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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Xceed Ripjaws[]

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Xceed Ripjaws is the Xceedtrix's DNA sample of an Xceeded Piscciss Volann from the planet Piscciss.


Xceed Ripjaws has a black armor with red details all over it, as well as a water tank on each side of his chest. His helmet remembers a hammerhead shark with red eyes on the side, as well as spikes on his helmet and arms. He has red scuba flippers, and wires connecting his back to his arm. The Xceedtrix symbol is located on his chest.

Powers and Abilities[]

Xceed Ripjaws' main ability is to breathe underwater and swim at high speeds with amazing agility. He has great endurance and can withstand strong water pressure, meaning he possesses the nature of abyssal aquatic life, hence his blank eyes and the anglerfish light in his forehead.

Xceed Ripjaws displays the distinctive feature of turning his legs into a fish's tail and vice-versa, giving him a merman-like appearance. While outside the water environment, he displays a loincloth with a similar pattern to his tail (implying the loincloth wraps around his legs, fusing with it and becoming the tail). While his legs are formed into a tail, Xceed Ripjaws can swim very well at great speeds.

Xceed Ripjaws has enhanced strength, large jaws and sharp teeth that are his most deadly weapon, being able to shred even metal from submarines. He also possesses sharp claws that can damage metal. Ripjaws is rather durable and is able to fit a mass supply of objects in his mouth. Much like an ordinary anglerfish, Xceed Ripjaws' lure can serve as a light in dark areas.

Due to his armor, Xceed Ripjaws cannot dehydrate. In addition to that, he can also shoot projectiles in the shape of piranha heads.



