Xceed Blitzwolfer[]

Xceed Blitzwolfer is the Xceedtrix's DNA sample of an Xceeded Loboan from Anur Transyl's moon, Luna Lobo, in the Anur System.
Xceed Blitzwolfer's appearance is based on a werewolf. He has white fur on his neck and a large metallic tail with three sharp claws on each hand and foot, and the inside of his mouth is light green. He wears a golden armor with boomboxes on his shoulders. He also has a silver horn on his snout. He wears the Xceedtrix symbol on his collar.
Powers and Abilities[]
Xceed Blitzwolfer can emit a powerful green ultrasonic howl by opening his quadra-hinged muzzle. This can either cause considerable damage to his targets, reflect incoming projectiles, or propel himself upward like a rocket booster. He can also use his boomboxes to emit a louder and more powerful howl.
Xceed Blitzwolfer has enhanced senses of smelling and hearing, giving him great tracking and detection abilities.
Xceed Blitzwolfer possesses enhanced strength, as he was able to carry Gwen and Kai, and then Max and Wes without difficulty.
Xceed Blitzwolfer possesses enhanced durability, as shown when his normal form fought a Jungle Guardian and was only slightly fazed after getting blasted back into a tree.
Xceed Blitzwolfer can also jump exceptionally high, as Blitzwolfer was able to leap up to the top of Nyancy Chan's huge ball of pink yarn while chasing her.
Xceed Blitzwolfer has enhanced agility and reflexes, as seen when Blitzwolfer fought the Forever Ninja on Big Ben. He also possesses enhanced speed and stamina and much like an ordinary wolf, Xceed Blitzwolfer has sharp fangs and formidable claws, the latter of which he used to scratch the Jungle Guardian. He also has extraordinary night vision.
Similar to Wildmutt and Kickin Hawk, the claws on Xceed Blitzwolfer's feet are prehensile and he is immune to the effects of Corrodium, as demonstrated by the Werewolf.