Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Windup is a alien in the series Ben 10: Alien Team. He is one of Ben's new set of aliens. Windup is considered by Ben his weirdest alien.

General Information
Species Crankon
Home World Peratosi
Body Humanoid with four legs
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Shaking, Shooting missles


  • Shooting missles from his hands
  • Slicing with his saws on his hands
  • Hard torso protecting his gears

    Windup's combo with GoldFreak

  • Can wind himself up, and when released, he shakes exetremly fast
  • When shaking, anything touching him can fly backwards, and he moves too.


  • If his gears are damaged, he will freeze or die
  • Can be magnetized

Species and Planet[]

Species: Crankon

Planet: Peratosi


Cannonman with Windup's color scheme.


He has four thin legs, with small blue boots

His rectangle torso has gears in it, and on his back there is a green key

He has thin hands with circles on the end

Main Characters
Ben - Upgrade - Spidermonkey - Cannonbolt - Upchuck - Chromastone - Humungosaur - Ripjaws
Other team members
Swampfire - Echo Echo - Jetray - Brainstorm - Goop
Steeljaws - Impossiball - Windup - LMN - Boywen - FuzzBall - Cannonman - Energybender - EchoFibian - Scorch - Claycreep - Waterflush
Technological forms
Windup 2.0 - LMN 2.0 - Boywen 2.0 - Cannonman 2.0 - Upgrade 2.0 - Ripjaws 2.0 - Upchuck 2.0 - Chromastone 2.0
Main Villains
Ghostfreak - DNAlien - Humungoclone - Pyrobot
Other Villains
Plasticine - The Muscle Man
