can affect electronics in his surroundings.