Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Octoarachnid
Home World Billianary
Body Spherical Spider
Predator Autonizard
Powers and Abilities
First Appearance Wrapliceighted

Wrapliceight is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an Octoarachnid from the planet Billianary, created by SOULARCHER20.


Wrapliceight is a small spider-like alien slightly larger than a Galvan with a circular blue body covered in thin black strands of hair. The front of his body has a tan coloured marking in the shape of an eight, with the Omnitrix symbol on the bottom segment and his face on the upper one, consisting of 2 green eyes with thick black pupils and a mouth with sharp mustard-yellow teeth. Wrapliceight possesses eight purple legs wearing black bands with green stripes on his knees, though the front two are smaller and are positioned like hands.


Wrapliceight is fun going and an eccentric alien, who often creates clones for comedic effect. He often likes to joke about a situation, making him a good form of comic relief, though he is still able to cooperate with his clones and others to overcome a problem.

Wrapliceight has a sense of individuality and equality, often treating others fairly. However, he may fight with his allies if his pride overtakes him, particularly with his clones, who share the same personality.

Wrapliceight's catchphrase is "Eight's my Lucky Number!".

Powers and Abilities[]

Wrapliceight's primary ability is quick self replication through binary fission. He can create an exact replica of himself at an extremely fast pace, making an army within seconds. Each clone is independent in their own sense, meaning that harming one or controlling one won't harm the rest, though they may still a slight tingle if one of them gets injured.

Each one of Wrapliceight's clones have the same mindset akin to a hive mind, and can think of the same thing regardless of the number of individual copies there are. Additionally, because of the connection between each copy having the same mind, the clones can communicate with each other through a telepathic link, and are able to tell what each clone is doing and where they are in multiple areas, regardless of the distance.

Wrapliceight's cloning can be done willingly or kinetically, meaning that applying enough pressure to a single Wrapliceight is enough to make multiple copies. The same principal is applied when fusing his clones back together.

With enough momentum and right timing, Wrapliceight is capable of shooting clones with enough force to throw them across a short distance, though this is increased if the original Wrapliceight's speed is increased. Additionally, Wrapliceight can create a clone explosion, releasing multiple clones of himself at once.

Wrapliceight is capable of extremely creative feats with his clones, increasing his versatility by simply cloning and fusing copies of himself. For example, Wrapliceight can form chains of himself to cross large areas and refuse himself in his desired location. Additionally, by simply fusing and cloning himself at a fast pace, Wrapliceight can practically become intangible through himself.

Depending on the amount of clones Wrapliceight has, Wrapliceight is capable of healing wounds and recovering consciousness quickly by refusing any sick or defeated clones of himself, though he can only do this if the total number of healthy clones exceeds that of the injured ones.

Wrapliceight is covered in small hairs that emit an electrostatic discharge, enabling him to fuse his clones together. This gives Wrapliceight the ability to create constructs by fusing multiple clones together, though they can still break off willingly. A notable feat of Wrapliceight using this ability is by using multiple clones to wrap around an enemy and hold them tight enough for a period of time, as well as create a large fist consisting of Wrapliceights.

Despite his small size, Wrapliceight is quite strong, claiming that he can "lift eight times his own weight". While a single clone can throw a chair a short distance, multiple clones are capable of shaking a water tower, and an extremely large number can throw vehicles at least a few meters. Simply put, Wrapliceight has strength in numbers, enabling him to overpower stronger opponents with the right number of clones.

Wrapliceight is also quite durable, able to withstand being hit by a car and get thrown through a wall with only a mild headache as a result. Most of the time when Wrapliceight gets hit, he often clones himself as a result of the stimuli.

Wrapliceight's small size gives him increased speed, agility, jumping and evasiveness. He is also capable of using his front legs s hands with increased dexterity, and has firm balance due to his sharp legs. His legs also enable him to scale surfaces.

Wrapliceight's legs are sharp enough to cause discomfort into an individual they dig into.

Because of his spherical body, Wrapliceight is capable of rolling by tucking in his legs.


Wrapliceight's cloning and refusing abilities can be exploited by his opponents, who can force him to do so unwillingly. Similarly, when the Omnitrix times out, every clone will be refused back into a single Wrapliceight, though this is a major weakness since each time this happens, the Wraplicated that the others go to will be randomised.

Because of his small size, Wrapliceight can be overpowered by much stronger opponents, forcing him to try and overpower them with sheer amounts of clones. Even so, stronger opponents can harm Wrapliceight's clones and constructs, which may still be broken with enough force.

Wrapliceight clones are all vulnerable to mind control through means such as a Vladat's Corrupturas, though only a small portion can be controlled since each clone is an individual copy of the original, and can counter this weakness by refusing the mind controlled clones into the healthy ones should there be more healthy clones.

Wrapliceight is unable to stick to slippery surfaces such as glass. He also has a hard time navigating sand and snowy terrains because of his thin legs, and can even sink and drown in them due to his small size.

As mentioned above, Wrapliceight may fight with his clones if incensed. Each clone may feel a small jolt of pain if one gets injured, with the pain stacking should more clones take more damage.

Wrapliceight is vulnerable to his natural predator, Autonizards.


  • Wrapliceight first appeared in Wrapliceighted, where he was accidentally unlocked and used to battle the EMP Synthenism before it escaped. Because the Synthenism damaged the Omnitrix, Ben remained as Wrapliceight throughout the episode, using him to help clean The Fictioverse and successfully capturing the EMP Synthenism.
  • In Omniorigins, Wrapliceight was reverted back into Ben when Azmuth removed the Omnitrix in order to fix it.
  • In Beware my Justice, Wrapliceight battled Decinum until Enccorp arrived.
  • In An Alien Age, a younger Wrapliceight defeated Vamney while inadvertently destroying her aging bracelet, undoing its effects.
  • In Feel Steel, Wrapliceight defeated Commissioner Chut and his wrestlers.
  • In One Big Omni Family, Wrapliceight acquired sentience after an A.I.R. device affected the Omnitrix. He played a slightly minor role, but aided in the battle at the A.I.R. base, where he outnumbered and overwhelmed multiple A.I.R. agents with his clones. He was then readded to the Omnitrix after being scanned by Ben.
  • In Grime Time, Wrapliceight battled The Splitz and their clones, only to learn that they were all decoys and that the real ones had escaped.



Wrapliceight's name consist of the words "Wrap" (referring to his ability to wrap, as well as what spiders do), "Replicate" (referring to his duplication powers), and "Eight" (a reference to his lucky number, which is also the number spiders are famous for).


  • Wrapliceight is a suitable substitute for Ditto, Echo Echo and Slapback, particularly due to the fact that each alien possesses cloning abilities, though he is more relatable to Ditto.
    • Wrapliceight's personality, spider-like traits and blue colorisation are similar to Spidermonkey. He also shares these traits with Marvel's Spider-Man.
    • His ability to create constructs with multiple copies of himself is similar to Surge.
  • Wrapliceight is currently Ben's smallest alien at his base height.
  • Wrapliceight is the first alien to be unlocked through a method other than the unlock feature, therefore being the first to have been accidentally unlocked. This would later be followed by Way Small and Auditude.
  • Wrapliceight claims that eight is his lucky number. Interestingly, Wrapliceight is the eighth alien Ben unlocks with the Omnitrix's unlock feature on-screen, as well as debuting in the twenty-eighth episode of the series.
    • Wrapliceight's body design was based of a Magic Eight Ball.
  • Wrapliceight is the first alien to have his species name revealed in the show.
  • Due to his ability to telepathically link himself with his clones, Ben uses Wrapliceight for scouting activities.


Playlist 1 AnataclesBombadragConstrictacondaGrapplightHammerhackMeltterPowerpipeSlamuraiThornhengeTransmelt
Playlist 2 AirheadAut-RodClamlightClawnivoreLookoutReptideSawfingersSpinostormTac-tickThermattack
Playlist 3 BlacktusComposplitEvolkerEyezoreGortoxManmouthMedusnakeSnotshotToxtricalVerdego
Additional Aliens AuditudeChicoltDummy BagGeyserGigobiteHurtleJumbatKrakoylePinpactSandspearSludgtituteSolidudeTakeoutThrowtableWay SmallWrapliceight