Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Florauna
Home World Flors Verdance
Powers and Abilities

Vine Tendrils
Vine Swinging
Vine Ensnarement
Fruit Pods
Explosion Generation (via Fruit Pods)
Smoke Generation (via Fruit Pods)
Vine Generation (via Fruit Pods)
Body Alteration
Whip Arms (via Body Alteration)
Thorn Generation
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Jumping
Enhanced Speed (via Vine Swinging)
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Digging
Flame Retardant Immunity
Closeable Flytrap
Sentient Plant Communication
Whip Tendrils
Thorn Projection
Plant Merging

Voice Actor Jim ward
First Appearance Cabin Fever

Wildvine is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Florauna from the planet Flors Verdance in Rewri-10.


Wildvine is a humanoid plant with one blue eye in the middle of his face and two blue ones on his shoulders, five vine-like legs, four long fingers on his hands, flytrap-shaped flaps with teeth covering his head, and pods on his back that he can use as explosives or smoke bombs.

Wildvine wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

Powers and Abilities[]

Wildvine possesses chlorokinesis, which allows him to telepathically interface with plant life.

Wildvine can alter parts of his body, being able to grow and extend his arms, legs and fingers into prehensile vine-like tendrils to grab and restrain others. His fingers can also stick to surfaces, which allow him to swing around with great agility. Wildvine can also use his body alteration capabilities to grow sharp thorns on his body.

Wildvine is able to regenerate his body if any part of it gets damaged.

Wildvine's vines despite not looking very powerful are rather strong. He can also increase the size of them.

Wildvine can grow black fruit-like pods on his back that contain a whole host of substances, allowing him to use them as explosives or smoke bombs, as mentioned above. His pods can also grow vines.

Wildvine possesses enhanced strength.

Wildvine is capable of quickly tunneling underground.

Wildvine is immune to the effects of a flame retardant.

Wildvine is able to communicate with sentient plants.

Wildvine is capable of making whips by extruding tendrils out of the palms of his hands.

Wildvine can launch thorns at his foes. He can also fuse himself to any terrestrial plant, such as Earth trees.


Wildvine's vines can be tangled.

If Wildvine stretches himself too much, his arms will stay stretched and unable to shorten.

Being a plant-based alien, Wildvine is particularly sensitive to fire and cold. Unless he is given his energy source, he will quickly dry up, wilt, and perish.


  • Wildvine first appeared in Cabin Fever, where he was accidentally unlocked by Ben and battled the Mycelium until he reverted.
  • In The Brief Return of Lucky Girl, Wildvine saved Max and Gwen from falling and defeated Hex and Charmcaster.
  • In Back with a Vengeance, Wildvine appeared twice, first to swing Ben back up to the bridge after falling down Niagara Falls with Gwen during their spar, and second to fight and escape from Kevin, Vilgax and Psyphon


Introduced in Rewri-10 ArctiguanaOverkillBall WeevilBungee SpongeBuzzshockCannonboltChromastoneClockworkCrabtasticDiamondheadDittoEcho EchoEonEye GuyFeedbackFour ArmsFrankenstrikeGhostfreakGrey MatterHeatblastHippopotamassHumungousaurJetrayLycanthroatMealymouthMegalopodNRGWildvineRipjawsSkidmarxSnare-ohSpitterStinkflyUpchuckUpgradeWater HazardWay BigWildmuttWildvineXLR8