Xceed Echo Echo[]

Xceed Echo Echo is the Xceedtrix's DNA sample of an Xceeded Sonorosian from the planet Sonorosia.
Xceed Echo Echo looks like an upgraded version of Echo Echo's Ultimate form, with black markings, white and green shoulder patch, a headphone on his head, connected to a box on his back marked with a green 10K, with green sound holes across his chest, head, and waist. He can turn his hands into sound cannons as well. The Xceedtrix symbol is located on his left shoulder.
Powers and Abilities[]
Xceed Echo Echo has enhanced strength and durability, is capable of flight and can shoot sound blasts from his cannons and soundholes across his body. Due to his metallic skin, he can no longer duplicate himself. Instead, he creates solid light holograms. As an Xceed, his only weakness is the 5-minutes time limit of the Xceedtrix.
Older Versions: