Xceed Humungousaur[]

Xceed Humungousaur is the Xceedtrix's DNA sample of a Xceeded Vaxasaurian from the planet Terradino.
Xceed Humungousaur is a somewhat humanoid dinosaur standing about 60 feet tall with hard skin that is colored brown on its outer side and beige on its inner side.
He has a black, red and orange spiked armor, with a drill on his right arm and metallic claws on his left. His eyes are green and the Xceedtrix symbol is located on his chest.
Powers and Abilities[]
Xceed Humungousaur possesses incredible strength, being able to lift and throw a To'kustar and throw objects (heavy or light) up to a high altitude, even into near-earth orbit.
Although he cannot grow larger due to the armor and being a the the maximum size of a common Vaxassaurian, Xceed Humungousaur can shoot fire balls and attacks his opponents with his drill.
His armor is completely impenetrable, and his claws can cut through almost any material in the galaxy, except Taedenite. His drill could also break through a Prypiatosian-B's containment armor.

Older Version: