Xceed Diamondhead[]

Xceed Diamondhead is the Xceedtrix's DNA sample of an Xceeded Petrosapien from the planet Petropia.

Xceed Diamondhead wears a green and silver armor, made out of crystals of silicate and graphene, has bigger spikes across his body and his head is also silver. He wears crystal glasses and has a silicate armor on his chest and legs above his graphene silver one. He can also alter his armor to make it more spiked, making it more protective and having more surface to absorb more energy attacks.
Powers and Abilities[]
Xceed Diamondhead is even more durable than his base form due to his graphene armor, and as well as creating and manipulating organic crystals, he can create weapons made of graphene and silicate which can be elastic as whips or hard as swords. He can also conduct energy thrown at him due to his graphene armor. Xceed Diamondhead can also absorb energy due to the graphene of his armor, and redirect it as an even more powerful blast, just like Chromastone.
He can also create a hoverboard made of graphene, much like Tetrax's.

Older Version: