Xceed NRG[]

Xceed NRG is the Xceedtrix's DNA sample of an Xceeded Prypiatosian-B from the planet Prypiatos in the Andromeda Galaxy.
Xceed NRG is a humanoid alien, a physical being constantly emitting pure, red, radioactive energy wearing a grey oven-like suit capable of containing high levels of radiation and heat. In his Xceed form, Xceed NRG's armor doesn't cover his right arm, which can take the form of an energy sword. He handles a shield on his left arm and his face is partially visible. He also wears a white scarf. The Xceedtrix symbol is located on his chest.
Powers and Abilities[]
Xceed NRG is capable of firing highly radioactive energy beams through his left hand and mouth which can corrode or melt metallic objects. The energy Xceed NRG radiates is hot enough to melt solid metal and rock through mere contact. He can also fire energy balls and blasts out of his hands and mouth.
Xceed NRG can channel his heat underground, which results in the eruption of massive geysers of lava.
Xceed NRG's containment suit is fireproof, being able to resist a Methanosian's fire attacks. Overall, the containment suit is virtually indestructible against most attacks.
Due to the lightness of his containment suit, Xceed NRG's powers are naturally enhanced, making him very agile and capable of flight and limited phasing abilities with his right arm.
Xceed NRG can manipulate energy at a higher level and is able to consume it simply as nourishment or to increase his power.
Xceed NRG can make himself glow like a light bulb, which is bright enough to weaken Ectonurites.