Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Pisciss Hoot
Home World Pisciss
Body Humanoid Whale
Alternate Counterparts Blop
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Water ports
Underwater Breathing
Enhanced Strength
Matter digestion
Voice Actor Blop

 Whaleblopper is the Hero Watch's DNA Sample of a Pisciss Hoot from Pisciss in Ben 23: Unbound


He bears a huge resemblence to a humpback whale, except that his body is more humanoid in some areas. They has an under bite jaw which gives them the major resemblence of a humpback whale. He has barnacle shaped bolts on his arms and legs which he can shoot water out of.

He is wearing a gold and blue shirt, and has the Hero Watch symbol on his chest.

Powers and Ablitiles[]

Whaleblopper is naturally amphibious, and can breathe underwater easily.

He is an agile swimmer, and is stronger than a human.

He can fire water from his ports.

He can consume objects due to very flexible enzymes inside his stomach.


Whaleblopper is only able to say the word blop, and isn't able to speak to others as a result.

If he exhausts his water reserve, he can dehydrate.


Ben 23: Unbound[]



  • His prototype was just Blop, similar to another Blop.
  • Credits of his idea goes to Charbel.