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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Xceed AmpFibian[]

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Xceed AmpFibian is the Xceedtrix's DNA sample of an Xceeded Amperi from the planet Tesslos in the Andromeda Galaxy.


Xceed AmpFibian is a yelllow jellyfish-like alien with samurai-like armor. He wears a yellow and white armor with scarves of the same color, as well as a helmet and yellow scythes on his arms. The Xceedtrix symbol is located on his face.

Powers and Abilities[]

Xceed AmpFibian can manipulate and produce lightning and electricity, launching them in electrical blasts. He can also absorb electrical energy and relaunch attacks, as seen when AmpFibian did so to the Piscciss Volann guards' energy net.

Xceed AmpFibian has intangibility, and is capable of combining that with his electrokinesis to electrically shock any objects and beings he phases through. He is capable of both flight and underwater breathing, the latter of which allows him to swim at enhanced speeds.

Similar to Buzzshock, Xceed AmpFibian can become pure energy in order to enter electrical cables and generate a large energy blast that surrounds him.

Xceed AmpFibian's tentacles can extend multiple times their length and his lack of bones allows him to squeeze into extremely tight spaces.

Xceed AmpFibian can read both human and Osmosians' thoughts by sensing the electrical pulses of their minds and he can survive in the vacuum of space and generate a protective energy shield around himself. He can also cut through almost anything with his scythes.

Now he can also use his electricity while entering the water.



