Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Xceed Power-Up[]

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Xceed Power-Up is the Xceedtrix's DNA sample of an Xceeded Upmusc from the planet Powelanti. Power-Up was created by Igrão Dias.


Xceed Power-Up is an enourmous purple robotic alien with spikes all across his body. He has silver plates and tubes across his chest, hands and legs, he wears a respirator filled with a green substance, and he also wears a golden belt, where the Xceedtrix symbol is located. He also has two gigantic cannons on his back.

Powers and Abilities[]

Just like his basic form, he has extremely enhanced strength and durability, being capable of taking any hit and not even flinching. As he is the evolved form of Power-Up, he comes already at his maximum size and power, therefore losing the ability to get any stronger, but this doesn't affect Xceed Power-Up at all. He can also shoot spiked-balls from the cannons on his back, and he can use his arms to point his cannons, but only to his front side. Xceed Power-Up is not very agile, due to his size and weight. Just like all other Xcceds, he can be only used for five minutes.



