Wars of the Worlds is a five episode special event that takes place in between Young Plumbers and Young Plumbers: Generations on Earth-19. Originally a four part movie, it was first rumored in November 2012 and was officially confirmed on January 1, 2013. It was written by Paperluigi ttyd and Sci100, the former of whom also directed and produced the special event. It was released on July 4, 2014, which was also when the fifth part, stylized as an epilogue, was confirmed to be released two days later, on July 6.
Part 1: The Aftermath[]
[Paradox, Hornbok, and Syla teleport into Azmuth's labs. They approach Azmuth as he stands looking over the rest of the planet. Several other Galvan including Derrick are working in the rest of the lab, either cleaning up or carrying things from one place to another.]
[Azmuth]: Is it over? Is Rigon defeated?
[Hornbok]: It is... The Elite are captured and we come here seeking advice on how to lock them up.
[Azmuth]: It will take years to rebuild... As the planets begin to move out of alignment, we thankfully move into a time of peace... But it will never be the same...
[Hornbok]: Azmuth, advice?
[Azmuth]: Keep them separated... I wouldn't put any of them at Incarcecon... Lotin should go to the highly secure Northern Plumber Prison... Ra'ol Set can go to Azalonian Penitentiary, the others you'll just have to figure out on your own...
[Hornbok]: Thank you Azmuth...
[Azmuth]: And a warning if I may...
[Hornbok]: Yes?
[Azmuth]: It is coming...
[Hornbok]: What is coming?
[Azmuth stands looking at Hornbok but does not move.]
[Hornbok]: Right... Paradox, perhaps we should go?
[Paradox]: Of course...
[He teleports the three of them out of Galvan Prime and back to Fellson City. He walks right up to Ivada, Paper, Sci, Toon, Bink, Kali, Future Paper, and Future Toon.]
[Ivada]: The Azalonians have already submitted their rebuilding plans to us... Once we review they can begin... Hornbok is still intent on making Azalon the galactic capital...
[Hornbok]: Indeed I am... Azalon has the best government in the entire galaxy... You've seen it in action... With the whole Galactic Peace Council fiasco, I've been promoting the idea of a new galactic unity group which has elections to determine which country serves as the chairmen... The GPC is considering the idea, but they don't like it very much, especially because I think Azalon would be the best choice... They don't...
[Future Paper]: Can we get on with the mission at hand?
[Hornbok]: Yes... All of you, minus Ivada, are going to escort Ra'ol Set to Azalon... Take him to the Penitentiary on the planet and then head to the government complex and ask to meet with Scorn. I believe you remember him...
[Future Paper]: We do...
[Hornbok]: Okay...
[He tosses a pair of energy cuffs at Paper.]
[Hornbok]: Get him out of his armor, place these on him and he shouldn't be much trouble at all... As long as no one knows we're planning this...
[Ivada]: They shouldn't... Okay, then get going...
[The camera cuts to the prison wing of the base. Paper opens up one cell. Ra'ol Set is inside, still in his magical bubble. Bink stands across from Ra'ol Set and then raises her hand towards him.]
[Bink]: Romra sih elbasid
[His armor opens up as he falls out of it. The bubble open up and he falls out of the bubble, too. He slowly gets up and then jumps and tries to punch Bink.]
[Bink]: Riadim ni mih pots
[He stops in midair and Paper rushes around him and places the energy cuffs on his arms. He drops to the ground as Paper locks the cuffs.]
[Ra'ol Set]: Can you at least tell me where I'm going?
[Paper]: Azalonian Penitentiary... One of the most secure, well-guarded prisons in the galaxy... Designed for guys just like you...
[Ra'ol Set]: I'm honored...
[Paper]: Don't be... You'll be in there for the rest of your life...
[Ra'ol Set]: Which is forever...
[Paper]: So you'll be in there forever... Even better...
[Paper begins to lead Ra'ol Set towards the hanger as Bink walks next to him and the armor in a bubble floats behind her. Toon is also walking next to Future Toon and Future Paper. Sci is walking next to Kali.]
[Toon]: It's good to not have the whole prophecy looming over our heads anymore...
[Future Toon]: We're not out of the woods yet... We still have to keep an eye on Sci and Kali... Besides, we're stuck here anyway, so we might as well just wait for 24 years until we're sure the future has been fixed...
[Toon]: Great... 24 more years of me...
[Future Toon]: I don't know if I should be laughing, or be offended?
[Toon]: Ha, I was just joking...
[Future Toon]: Right...
[They arrive in the hanger. Ra'ol Set walks onto the ship as one by one the members of the team follow. The armor in the bubble also goes onto the ship, but Bink places it in a storage tank.]
[Sci]: Are we good to go?
[Paper has locked Ra'ol Set into a special cell on the ship.]
[Paper]: Toon, we can take off...
[Toon]: Right away...
[The ship begins to fly off as the people on the ship sit down and wait to arrive on Azalon.]
[Kali]: I can't believe you did it, Sci...
[Sci]: I can't believe Hornbok is making us escort Ra'ol Set to Azalon... Can't he do that himself? I mean, it's not a difficult mission, but I've been looking forward to a break...
[Kali]: And the nightmares? The visions?
[Sci]: I haven't had a single one since we defeated him... It's...
[He looks into Kali's eyes.]
[Sci]: Great...
[Kali]: And you're not worried about anything...?
[Sci]: Why would I be?
[Kali]: I don't know... The prophecy is finally gone... Hopefully forever...
[As Kali says this, Ra'ol Set looks at them and then grins. Paper walks up to him.]
[Paper]: I'm watching you Ra'ol... In fact we're watching all of the Elite...
[Ra'ol Set]: Yes, but we know you're watching us...
[Paper]: Well, you're defenseless and severely outnumbered, so I suggest not trying anything...
[Ra'ol Set]: Since when have numbers been a problem to me? Besides, don't you think it's in my best interest not to try anything anyway?
[Paper]: I'm done talking to you...
[He presses a button and makes a thick metal wall come over the translucent door of the cell. He turns around and then walks over to Toon.]
[Paper]: How much longer?
[Toon]: We're about to speed up right now, so I suggest sitting down...
[He continues to fly the ship for a moment.]
[Toon]: Oh, and it will be just a couple more minutes...
[Paper nods his head and then goes to sit down next to Bink. They hold hands as Toon presses a button on the ship and activates the warp drive. The ship goes zooming forward, and after a moment emerges with Azalon visible in the front window.]
[Toon]: Ah, I'll always remember how dark this place is...
[He continues to fly the ship. They fly past the government building as the camera cuts to the ship landing outside of the penitentiary. Ra'ol Set walks out of the ship and is lead by Future Toon and Future Paper. The rest of the team follows them as the turn and begin to walk towards the penitentiary. One important looking figure walks up to them from the penitentiary and is followed by two guards.]
[Future Paper]: And you must be the warden?
[Azalonian Warden]: Indeed I am. My name is Torvak. Please call me Torvak and only Torvak... Now I'm fully aware of the one prisoner you have for me.. He is the most dangerous prisoner we've even had here, and so we've prepared a special cell just for him... Deep underground... Where it's almost 500 degrees... The cell will keep him safe at about 70 degrees, but if he tries to escape... Well let's just say I'm pretty sure he's smart enough not to try...
[Ra'ol Set]: I can handle it...
[Torvak]: No you can't... Even if you got out of the hallway with the cells in it, you would have to get up a 500 foot drop without the use of anything mechanical. And even if you got past that, there would be an army of thousands of guards waiting for you... The prison would go into lockdown... The temperature control would set the temperature to thousands of degrees in the hallways... You would die...
[Ra'ol Set]: I am immortal...
[Torvak]: Yes, but that doesn't mean your body can't burn to a crisp so that you're practically dead...
[Future Toon]: I believe we're heard enough... You can take him in, right?
[Torvak]: Do you not have time to tour our facilities... We enjoy the company...
[Future Paper]: I'm sorry, but we really have to be going...
[Torvak]: Dear plumber... This is not an invitation...
[The Plumbers are silent for a moment.]
[Paper]: We can stay... If you make it quick...
[Torvak]: Excellent... Kal, Kon, take the prisoner to his cell... Then return hear to pick up the prisoner's belongings.
[One of the guards nods his head and then they both begin to escort Ra'ol Set into the prison. A few moments later, Torvak begins to lead the group into the prison towards his office.]
[Torvak]: Here at Azalonian Penitentiary, we house criminals from all corners of the galaxy and from all planets... We've had criminals from Salimore, Ranova, Froslan, Hitalbur, Enoma, Phoniphus II, Galvan Prime, and more...
[Sci]: There are Galvan criminals?
[Torvak]: We almost had a human once... Name was... Oh, if my memory serves... His name was... Oh I can't remem-
[Kali]: Sydon...
[Everyone looks at Kali.]
[Kali]: His name was Sydon...
[Sci]: Kali, how did you--
[Torvak]: Yes, Sydon... that's it... He was brought here after being arrested by the Plumbers for counts of treason against them... Sydon had been the first human Plumber... He was deployed to his own planet when they discovered that Rigon was hiding there... But it was Sydon who stole the Mirror of the Stars from Virton and gave it to Rigon.... His treason almost cost the Plumbers and he was almost locked up here, but he committed suicide before he was transferred...
[The group enters Torvak's office.]
[Torvak]: And this is my office... Not much to see here... Onto the real prison...
[Sci]: I think I'm going to stay behind... I don't like hot temperatures that much...
[Kali]: I'm going to stay with him... In case something happens...
[Torvak]: There has never been a breakout in the history of this prison...
[Kali]: I'm still staying...
[Torvak]: Very well... The rest of you are coming, correct?
[Paper]: Correct...
[Torvak]: The tour will be over with quickly... We'll be back in less than a half hour...
[The group begins to walk out and then leaves. Kali throws her arms around Sci, but he isn't deterred. He looks angrily at the ground as Kali looks at him.]
[Kali]: Is something wrong?
[Sci]: It's just... Why did you know about Sydon?
[Kali]: I know who everyone is in the legends of Rigon... Sydon, Virton, Rigon, Athena, you, Po--
[Sci]: Okay, I get it... Why didn't I realize that?
[Kali]: Well, now that we're alone...
[Sci]: Kali, I don't know if...
[They are silent for a moment. Kali and Sci look at each other.]
[Sci]: If... I just have a bad feeling about something...
[Kali]: You want to talk about it?
[Sci]: No, I'm just a little confused right now...
[Kali]: About what?
[Sci]: Kali, listen to me... You know that I like you but...
[Kali]: Are you breaking up with me?
[Sci]: I'm going with my gut, but...
[Kali]: Sci... We love each other... Don't try to change that...
[He looks into Kali's eyes for a moment and then widens his eyes.]
[Sci]: You're right...
[Sci leans in and kisses Kali on the lips. The continue to kiss as the camera zooms out and eventually cuts to the group walking throughout the prison.]
[Torvak]: You may notice that recently... We have had very few prisoners... We cleared many out because Ra'ol Set was arriving, and we wanted the prison as empty as possible in case of an emergency... Many are over at local jails and small prisons... We're the only federally run prison, and as such we are the only one with mechanical doors and cells with varying security levels...
[They stop at an empty cell and look into it.]
[Torvak]: For example, a clawed prisoner used to have this cell... If you were to look at the walls just after he was released, they would be scratched up from all his boredom, but our technology allows the walls to naturally fix themselves... They're made of a substance known as Allotanium... A bio-organic living metal that changes shape when exposed to vast amounts of heat...
[Toon]: Hey kind of like Hornbok...
[Torvak]: Hornbok is a Kraaho, correct? Kraaho are tungsten based life forms... They are very different...
[Toon]: Well...
[Torvak]: If Hornbok were exposed to large amounts of cold he would die. Not heat. It's very different.
[Paper]: Yeah, can we get a move on...
[Torvak]: Sure, why don't you guys just take a look at the... fine quality of this cell... I have to run to the bathroom...
[The team begins to look at the inside of the cell as Torvak backs away and then turns around. He rushes for a device on the wall and then presses a button on it and makes the cell door of the cell the team is in close behind them. A small window opens up in the cell as Torvak looks inside.]
[Paper]: What are you doing?
[Torvak]: Frankly I'm surprised you didn't realize I was playing you guys... We never give tours...
[Bink]: But why are you doing this?
[Torvak]: Lotin paid good money... He figured you would send one prisoner here so he had an outside operative contact me and strike a deal... Now good bye...
[He closes the window and leaves the team to their cell.]
[Toon]: Paper can't you vibrate your molecules through the wall... Either Paper?
[Paper]: I probably could, but it's a living organism though...
[Toon]: So you can't...
[Bink]: Maybe I can do something...? Rood eht nepo
[The door doesn't move.]
[Bink]: Magic resistant...
[Paper]: Okay, we can't just sit here... I've got to try...
[He places his hands on the door. Bink places her hand on his shoulder. Paper turns to look at her.]
[Bink]: Be careful...
[Paper]: Since when am I not careful?
[He begins to vibrate his body fast. His hands begin to move through the door. His body goes all the way through and he ends up on the other side. Torvak is no where to be found.]
[Paper]: It worked...
[He rushes over to the device and presses a button that opens the door. The team begins to walk out of the cell.]
[Paper]: Okay, now let's find Sci and Kali... Then we have to find Ra'ol Set...
[Ra'ol Set]: Or I can just find you myself...
[Toon]: You don't have any armor...
[Ra'ol Set]: I am sufficient...
[He blasts white energy at the recruits as they scatter.]
[Ra'ol Set]: Crystals, remember?
[He continues to blast white energy at the recruits. Paper speeds for and then jumps, kicks off the wall and tries to kick Ra'ol Set in the face, but he grabs Paper by the leg and throws him into Bink. Toon blasts a stream of fire at Ra'ol Set as he dives to avoid and then blasts Toon with more white energy. Future Paper speeds at him and knocks him into wall as he drops to the ground. Bink and Paper slowly begin to get up as Future Paper picks Ra'ol Set up by his shirt collar. Kon and Kal arrive in the hallway and charge at the recruits.]
[Bink]: Rehto hcae htiw edilloc meht ekam
[Kon trips over Kal as they both fall to the ground.]
[Toon]: Now... Where's Torvak?
[It then cuts to Torvak running down the hall. He then sees Kali and Sci looking around and slows. ]
[Torvak]: Hello, children.
[Sci]: Where's Paper and the others?
[Torvak]: They're at the cell right now, inside waiting for us. Shall we head there?
[Kali]: I guess that's fine.
[Torvak directs them down the hall to a cliff. They jump as Torvak smiles. While they head down the mutliple levels, Sci bumps into Kali. ]
[Sci]: Seriously though, how did you know about Sydon?
[Kali]: I just knew, alright?
[Sci]: Fine... but one of these days I'll find out.
[Torvak]: Am I interruppting something? Do you need to head to have quality time together in private?
[Sci]: No... just get us to the cell. And don't ask that ever again.
[Torvak]: I'm just saying I know some places...
[Kali]: Just ignore him, Sci.
[The elevator reaches the level where the jail cell is, and land in a dark metal room with doors. Torvak turns to them. ]
[Torvak]: Warning... it will be extremely hot.
[Sci]: Good thing we got Plumber suits on.
[The doors open as the three exit the room. They look in shock as they see Ra'ol Set's new home. Giant bursts of lava jump upwards, almost reaching the top of the room. The Floor and the ground shakes violently as bursts of lava, bubbles and more shoot upwards, ringing around the 5ft by 500ft long solid bedrock walkway, which leads to a stone solid island of rock. Only 15 feet into the island is the small cell where the Elite member will send eternity in. Kali jumps towards Sci, who hugs her defensively as Torvak grins. ]
[Torvak]: Well... What do you think??
[Kali]: It's...um...Nice.
[Torvak]: That's what I said when I first saw it. Of course, its a living hell but considering that the Salimorian King helped unleash one of the greatest evils in the entire universe... I think he deserves it.
[Sci]: Why is this place so... unstable?
[Torvak]: Two reasons. One, and we just found this out a couple of years ago... the jail is right under a massive supervolcano. It's semi-active, but we know this. If this thing were to blow, it'd cover at least half the planet in a smoke cloud that would last for a few centuries. Two, the Battle with Rigon caused major damage to our planet. In the shockwave, it caused our dear old President to fall to his death. It also made this a lot more of a dangerous place. We expect within the year, it'll return to its old self.
[Kali]: The President died? I'm sorry for your lost.
[Torvak]: Yeah well... one the Vice Presidents is the President now. I guess that's fine. Anyways, follow me.
[The two follow Torvak to the island, where the empty cell is. ]
[Torvak]: Take a look at the... fine quality of this cell.
[Sci]: You sure it's fine?
[Torvak]: Of Course. Trust me....
[Sci]: Alright?
[Sci and Kali look around when Sci remembers something.]
[Sci]: Wait... didn't you say they'd be down here?
[Torvak punches Sci and throws him to the wall as he kicks Kali down, knocking both out. ]
[Torvak]: Are all Plumbers this dumb?
[It then cuts back to the Papers, Bink, the Toons and Ra'ol Set who is now trapped in a magical bubble controlled by Bink running down the hall. ]
[Paper]: There's his office. Let's see what Torvak is up to.
[They enter his office, and begin to look around with the exception of Bink and Ra'ol. ]
[Ra'ol Set]: You know.... if you were older you might make a great princess for Salimore.
[Bink]: Oh god...
[Paper]: Hey, Ra'ol. Shut up before I personally become Elite myself and fight you to death.
[Ra'ol Set]: But I can't die.
[Paper]: Whatever.
[Toon]: You two stop, I found something.
[Toon holds up a file with the words PROJECT: FAILSAFE. Both Present and Future Papers, as well as the Future Toon walk over and read it. ]
[Future Paper]: Project: Failsafe. Oh look. A little letter from Lotin.
[Paper]: Janurary 12th, 2014. Dear Friend, It is I. Lotin of the Elite. I once knew you because you helped save my life before I turned rogue on the Plumbers. Well now with this handsome fee, I ask for you to do me a favor. On July 14th, 2014 I shall unleash the Demon King known as Rigon. He is the fearsome figure from the SVT. I need you to be prepared for anything the following days. I believe that I shall control him and thus, become ruler of the galaxy and possibly, the universe. However, I know that plans sometimes don't go the way we want them go, so this is our failsafe. If it appears that we have failed, that Rigon and us have been defeated, then begin this operation. I assume that Hornbok will go to Azmuth, and knowing that Galvan it is safe to say that one of us will be imprisoned in the prision you work in. Now, I ask this. If one of us is brought there, make sure the Plumbers follow you. Imprison them all, free whoever of our team it is, and then dispose of them. I expect you shall do this... or else there will be consquences. Yours truely, Lotin.
[Toon]: Dang... how the heck did he prepare all of this that fast?
[Paper]: Wait a second. Where's Kali and Sci?
[Ra'ol Set]: Based on that letter, I'm assuming they went down to where my eternal new home is suppost to be.
[Paper]: Let's go.
[It then cuts back to Torvak a couple minutes later looking at the knocked out Sci and Kali.]
[Torvak]: You know, for being Rigon's child... he seemed too easy to beat.
[Torvak grins and then sighs. ]
[Torvak]: Oh well... I guess I better go get Ra'ol. Let him finish these too off.
[Voice]: Not a chance, Torvak.
[Torvak turns around and sees Paper, the Toons, Bink, and a trapped Ra'ol Set. ]
[Torvak]: You... impossible! You couldn't have escaped!
[Toon]: Well we did. Now get out of our way before I take out the trash.
[Torvak]: You can try....
[Torvak lifts his arms up and his eyes glow orange.]
[Torvak]: .roirraW gnillortnoC erif dna enotS yradnegel eht ,kavroT fo ssentaerg eht rof thgif taht sroirraw enots eht nommus I.
[From the rock in the island, 3 soliders appear and walk towards them. Torvak smiles as he jumps up and lands on the top of the cell. Suddenly, the magma shoots upwards and heads towards the sides, removing the lava to reveal solid bedrock. Bink then casts a spell. ]
[Bink]: .looc kcor toh eht ekaM
[The Rock cools off as Paper takes his arrows and shoots at the soliders. Bink shoots spells at Torvak, who defects them with fire. 4 more soliders appear as Ra'ol smiles. ]
[Ra'ol Set]: Go... and fight. It's all a part of the plan.
[The Rock Soliders charge at the Toons, who kick them the ground while Paper punches 2 in the face and uses an arrow to blow another. Bink shoots pink magic at Torvak, only for a giant rock to blow his face, protecting him. ]
[Torvak]: You might ask as to how I developed these skills. One word: Chosen.
[He then shoots a ball of magma at the Toon's, as they escape the blast. He then jumps down and charges at Paper. Paper is taken down, where Torvak takes out a small knife and attempts to cut him. Paper struggles as his arrrows and crossbow are at the edge, right next to the hot magma, just waiting to be destroyed. ]
[Torvak]: Lotin will not be happy... but I don't care.
[Paper looks at his bow and arrow as he pushes Torvak up a bit, but is pushed right back down. ]
[Paper]: If there's anything I've learned, it's to not die like mom and dad.
[Paper kicks Torvak up, and knocks him to the ground. Torvak gets up to see Paper punch him in the face, knocking the blade out of his hand. Paper then proceeds to kick him in the groin, followed by a jump over him and kicking him in the back, making Torvak fall down. Paper grabs his hot bow and arrows , and shoots a grey colored one at him. The arrow hits Torvak's right hand and explodes, covering the entire hand in cement. ]
[Torvak]: That... hurt.
[Torvak raises his now heavy hand and aims for Paper's head, but Paper takes a destroyed Solider's arm and uses it to fight back. The two hit, and break apart at the same time. Torvak jumps at Paper, who falls down and pushes him back. Paper runs up and punches him again, as Torvak creates a fireball. He then grabs Torvak's arm and pulls him to the ground, cracking a bone. Meanwhile, Toon shoots fireballs at the soliders, destroying them. Bink casts a freezing spell, which freaks all the soliders as she runs over to the jail. She destroys the buttons and opens the door. ]
[Bink]: .owt eseht ekawA.
[Sci and Kali wake up all of a sudden and get up. ]
[Sci]: What happened?
[Bink]: Right now, Paper is fighting Torvak. Lets go.
[Torvak falls to the ground as Paper, on the strip of land that led to the Island looks at him. ]
[Paper]: Give up.
[Torvak runs over nearby the magma he pushed over, and smiles. ]
[Torvak]: If I can not win... then I will destroy us all.
[He laughs as the area violently begins to shake. The Magma begins to return where it was as everyone looks in Horror. ]
[Kali]: He'll kill himself!
[Torvak]: I intend to kill us all, my friend.
[The Magma reaches Torvak, burning his legs. He screams in horror as the fire burns him. ]
[Torvak]: See you... in... H.....ah...
[Suddenly his entire body is set in flames, screaming as he falls into the pool of magma. Paper looks, shocked as he takes his bow and arrows and runs out the room with the rest of the people. ]
[Ra'ol Set]: Looks like this isn't going to be my home, now is it?
[Bink]: .ffilc eht fo pot eht ot su dneS.
[Everyone begins to leviate towards the top as the prison shakes even harder. They reach the top as they run towards the exit. Kon and Kal spot them and shout. ]
[Kon]: Where is Torvak??
[Kal]: Yeah, where is he?
[Paper]: Torvak couldn't take it. He killed himself. Now lets go!
[They escape the prison as all of a sudden, a giant explosion occurs and a huge ash cloud reaches into the sky. ]
[Sci]: It'll cover 1/2 the planet in smoke... it'll kill millions.
[Bink]: No, it must not. .sevil ynam evas yam ew taht os rats tseraen eht otni onaclovrepus eht morf ekoms dna hsa eht lla tropelet ot evah I srewop eht lla esu I.
[The Smoke and the ash cloud disappear in a flash, and the nearest star appears to be a lot brighter for a second before returning to normal. Bink collapses to the ground as Paper catches her.]
[Future Paper]: Well... looks like we're okay. Except maybe the lava and the fact that entire prison is ruined...
[Ra'ol Set]: Ha, where are you going to take me now?
[The camera cuts to Ra'ol Set being thrown into the cell on the Plumber's ship.]
[Paper]: We'll fine somewhere for you... And so help me if you make another comment like the one you made earlier again, then believe me, you will wish that you could die...
[Toon]: And now to the government building, correct?
[Paper]: Yeah, take us over there...
[Toon]: Got it...
[The ship takes off as it begins the short flight towards the government building. Sci and Kali are seen sitting next to each other on the ship. Sci looks angry.]
[Kali]: Look, I asked this before, but is something wrong...
[Sci]: You shouldn't have known about Sydon... He's not anywhere in the SVT, I checked...
[Kali]: Ugh, Sci, my mom told me... I was very curious as a child... I still am...
[Sci]: Oh, now I feel stupid...
[Kali]: Don't feel stupid... You're not...
[Toon]: And we're here...
[The camera shows the ship landing in front of the government building. The team gets out again and begins to walk over to the building as they are greeted by Scorn.]
[Scorn]: Is this is the squad Hornbok sent me?
[Paper]: Oh so you're prepared?
[Scorn]: Prepared? For what? Giving you the access code to test out the Plumbers new transportation system... Follow me...
[The camera cuts to them arriving at a lab within the building. They all stand just inside it as Slick walks over to a platform with a small console next to it. He presses it.]
[Scorn]: Watch this... I think you'll like it...
[Computer]: RECOGNIZED: HORNBOK, M-01; IVADA, M-02.
[Hornbok and Ivada appear on the platform, first as yellow energy before materializing into real figures.]
[Hornbok]: Ta da!
[Toon]: That was amazing...
[Ivada]: I know, my brother Rassar designed most of it...
[Hornbok]: All we have to do is add you to the system...
[Ivada]: Already added them... Only them, I didn't have time to add anyone else...
[Scorn]: So, ready to try it out?
[Paper]: Yeah...
[Paper, Sci, Toon, Bink, Kali, Future Paper, and Future Toon walk onto the platform.]
[Ivada]: It was pretty difficult to find a way to separate Paper and Future Paper's designations, but I think I figured it out...
[Computer]: RECOGNIZED: PAPER, R-01; SCI, R-02; TOON, R-03; BINK, R-04; FUTURE PAPER, G-02; FUTURE TOON, G-03; KALI, G-04;
[They turn into yellow energy versions of themselves and then disappear. The camera cuts to the Fellson City base a moment later. The seven end up in a platform near the corner of the lobby of the base. Hornbok and Ivada teleport in and greet the recruits.]
[Hornbok]: This was designed to lower our travel time within the Earth. We can just transport to the closet platform and then go from there... So far we have platforms here, on Azalon, in Center City, and one in Midnight city. We've got plans for more though...
[Ivada]: It's also because over the past two years, most of our ships were destroyed... We've ordered more from our supplier... And the rest are all at the supplier being modified to improve them... They should be back in about two weeks...
[Hornbok]: Uh, except for the one you guys took to Azalon... We're heading back now to take care of it...
[Ivada]: Just stick around until we get back...
[They head to the platform.]
[Computer]: RECOGNIZED: HORNBOK, M-01; IVADA, M-02.
[They turn into yellow energy and disappear. The recruits stand there for a moment before they split up and go throughout the base. The camera cuts to the base the next day.]
[Hornbok]: Again, congratulations everyone... This is the first time we've all been together since the fight, so this is the first time I've been able to share any of this information with anybody... First off, Paper, Sci, Nick, Toon, Bink, you are all being promoted to Captain for excellent work and leadership skills shown not only in this fight but in all your work...
[Nick]: Thanks Hornbok...
[Hornbok]: Secondly, you are all hereby on a forced vacation for one month... Go where ever, do whatever, just take some time off... you all need it...
[Toon]: Awesome... Is there a third thing?
[Hornbok]: No, just make sure you relax and have some fun... Dismissed...
[Hornbok and Syla are seen holding hands as they walk away. Nick walks out, too. Toon and Future Toon quickly walk out in one direction as Future Paper leaves with them, leaving only Paper, Bink, Sci, and Kali in the room.]
[Paper]: Are you coming with me, Bink?
[Sci]: We should all go on a vacation together... It would be amazing...
[Bink]: I like that idea...
[Kali]: Okay, but where should we go?
[Sci]: We can decide that when it comes to it... Now let's go... This is going to be so fun!
[Bink, holding hands with Paper]: Tell me about it...
[They walk directly out of the front door of the base and arrive on a street in the city. They begin to walk over towards a car, but Paper notices that something is off. He looks up into the sky and sees a massive artificial satellite almost the exact same size of the Earth floating in the sky.]
[Paper]: What is that?
[Kali]: Who knows?
[Sci]: Looks like our vacation will have to be put on hold...
[Paper]: There's a world to save...
[Sci]: Okay, but how do we get up there...? No ships, remember?
[Bink]: And I doubt there's a transport platform up there...
[Paper]: Even if there was, I doubt we could find its signal and transport there... So Sci's right... How do we get up--
[Sci]: Uh, Paper...?
[Paper, softly]: Auris...
[Sci]: The dragon?
[Paper]: Yeah, Auris
[He points to the sky and Auris can be seen flying towards them. He lands directly in front of the four.]
[Auris]: You called me...?
[Paper]: Yes, take us up there!
[He points to the satellite.]
[Auris]: As you wish, master...
[The four climb on and then Auris jumps up and flies towards the satellite. The camera cuts to Auris and then four on him approaching the satellite. They user their Plumber's badges to make Plumber's suits appear around them due to the extreme temperatures in this portion of the atmosphere. Auris gets to the edge of space and then stops. The satellite does not move. The moon is currently on the other side of the Earth, but if it were not, then it would be about half way between Earth and the satellite.]
[Auris]: I cannot continue into space, and the satellite is still quite a ways away...
[Bink]: Don't worry... I can fix that... Stenalp owt eht neewtb dleif negyxo na ekam
[There is no apparent effect.]
[Auris]: You sure you did something?
[Bink]: I made an oxygen field between the two planets... You should be good to go...
[Auris]: Thank you...
[He continues to fly towards the satellite. The camera cuts to them arriving at the surface of the satellite.]
[Sci]: So, this is cool and all, but what is this place?
[They look around and find themselves in the middle of a small town. Some people in the town are looking at them strangely.]
[Sci]: People live here?
[Alien]: Yes, they do... Who are you? People of this planet?
[Paper]: We are...
[He takes out a Plumber's badge.]
[Paper]: We're also Plumbers... If you wouldn't mind explaining why there is a giant satellite in our skies...
[Alien]: We were notified by our commanders that we would be moving here... This satellite is a safe haven for those who have no where else to go... The people who live here call it the Haven. I guess Earth is just our next stop in our tour throughout the galaxy. We will stay here for a decade or two and then move on...
[Kali]: And you're name is?
[Alien]: You can call me Ecton. I'm from the planet Yanoya, full of terrorists and crime lords... I'll spare you the details...
[Bink]: Well, thanks for the help...
[Ecton]: Gratitude...
[Ecton walks off as the four stay where they are.]
[Paper]: I'll tell Hornbok, see if he's ever heard of this so called Haven...
[He uses his communicator to contact Hornbok.]
[Paper]: Hornbok, we've got a situation...
[Hornbok]: What would that be?
[Paper]: Still on Earth? Look into the sky...
[Hornbok]: Oh that...? Already on it...
[Paper]: You're standing on it?
[Hornbok]: No...
[Paper]: Oh, we are...
[Hornbok]: How'd you get up there?
[Paper]: Auris helped us...
[Hornbok]: I'll be up in a few minutes...
[The camera cuts to Hornbok and Syla running into a government building in Washington, D.C. Hornbok places his Plumber badge on a door, which opens, leading to a hangar.]
[Hornbok]: Luckily the government has allowed us the use of their jets...
[They run over to one and then get in. After a few moments, the jet takes off for the Haven. The camera cuts to Hornbok and Syla walking up to the four on the Haven, with Auris still wandering around just away from them.]
[Hornbok]: What have you been able to find out?
[Paper]: It's called the Haven, literally a safe haven for aliens with no other place to go... Apparently, Earth is just their next stop on a galactic tour...
[Hornbok]: The Haven... For once I have no idea what I'm standing on... It's not in any of the Plumber databases...
[Paper]: Should we investigate...
[Hornbok]: I'll take care of it... You guys are on forced vacation, remember?
[Sci]: Hornbok, don't you think we should...
[Hornbok]: I said I'll take care of it...
[Paper]: Alright...
[He turns to Auris.]
[Paper]: Let's head back...
[The four walk over to Auris as Hornbok and Syla begin to walk throughout the village.]
[End of Part 1]
Part 2: Deception[]
[The camera shows a reporter on Rotolysia talking into a camera.]
[Reporter]: Today... A historic day for the people of Rotolysia and the rest of the galaxy... The trial of a secret organization of villains accused of crimes against the galaxy... The allegations include hundreds of charges including... Well, a lot... Penalties include life in prison, as all members of the organization are immortal, as has been tested...
[The camera man turns to four police cars, arriving at the scene now.]
[Reporter]: And here they are...
[Out of the first car, two Rotolysian policemen escort Lotin and Viper into the courtroom. Another three policemen stand in front so the reporter cannot approach. Ra'ol Set and Lucifer get out of the next car, Blitz and Arthur out of the third, and Chemestris out of the fourth. They all walk into the courtroom as the policemen block them.]
[Policemen]: No photography in the courtroom. All devices capable of recording sound, video, or pictures shall not be allowed in.
[The camera cuts to inside the courtroom. The Elite file in towards the defense table as the prosecution, three Rotolysians, sits at the other side. The bailiff, court recorder, interpreter, clerk of the court are all in the court room, but the judge and the jury are not. Sitting just behind the prosecution table is Paper, Sci, Hornbok, Virton, Ivada, and the Rotolysian Ambassador]
[Ivada]: The others are ready and on call if needed?
[Hornbok]: Correct...
[They are silent as the clerk of the court stands. The room gets quiet.]
[Bailiff]: All rise for the Honorable Judge Gouvon.
[Everyone in the court rises as the judge, a member of an unknown species, enter the courtroom and takes his seat at the dais. The jury enters the room at the same time. The judge takes his seat
[Gouvon]: You may be seated. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
[He turns to the jury.]
[Gouvon]: You have been selected as the jury in the matter of Galaxy versus The Elite. All 7 defendants have been charged with hundreds of counts including but not limited to sabotage, harassment, first-degree murder, second-degree murder, manslaughter, bribery, breaking and entering a prison, escape, treason, and grand larceny. All 7 defendants have entered a plea of not guilty to these charges. As a members of the jury it is your responsibility to pay attention to this trial and always remember that these defendants are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. You must also keep in mind that the burden of proof is always with the State.
[He turns to the prosecution.]
[Gouvon]: And with that, the prosecution may begins its opening arguments...
[Galix, the lead prosecutor, rises from his seat and then begins to walk throughout the courtroom.]
[Galix]: Ladies and gentlemen on the jury, what we have here is a simple case... Thousands of pieces of evidence all pointing to one conclusion... Whether that conclusion is innocent or guilty I cannot say, but I can say... tell, actually... I can tell you a story... The story of the defendants, and their history, from the year 2011-2014, specifically December 27, 2011, until July 15, 2014. You need to understand everything before you can understand the important and crucial testimony from both witnesses for the prosecution, and for the defense, so let us begin on December 19, 1979. The birth date of one of the defendants and the leader of the organization, Lotin. A Telecortexian, born on Corten II, he lead a simple life for almost 20 years before joining the Plumbers at the age of 19. He quickly rose up through the ranks and ascended to the rank of Magister by October of 2011, just under 13 years after joining the organization. Then, on December 27, 2011...
[Galix begins to fade out as the camera pans to later in his speech.]
[Galix]: Their invasion had begun... Their plans had for the most part succeeded up to that point... But their larger goals were still unattained...
[He fades again.]
[Galix]: ...until finally on July 15, 2014, the Plumbers were able to capture the Elite... Ending but a chapter in their story... Now the next chapter begins...
[He finally sits.]
[Gouvon]: Thank you Galix for an amazing... 3 hour speech... Before the defense can make its opening arguments, we will now go into early afternoon recess... Be back in the courtroom in 45 minutes...
[He bangs his gavel. The camera cuts to Paper, Sci, Hornbok, Ivada, Virton, and the Ambassador standing outside the courtroom.]
[Sci]: This is going to be forever, isn't it?
[Hornbok]: The prosecution does not have many witnesses... The five of us... Maybe one more... Apparently only Lotin, Viper, and Ra'ol Set, plus an expert witness are testifying for the defense... It should be two months maybe...
[The camera to the defense having just finished its opening argument.]
[Gouvon]: Thank you, Reto. With that, the prosecution may call its first witness.
[Dasa, the second prosecutor, replies.]
[Dasa]: Thank you, your honor. As its first witness, the prosecution has chosen to call Magister Hornbok of the Plumbers to the stand...
[Hornbok rises and walks over to the Clerk of the Court to be sworn in.]
[Sci, whispering]: It's funny how this legal system is so much like ours...
[Paper]: Yet another reason the Plumbers chose the Rotolysians to prosecute...
[Hornbok finishes the oath and then takes a seat at the dais. Dasa rises from his seat and then begins to pace throughout the open area between the dais and the counsels.]
[Dasa]: Good afternoon, Magister, how are you doing today?
[Hornbok]: I'm doing good, yourself?
[Dasa]: I'm doing fine thank you very much, but before we waste too much time, I'd actually like to begin questioning...
[There is a bit of a chuckle throughout the courtroom. Gouvon lightly taps his gavel.]
[Dasa]: First, just a bit of personal questions. You are Hornbok, correct?
[Hornbok]: Um, yes?
[Again more laughter. Gouvon taps lightly again.]
[Dasa]: So now that we understand how this works, can you tell me your date of birth?
[Hornbok]: June 22, 1973.
[Dasa]: And you are a Kraaho?
[Hornbok]: Yes I am...
[Dasa]: And you joined the Plumbers in what year?
[Hornbok]: I joined in 2005.
[Dasa]: And became a Magister in?
[Hornbok]: November 2011.
[Dasa]: And Lotin joined the Plumbers in?
[Hornbok]: He joined in November of 1998.
[Dasa]: And when did he become a Magister?
[Hornbok]: October 2011.
[Dasa]: One year before you?
[Hornbok]: Correct.
[Dasa]: Okay...
[He shuffles some of his notes.]
[Dasa]: And when did you first meet Lotin?
[Hornbok]: He was already a Captain when I joined, and I was assigned to one of the classes the he helped with. I was also part of his squadron when were assigned to missions...
[Dasa]: So by late 2011, you've known each other for 6 years?
[Hornbok]: I would say that's about right.
[Dasa]: Okay, now, in early 2011, there had been a series of missions to the planet Earth, correct?
[Hornbok]: That is correct...
[Dasa]: And both you and Hornbok went on several of these missions?
[Hornbok]: It was at least two or three, maybe more?
[Dasa]: Okay, can you tell me everything about the mission from December 27, 2011.
[Hornbok]: I don't remember every detail, but I remember that we went to the Earth city of Moscow. We found an alien bounty hunter named Khyber, and a terrorist organization of humans known as the Blast Masters...
[Dasa]: And what happened to Lotin on this mission?
[Hornbok]: He was severely injured by Khyber.
[Dasa]: And you witnesses this injury?
[Hornbok]: Yes...
[Dasa]: What did you do after that?
[Hornbok]: I was informed by Magister Relgo that we were being told to evacuate the area. I left the room, but then decided to go against orders and go back in for Lotin.
[Dasa]: And then what?
[Hornbok]: I saw Lotin approach me, his injuries healed. Khyber was gone.
[Dasa]: And what did you later learn?
[Hornbok]: About what?
[Dasa]: About what had happened to Lotin between the time you saw him healed and the previous time.
[Hornbok]: I later learned that Paradox had brought him to the Infinity Pool to heal his wounds, as Paradox believed that he would one day go on to do great things. However, the power of the Infinity Pool made him insane, which Paradox fixed, however...
[Gouvon]: Overruled...
[He taps his gavel.]
[Reto]: It wasn't asked in the question!
[Gouvon checks over his notes.]
[Reto]: Mr. Dasa asked what happened to Lotin between the two visits and...
[Gouvon]: You may approach...
[The three prosecutors and three defense attorneys approach Gouvon at the dais.]
[Paper]: This is ridiculous... They're going to go into this much detail over one day? They're probably not even done with this day...
[Ivada]: Welcome to alien court.
[The camera shows the meeting at the dais.]
[Dasa]: I asked him about what happened to Lotin, and he was explaining that?
[Reto]: But the witness finished asking the question and was about to explain about Lotin's mental state, correct?
[Dasa]: I would assume so...
[Reto]: Therefore he would be talking about a non pending matter
[Galix]: I don't see how he was doing so...
[Reto]: Look at it this way. If it was pending, it would be leading the witness...
[Gouvon]: Okay, sustained. Please leave the dais.
[Dasa grimaces. The prosecution and defense leave the dais to return to their seats.]
[Gouvon]: Please start a new line of questioning.
[Dasa]: Okay, your honor... So, please explain to us everything that happened after you met with Hornbok. Specifically what did Paradox do?
[Reto]: Objection, leading the witness...
[Gouvon]: Sustained.
[Dasa]: Okay, could you explain what happened on your way back to the Academy.
[Hornbok]: I spoke with Lotin about some confidential Plumber matters, but I didn't realize that he seemed any different...
[Dasa]: Yet a trip to the Infinity Pool makes you insane--
[Reto]: Objection, assumes facts not in evidence
[Gouvon]: Sustained.
[Dasa]: It was allowed earlier.
[Gouvon]: You may approach.
[Again, the prosecution and the defense approach the dais.]
[Dasa]: The witness has already said that the Infinity Pool made Lotin insane, which Paradox corrected, why shouldn't he get to continue?
[Reto]: It shouldn't have been allowed though...
[Gouvon]: You may continue in this line of questioning...
[The sides leave the dais. All but Dasa sit down at the tables.]
[Dasa]: Is it correct in saying that a trip to the Infinity Pool would make anyone who goes insane...
[Hornbok]: I believe that to be correct...
[Dasa]: Okay... Between that day and February 2012 are there are days where you had an interaction with Lotin that made you question him in anyway.
[Hornbok]: Yes.
[Dasa]: How many?
[Hornbok]: Two separate encounters...
[Dasa]: When?
[Hornbok]: I believe the first was on January 5, 2012, and the second was on January 19, 2012.
[Dasa]: And could you please explain the January 5 encounter.
[Hornbok]: It was a prisoner escort mission to Incarcecon and the first mission since the December 27, 2011 incident. While we were waiting for the prisoners to successfully be locked up in their cells, I found Lotin going through prisoner records.
[Dasa]: And what is suspicious about that?
[Hornbok]: Only Magisters on duty at Incarcecon are supposed to go through prisoner records...
[Gouvon taps his gavel.]
[Gouvon]: Before you may continue, unfortunately it is that time of day again. Court is over for the day, please exit the courtroom. Court will resume at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
[The people begin to move throughout the courtroom as the camera cuts to the base in Fellson City later that night. All of the recruits, Kali, and the Magisters are standing around the room the main room. Sci is standing across from all of the other members of the team. A holographic screen appears with some information about a museum on it.]
[Sci]: I'm very happy to finally be sharing this with all of you... The first ever Alien Science Museum is opening up, and right in my hometown of Midnight City. The grand opening is tomorrow night at 6 pm. You're all invited if you wish.
[Brian]: What in the world is alien science?
[Zon]: Alien science isn't in the world, it's out of it...
[Brian]: Funny...
[Rob]: Why would we even go to this? It's probably all fictional...
[Sci]: It's not... In fact one of the main exhibit's covers the events of July 13th through 15th, 2014.
[Hornbok]: Really? How'd the government know enough about that to build the museum.
[Sci]: No clue, but the opening ceremonies are open to the public. I'm going, and I was just wondering if anyone else was interested...
[Hornbok]: Yeah... no.
[He leaves the room and the Magisters exit with him. The recruits begin to leave off in different directions.]
[Jack]: This is dumb...
[He leaves the room, leaving only Paper, Bink, Sci, and Kali left in the room.]
[Sci]: Let me guess, you two think it's dumb?
[Paper]: It's kind of suspicious.
[Sci]: Oh, so you're turning this into a mission?
[Paper]: Yeah, I'd like to do some investigating if you don't mind...
[Sci]: What about you Bink?
[Bink]: I think I'll tag along...
[The camera cuts to the next night. The Midnight City skyline is seen and then the camera cuts to the museum: officially named the Midnight City Alien Science and Culture Museum. The lobby of the museum is shown. Many local politicians and celebrities are at the event, along with many other science fiction enthusiasts, conspiracy theorists, and astronauts, as well as much of the general public. The camera shows the entrance door right as Paper, Sci, Bink, and Kali walk in. They are wearing civilian clothing to blend in.]
[Sci]: I was not expecting this many people to show up...
[Kali]: When does the actual ceremony start? This just looks like a party to me.
[Sci]: It's supposed to start at 9 o'clock. We can check out the exhibits until then.
[Paper]: Sounds good. Where's the SVT exhibit?
[Sci]: I don't know. We should try and find it.
[They exit the lobby into the second room of the museum. The room is much darker. They are standing in a hallway with glass cases on either side. The hallway empties into a circular area with a large glass case in the center. Five other hallways connect to the center area, each even distances apart from each other. Four lead to back room exhibits, and one leads to a staircase leading to the upper floors of the museum.]
[Sci]: Split up?
[Paper]: And radio when you find the exhibit...
[Paper and Bink head to the stairs while Sci and Kali go off to the hallway in the near left side of the center area. They walk through a doorway and find themselves in a large rectangular room with more glass cases. In the cases, there are models of space ships and information about the history of the ships. The hallway exits into a large open area, with several attractions around the room. There is a spaceship simulator, another machine with an interactive video about the history of space exploration, and tons of information on the wall about spaceships and NASA. There are tons of people walking about the room, and there is a long line for the simulator.]
[Kali]: Let's try another room...
[The camera cuts to Paper and Bink. They have made it to the second floor, but the museum has three floors in total, as well as a basement. The second floor has one large exhibit about historical alien invasions of Earth. Paper takes one look at the exhibit and then turns around to go up to the third floor.]
[Paper]: Hopefully all the other exhibits are just like this one...
[Bink turns around and rushes forward to catch up with him. They arrive at the third floor, which is just a large set of double doors with a sign above it: "SVT EXHIBIT: WIRELESS COMMUNICATION PROHIBITED BEYOND THIS POINT".]
[Bink]: Is anyone even allowed in there?
[Paper]: If we haven't been stopped by security yet, I don't care...
[He opens the double doors and Bink follows him inside, closing the door behind her. Inside, there is a large open room with information about the Solvens Tenebrae Vestibulum and Rigon all around the walls. In the center of the room, there is a glass case on a podium with a gem inside of it. There four other glass cases in the room, each with more information, models, and video screens showing animations in them. Paper observes a picture of a figure that appears to be Rigon holding his sword as he fights a figure who appears to be Virton. There are no people in the room except for Paper and Bink.]
[Paper]: This is all legitimate...
[Bink]: How'd they figure all of this out?
[Paper and Bink continue to look at the information all around the room.]
[Paper]: I'll go find Sci and Kali... I don't want to take any chances with the no wireless communication sign...
[He goes to exit the room. Bink watches him as he closes the door behind him. Bink looks around the room and notices the gem in the center of the room. She walks towards it and then stops, wondering what the gem is supposed to be in the context of the rest of the room. Suddenly, she sees a flashback of The Elite obtaining the crystals from Hornbok at the Temple of Rigon. The flashback ends, and Bink looks at the gem, which looks strikingly similar to the crystals, except for its purple hue. Her eyes widen as the camera cuts to the first floor of the museum. Sci and Kali arrive back at the main room as they see Paper running down the stairs towards them.]
[Paper]: Quickly, we found the exhibit...
[Sci]: Where?
[Paper]: Third floor...
[They turn around to the stairs and run up them to get to the second floor, but they notice that security is blocking the way to the third floor. To avoid suspicion, they begin to walk through the second floor exhibit.]
[Sci]: You mean second floor, cause this doesn't look like anything to do with Rigon?
[Paper]: That's odd, security wasn't there before... And Bink's still on the third floor. Security might find her...
[Sci]: Just radio her...
[Paper]: There's a sign at the third floor that says wireless communication is prohibited. I didn't want to risk it, but now...
[He reaches his hand up to his communicator. The camera cuts to Bink standing in front of the gem on the third floor. Her communicator buzzes, and she answers it.]
[Bink]: Whoever this is should drop the call right now, I'm in a--
[Paper]: Bink, security may be headed your way...
[Bink]: You used the communicator?
[Paper]: I didn't want to risk getting caught by security...
[Bink]: We don't know why it says that wireless is banned... Okay, I better end the call...
[She turns off her communicator. Nothing in the room appears to have changed due to the wireless. The gem looks the same as before.]
[Bink]: Seiretsym smoor siht laever...
[The room remains the same again, with one exception: the gem. Its purple hue turns an evil red color and the glass shatters. The camera cuts to Paper, Sci, and Kali heading back down to the lobby a little bit later as the ceremony starts. The mayor of Midnight City and two of the museum supervisors walk into the lobby and everyone turns to face them. The room quiets down a lot, but a lot of people continue to mumble.]
[Mayor]: Welcome one, welcome all to the grand opening of the Midnight City Alien Science and Culture Museum. This has been a project 4 years in the making, and we're glad that it has finally come to be. Without making this too boring, I'd like to introduce the museum supervisor, Randy Olset and Victor Persons.
[Olset]: Thank you mayor. As he said, I don't wish to make this boring, so I will make this brief. Victor and I started this project four years ago, hoping to instill belief in the hopes of space exploration in the people on this country and the world. We hope that everyone can enjoy this museum to its fullest.
[Persons]: We chose Midnight City because it was lacking in a major museum and due to its relative proximity to the center of the country. We want people from all walks of life to be able to come to this museum and learn about the stars.
[Olset]: Thank you, and enjoy the museum...
[Paper, Sci, and Kali stand at the back of the lobby, near the exhibits area.]
[Sci]: It seems too good to be true...
[Paper]: Are you kidding me, Sci? Did you hear the names? Randy Olset and Victor Persons.
[Sci]: Ra'ol Set and Viper? It can't be them, though. They're on Rotolysia.
[Kali]: You think that the Elite are behind this?
[Paper]: I don't know who's behind it, but we've got to get to the bottom--
[There is a loud boom throughout the museum. Hundreds of visitors are shaken by the blast as a sense of panic flows throughout the museum.]
[Sci]: Could that have come from upstairs?
[Paper]: Let's go...
[They run towards the third floor as the camera cuts to Bink standing across from the gem. It is now shooting red lightning around the room as the room several darkens. Bink tries to walk towards the gem to disrupt it, but a strong wind begin to form around the gem, protecting it.]
[Bink]: Meg taht nwod tuhs
[She fires an energy blast at the gem, but it does nothing. There is a flash of red light, and Bink covers his eyes to shield herself. Bink looks towards the gem. The camera shows her face as she backs away from the gem. Bink looks horrified as there are the sounds of magic blasts being shot at her. The camera cuts to right outside the third floor. Paper, Sci, and Kali arrive just as there is a large crashing sound from inside the room. Paper runs to try and open the door, but it is sealed shut with a magical spell.]
[Paper]: It won't open...
[Kali]: What are we supposed to do?
[They stand there for a moment.]
[Sci]: Try vibrating through it...
[He looks at Paper.]
[Paper]: I don't like doing it, but it's the only option, isn't it?
[He stands up to the door and tries to vibrate his molecules directly through it, but the magical seal prevents him. He stands back and shakes off his hand.]
[Paper]: That is a strong seal...
[Suddenly, there is an explosion from within the room, sending Paper, Sci, and Kali flying backwards. They land at the landing between the second and third floors. One by one, they fall unconscious as the camera fades to black.]
[The camera shows the museum from afar. It is partly destroyed. Police gates surround the entire museum. Outside of them, Olset and Persons answer questions for the media, as the mayor and several police officers watch on.]
[Olset]: We are not yet sure of the cause of last night's explosion. We do, however, know that it originated from the third floor exhibit.
[Persons]: As that exhibit was closed to the public, we suspect that the explosion may be an act of terrorism.
[Above the building across from the museum, a cloaked Plumbers ships floats in the air. The camera cuts onto it; all the Magisters and the rest of the recruits are on it, watching a live feed of the interview occurring below them.]
[Reporter]: What was located in the third floor exhibit?
[Persons]: We cannot reveal what that exhibit was, but we can tell you that there was nothing in that exhibit that would have caused an explosion on its own.
[The Plumbers watch in anger and in silence as the camera cuts to the unconscious Paper, Sci, and Kali. Paper slowly opens his eyes and looks around. He sees that Sci and Kali are still unconscious, with much of the walls around them destroyed, and the rubble partially covering him, Sci, and Kali, and also partially covering the floor. He slowly stands up and walks up what is remaining of the stairs leading to the third floor. He tries to open the door again, and this time it opens easily. Inside, he sees Bink unconscious on the ground, with Charmcaster unconscious across from her. He runs over to Bink and kneels down next to her.]
[Paper]: Are you okay?
[He leans in to check for breathing, but she opens her eyes as he leans down. He helps her up and then breathes a sigh of relief.]
[Paper]: What happened last night?
[Bink]: I don't remember much... That gem started acting up, and then Charmcaster showed up and attacked. I beat her, but then the gem gave off a wave of energy and exploded...
[Paper]: What gem?
[Bink]: The one that was in the...
[She sees that the glass is broken, and the gem is gone.]
[Bink]: ...case.
[Paper reaches his hand up to his communicator. The camera cuts to the Plumbers' ship.]
[Hornbok]: Yes?
[Paper]: Hornbok, I need you to send a team to the Midnight City Mus-
[Hornbok]: All of us are already here. We're trying to remain hidden as this is an alien science museum. I'll be down in a moment, though...
[Paper]: Got it. We're on the third floor.
[The camera cuts to the entire team now at the third floor exhibit. Most of the Magisters and team members inspect the scene as Hornbok, Bink, Sci, Kali, and Paper discuss the situation.]
[Hornbok]: A mysterious gem reacted to a wireless frequency caused by your communicators, and then Charmcaster showed up and there was an explosion?
[Bink]: I'm positive that's what happened...
[Paper]: Why don't we ask Charmcaster what happened?
[The group looks at Charmcaster as the camera cuts to her sitting in a chair, with her legs tied together and her arms tied together behind the chair. Hornbok is standing across from her and the rest of the team is just behind him.]
[Hornbok]: Okay, Charmcaster. Let's make this simple. Where did the gem go and what does it do?
[Charmcaster]: I'm not Charmcaster!
[Hornbok]: Don't play games with me. Where's the gem?
[Charmcaster]: I don't know!
[Hornbok]: Do you think this is funny, Charmcaster? You've caused the museum supervisors to think that this was an act of terror.
[Charmcaster]: I'm not Charmcaster! I told you that already.
[Hornbok turns to Paper, Sci, Kali, and Bink.]
[Hornbok]: Take her to the Academy and see what you can get her to spill.
[They nod their heads. Sci uses a gust of wind to carry Charmcaster on the chair as the group heads towards a Plumbers ship. Hornbok turns to the rest of the team.]
[Hornbok]: We've got damage control to do...
[The camera cuts to the Academy. Paper, Sci, Kali, and Bink exit a ship in the docking bay, with Sci still using the gust of wind to carry Charmcaster. He sets her down on the chair inside a cell and then shuts the cell door closed.]
[Sci]: Enjoy your stay. Maybe in a few hours you'll be up to talking.
[He exits the prison wing and looks at the others.]
[Sci]: Well, what are we supposed to do now?
[Paper]: We should probably head back to Rotolysia... The trial will be starting any moment now...
[Sci]: We don't need to go... Hornbok's still testifying, and he probably will be for at least the rest of the day...
[Paper]: What about Olset and Persons?
[Sci]: Good point...
[Kali]: The entire Elite will be on Rotolysia for a while... We don't have to go right this minute...
[Sci]: Well, whatever then...
[He walks off and Kali follows him. Bink leaves the room, too, as Paper stays in place. He walks out of the room as the camera cuts to another hallway in the Academy. There are many lockers down the hallway, one of which has been slid open to reveal a path to the room behind it. The camera cuts inside the room. It is very dark, but Bink can be seen going through some books, looking for a specific book in particular.]
[Bink]: Where could it be?
[She picks up one book and dusts it off. She realizes that it is the book she is looking for: the Solvens Tenebrae Vestibulum.]
[Bink]: Now I better go...
[Sci, entering the room]: What do you think you're doing?
[He uses a ball of fire to light the room, and sees that the other person in the room is Bink.]
[Sci]: Bink?
[For no apparent reason, she launches a magic blast at Sci as the camera cuts to Paper walking down the hallway. He enters the Magisters' office and finds Kali already inside.]
[Paper]: Didn't Sci follow you?
[Kali]: Yeah, but he left... Did you need him?
[Paper]: No, I just thought he would be here...
[Kali]: That's funny, I thought Bink would be with you...
[Paper]: Yeah...
[He turns around and exists the office, leaving Kali slightly confused. The camera cuts to Paper walking down the hallway again. He seems to be thinking to himself and preparing for something when he sees damage to the a wall in front of him. He runs up to the wall and looks inside.]
[Paper, to himself]: Sci rebuilt his locker?
[He walks inside and looks around. He sees that many of the books are disorganized. Suddenly, the Academy intercom system turns on.]
[Kali]: Paper and Sci, a ship just left the Academy, report to the office if you are still in the Academy...
[Paper looks worried as the camera cuts to Paper and Kali in the office, watching security footage of the docking bay. Bink can be seen taking an unconscious Sci onto a ship. A few moments later, the ship exits the docking bay.]
[Paper, shocked]: What?
[Kali]: Charmcaster maybe?
[Paper]: Only one way to find out.
[Paper and Kali run out of the office and down the hallway. They arrive at the prison wing. Paper opens Charmcaster's cell and looks at her, still tied to the chair inside the cell.]
[Paper]: Would you like to explain?
[Charmcaster]: Explain what? What do you think I did?
[Paper]: Bink just kidnapped Sci and took him to who knows where...
[Charmcaster]: I don't know! Okay!?
[Paper]: How do you not know?
[Kali]: Paper, I'm getting a really bad vibe from Charmcaster... Almost as if she's been enchanted by something...
[Paper]: What do you mean?
[Kali]: It feels like she isn't actually Charmcaster...
[She walks towards Charmcaster and places a hand on her shoulder.]
[Kali]: It just feels weird...
[Paper]: Well how are we supposed to know if she's actually Charmcaster or not...
[Charmcaster]: Because I know that we gave up going on a date to go to the opening of the museum last night...
[Paper]: Bink?
[He steps forward and kneels down in front of Charmcaster. He takes an ID mask off of her face, turning her back into Bink. He unties the rope and Bink stands up and hugs Paper, leaving Kali confused once again.]
[Kali]: So if Charmcaster was actually Bink, then is Bink actually Charmcaster?
[Bink]: I can explain on the way...
[Paper]: Where are we going?
[Bink]: Back to Midnight City...
[The camera cuts to a ship flying through space. Paper and Bink sit next to each other, with Bink resting her head on Paper's shoulder, as Kali flies the ship back to the museum.]
[Paper]: So why couldn't you just tell us that you were Bink?
[Bink]: The other Bink put some kind of enchantment on it. I was preventing me from telling you that...
[Paper]: And about that other Bink...
[Bink]: I think it might be a clone made by the gem... One second it was only me, and then in a blink of an eye she was there...
[Paper]: And what does she want?
[Bink]: She needs Sci... Why, I have no idea...?
[Bink looks at Paper from her resting spot on his shoulder.]
[Bink]: When are we actually going to be able to keep our plans?
[Paper]: We could have kept our plans, but we both decided to scrap them in order to go to the museum... Bad choice I guess...
[Bink]: Someone would have caused the gem to activate...
[She closes her eyes and tries to relax.]
[Kali]: We've arrived...
[The camera shows the museum. A large red lightning tornado has formed around the museum. The skies have darkened, and the area looks deserted. The ship lands far away from the museum. Paper, Bink, and Kali exit the ship and slowly begin to walk towards the tornado. They see the other Bink standing across from the lightning tornado. The unconscious Sci is lying on the ground right in front of her. The group approaches her as she blasts a stream of magic energy at the storm. The blast hits the gem, which is the source of the storm. It absorbs the energy, which only makes the storm stronger. The other Bink grins as the three Plumbers begin to interfere.]
[Paper]: Charmcaster, we're not going to let you get away...
[Other Bink]: So you did make it? Good. I wanted you to.
[The Other Bink grins, and her eyes glow. ]
[Other Bink]: won meht thgif ,srebmulP eht thgif ,nommus I srewop kraD .gnithgif morf meht tneverp ylpmis tub ,erapmi ton od ,llik ton oD .lla meht thgif dna ,llew emoc ,evila emoC .kcab emoc ssenkrad ,sdneirf won emoC!
[As she begins saying this, the items in the museum begin floating out of the museum, through the storm, and towards the Plumbers. ]
[Bink]: su thgif ton ot uoy dnammoc I ,mu -
[The Other Bink pushes her hand forward, knocking Bink into a nearby shop's window. Paper takes out an arrow and aims at Other Bink, who turns towards him. ]
[Other Bink]: Worra sih pans.
[The arrow breaks, as Other Bink tosses Paper over. ]
[Other Bink]: Is this really how you fight here?
[Kali walks over to Other Bink, who grins. ]
[Other Bink]: You my dear... you have no powers. Not yet, anyways.
[Kali]: I don't know what you're talking about, but you will give Sci back to me.
[Other Bink]: Haven't you figured it out by now? I'm more powerful then the power of Love, darling.
[Other Bink squeezes her fingers, grabbing onto Kali and sending her to the ground. As Kali begins bleeding, Paper and Bink get back up. ]
[Other Bink]: The three of you can not defeat me...
[Paper]: You're right... but that's why we're not the only ones...
[Other Bink looks upward to spot two other Plumber ships. They land on the street, and the rest of the Team comes out, minus Hornbok or any of the other Magisters. Toon approaches Bink, concerned.]
[Toon]: So, Charmcaster has gone crazy again?
[Bink]: I'm not convinced its Charmcaster anymore... we need to see the gem...
[Toon]: Got it.
[Paper begins running towards Other Bink, as Toon shoots flames, Rob uses his heat-vision, and the others charge as well with their various powers. Other Bink sends a gust of wind backwards, knocking down Rob, sending his heat-vision at the Museum. It hits the museum, breaking parts of its exterior. As everyone keeps Other Bink busy, Bink is flipping through a spellbook. ]
[Bink]: I know Gwen gave this to me, just in case I needed it... where is it...
[Bink finds what she's looking for, and looks at everyone. ]
[Bink]: Eo Recedentia!
[Everyone suddenly disappears, as the storm begins to grow even larger. Meanwhile, on the third floor, in the SVT Exhibit, everyone appears near the Gem. Sci is shown on the ground, chained to a wall. ]
[Bink]: Yes, I did it! I actually used one of her spells...
[Other Bink]: ... And by doing that, you seal the fate of this dimension.
[Other Bink takes out a device, and it glows. Suddenly, everyone begins freezing, unable to move. ]
[Other Bink]: Sorry, I had to wait until you brought me here. Then, I could use it. Limited range unfortunately.
[Other Bink walks around the Team, who is unable to move. ]
[Other Bink]: I am truly Bink, dear "boyfriend" of this reality... but I'm not your Bink.
[Other Bink looks at Paper's face. ]
[Other Bink]: You want to know why I'm doing this. What's so special about the Diamond... yes, its a diamond, not a gem. You see.... I'm from another reality. One where we have managed to conquer the Earth. I'm from another dimension. You could say... this diamond forms a gateway between my world and this one.
[Other Bink then looks at Sci. ]
[Other Bink]: As for you, Child of Darkness... I need your precious SVT... and I need your power. To open up the portal long enough... and to fulfill our destiny....
[Other Bink begins chanting as the Diamond glows brighter and brighter, as Bink suddenly breaks free. ]
[Bink]: No!
[Bink says a spell, freeing everyone. As Paper runs up to Other Bink, and Bink spends a spell at Other Bink, Other Bink counters with a shockwave. She grabs Sci, as she continues chanting. A dark liquid substance appears from the pores of Sci, making the diamond grow in size. Paper shoots an arrow at Other Bink, hitting her in the knee. ]
[Other Bink]: You will pay...
[Other Bink creates energy spheres in her hand, as Bink does the same. The two begin to create powerful amounts of energy, as the room begins shaking. In a minute, outside the museum... a loud noise echoes from it. Then, part of the Museum explodes, sending dust and ash everywhere. It cuts to the fire being put out a few hours later. A news reporter is reporting. ]
[News Reporter]: Recently, a mysterious storm and attack occurred in the museum. The attack damaged the third floor exhibit, as well as many others. Suspects include members of the Plumbers. The Plumbers have not issued a statement on the event. In other news, Damian Walker...
[The Television is shut off. It cuts to Hornbok with the TV in the Plumber's Academy, facing the Team. ]
[Hornbok]: What.... happened?!
[Paper]: Charmcaster wanted Sci to gain the powers of a gem, said to only give true power when a child born from evil is near. Sci is that child...
[Bink]: She switched out who we were, so she could get the SVT.
[Sci]: We fought her in the Museum, but she got away after the explosion...
[Hornbok]: I would give you detention, but I need to take care of things for the Trial. We're going to talk later.
[Hornbok leaves the room, as Paper grins. He then faces the rest of the group. ]
[Paper]: We're finally here. Let our plan begin.
[It cuts to Sci walking up towards Kali, Bink, and Paper. All four of them are in shock. The rest of the team is standing behind them.]
[Kali]: Is this...
[Sci]: Yes, but its not the same version.
[Paper]: We're in another dimension...
[Paper]: While a doppelganger team is in ours.
[End of Part 2]
Part 3: The Other Crisis[]
[The camera shows all the Magisters sitting in the office.]
[Slick]: It's been surprisingly quiet the last few months, hasn't it?
[Kruto]: Don't say that; you're basically begging for something to happen.
[Slick]: Relax... I think we're all just a little bored with nothing to do.
[The camera cuts to the Team's office, recently built just for them. The entire team is inside.]
[Other Will]: We've been waiting for over six months; when are we continuing with our plan...
[Other Paper]: We needed to wait for there to be a planetary alignment in our galaxy. In theory, the alignment should strengthen the affects of the diamond and allow for a larger portal to open. That alignment begins at midnight tonight...
[Other Toon]: What do we need to do?
[Other Paper]: We need 7 people... We need the ancient Sages of this world...
[The camera cuts back to the office. The Magisters are still in it, sitting around and not really doing anything.]
[Computer]: Incoming transmission from Fellson City...
[A holographic screen appears in front of the Magisters. A Plumber at the Fellson City Plumber base is on the screen.]
[Plumber]: We have a bit of a situation here... Dr. Animo is...
[Hornbok]: Say no more... We're on our way...
[Slick]: We're taking this one ourselves?
[Hornbok]: Why not?
[The camera cuts to the Magisters going towards the transport platform that will take them to the Fellson City base. As they walk towards it, the platform surprisingly activates.]
[Computer]: Platform breach imminent... Academy lock down protocol activated...
[The door behind the Magisters shuts closed and locks itself, as do all the other doors in the Academy.]
[Ivada]: Who is it this time?
[Two figures appear in the transport platform. They walk towards the Plumbers, who at first do not recognize the two men. They are Randy Olset and Victor Persons, the supervisors of the destroyed Midnight City Museum.]
[Olset]: Hornbok...
[Hornbok]: Wait, you're the museum supervisors?
[Persons]: Yes, and we desperately need your help...
[Ivada]: Why should we help you? According to Paper, the Elite hired you to build the museum...
[Olset]: That's not entirely true...
[Persons]: You see, in a way, we are the Elite.
[They each take off an ID mask, revealing Olset to be Ra'ol Set, and Persons to be Viper. The Magisters' eyes widen as the camera cuts to a warehouse in Midnight City. Specifically, this is the Midnight City of another dimension. Outside, Plumbers march in the streets in martial law, attacking all who don't stay in their homes. Inside the warehouse, the team is sitting around on various couches and chairs. Paper, Sci, Bink, and Kali are standing in the far side of the warehouse, away from all the other recruits.]
[Sci]: You're saying that the alignment will occur tonight?
[Paper]: Yes. With the alignment, the gem's power will grow and the fluctuations between the two dimensions will increase, making it easier to travel between them... We can use this to get back to our own world and send our doppelgangers back here...
[Bink]: There's a problem, though, isn't there?
[Paper]: Unfortunately, there is. I have no idea where the gem is located in this world; no idea where the portal will open...
[Sci]: I might have an idea... If this dimension's Bink was the first to get into our dimension, then the gem is probably somewhere with the Plumbers...
[Kali]: Getting the gem from the Plumbers isn't exactly going to be an easy task. This world is flipped; the Plumbers are not the police here; they are ruthless conquerors with a galactic wide empire. The gem could be anywhere in the galaxy...
[Paper]: We've got no other options... It's try, or remain here forever...
[They turn to the rest of the team. They are all listening in on the conversation.]
[Paper]: You guys here that?
[Nick]: It's a death sentence...
[Paper]: What else can we do?
[Will]: The Plumbers here are conquerors. Wouldn't they want to add another dimension to their territory?
[Sci]: You think they're planning to launch an invasion of our dimension?
[Will]: Yes...
[Rob]: If they are going to launch an attack, we can just get aboard one of their ships and easily make it back home...
[Jack]: Seems much easier than getting the gem back from them...
[Nick]: Can we all agree to this?
[Paper]: Okay, we've got a plan. We still need to figure out where the gem is...
[Bink]: I could probably track it... Magical objects are pretty easy to locate...
[Paper nods his head and turns to the rest of the team.]
[Paper]: There is one more thing that will make this a lot easier...
[Aevan]: Yes?
[Paper]: Specifically, our favorite seven people in the world...
[The camera cuts back to the Academy, in Dimension 19. The Magisters charge at Ra'ol Set and Viper, who simply back away, not wanting a fight. Hornbok draws his sword and jumps up at Ra'ol Set, slashing his armor and knocking him back into the wall.]
[Ra'ol Set]: We don't want to fight you...
[Ivada]: Then why are you here? How did you escape?
[Ra'ol Set]: We escaped long ago... Over a decade, actually...
[Hornbok gets a confused look. The other Magisters stand back as Hornbok sheathes his sword.]
[Hornbok]: A decade? How? We only captured you 6 years ago...
[Viper]: Perhaps you confuse us with our counterparts from this world... You see, we are from another dimension...
[Hornbok]: You've got to be kidding me...
[Other Ra'ol Set]: She's not... We come from another dimension in which everything is flipped... The Plumbers are conquerors, and Viper, myself, and five others have formed a rebellion against them... In this world...?
[Hornbok]: The Plumbers are the galactic police... And you seven formed a secret organization called the Elite bent on taking over the galaxy with whatever means necessary...
[Other Ra'ol Set]: I see...
[Slick]: This still doesn't explain why you built a museum...
[Other Ra'ol Set]: We built the museum to hide the diamond...
[Relgo]: That doesn't add up... Why would you build the museum with an exhibit that is bound to attract the Plumbers...
[Other Viper]: The SVT exhibit? I understand your confusion, but the Solvens Tenebrae Vestibulum of our world contains different prophecies than the version in this world... We could not have known that the Plumbers would have been attracted to it... You must also remember that the exhibit was closed off to the public, and once it was open, all wireless communication would be strictly prohibited within the range of affecting the diamond...
[Hornbok's worried look disappears as he breathes a sigh of relief.]
[Hornbok]: Okay, what do you need help with...
[Other Viper]: Some of the Plumbers from our dimension escaped into this one... We think they may be at this Academy, planning an attack...
[Hornbok]: Hold on... You keep using the word escape? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I mean, you two have been in this world for over a decade, but when some Plumbers escape into this world, it's bad news? How does that diamond even work?
[Other Ra'ol Set]: The diamond only activates when both counterparts in each world are near it. A portal will open, allowing free travel in between. Until just over 10 years ago, the diamond was thought to be lost in your world... Then, it was found by Ra'ol Set in your world, allowing me to escape...
[Other Viper]: A few months later, the diamond was stolen by this dimension's Viper, letting me into this world as well...
[Other Ra'ol Set]: Viper and I managed to take the diamond from this world's Viper and went into hiding... She seemed to forget about it and we eventually stopped where we knew she would never find us... It was several galaxies away, which I guess explains why we didn't know of this dimension's Solvens Tenebrae Vestibulum...
[Other Viper]: After hearing a rumor that Viper and others who may have been looking for the diamond had been jailed, we decided to return to this galaxy and build the museum to hide the diamond...
[Slick]: So what's your plan...
[Other Viper]: We need to find the Plumbers from our world and send them back...
[Ivada]: Wait, if Plumbers from your world are here, then are Plumbers from our world there...
[Other Ra'ol Set]: Most likely...
[Hornbok]: Well, I think I realized who the Plumbers that made the switch are...
[Ivada]: Oh no...
[Other Viper]: They are some of the highest ranking officers in the Plumbers, only under the Magisters and the Emperor himself...
[Kruto]: The head of the Plumbers calls himself the Emperor?
[Other Ra'ol Set]: The Emperor of the Galaxy yes...
[Hornbok]: Who is it?
[Other Viper]: He is you... Emperor Hornbok...
[Hornbok's eyes widen as the camera cuts back to Midnight City in Dimension 91. Brian and Zon slightly open one of the curtain's covering a window in the warehouse. They see the Plumbers, who are actually an army of robotic police called The Paladins. They quickly close the curtain before any of the Paladins can spot them. They walk away from the window and turn to face the rest of the team.]
[Zon]: Finding them is probably going to be harder than actually getting back home...
[Brian]: Trying to get home along would be impossible. At least we've got a chance if we find The Elite...
[Nick]: They're probably not even called the Elite in this dimension... So, Brian, you ready...
[Brian]: Ready to die...
[He morphs into a Paladin and then electrocutes all of the team members. They follow along with the plan, and all of them fall to the ground. Brian runs over to the window, rips down the curtain, and crashes through the glass.]
[Brian]: Conspiracies will not be tolerated! You will be subjected to the full power of the Paladins...
[Several Paladins marching through the street notice the outburst and turn to aid their fellow Paladin. Brian and 16 other Paladins each escort one of the other team members out of the warehouse and towards the nearest Plumber stronghold. They march down the street as other squads of Paladins pass them and head for the warehouse to survey the scene. The camera cuts to the Paladins with the captured team arriving at a base. The door to the base opens, and all of the Paladins take their team members inside. On a building across from the base, five figures stand, watching the team being taken inside.]
[Figure]: I think we've finally found them...
[The camera cuts to a prison cell in the base. The Paladins shove all of the team members into a single cell, and then the Paladins shut the door. All of the Paladins except for one leave the room.]
[Rob]: We don't know if that's Brian or not. Everyone keep quiet.
[Zon]: Agreed.
[The team stands silently for a moment. A holographic screen appears in front of them with Hornbok on it. He is dressed differently, wearing robes and sitting on a throne as if he were royalty.]
[Other Hornbok]: What have you brought me?
[He looks at the team and grunts.]
[Other Hornbok]: These are my Plumbers you malfunctioning filth... Let them out at once...
[The screen disappears and the Paladin still in the room heads to open up the cell. Suddenly, there is an explosion with in the base. Several loud bangs can be heard, and then the metal door in the room flies off its hinges, hitting the Paladin and knocking it against the wall. In the doorway, the Dimension 91 versions of Lotin, Lucifer, Arthur, Blitz, and Chemestris are standing, facing the recruits. The Paladin, obviously not Brian, throws the door back at the Elite's counterparts. Two flame throwers appear on each arm and spray fire at the Elite. The Other Lucifer counters will his own fire breath as the Other Lotin jumps over the flame wall and stabs the Paladin in its shoulder with his sword. He slashes from behind and destroys one of the Paladin's arms. The Paladin spins, but Lotin ducks as Arthur jumps forward and kicks the Paladin in the back, sending it crashing into the wall. Lotin stands up, looks at Arthur, nods, and then turns to look at the team.]
[Other Lotin]: It's weird to be fighting on the same side as you...
[Paper]: Agreed...
[Lotin stabs the cell lock device with his sword, destroying it and opening the cell. The team steps out, and Paper stands across from Lotin.]
[Paper]: We thought that if we made a scene then you would find us...
[Other Lotin]: Sure enough we did... But how long have you been here and why did you need to find us?
[Sci]: We've been here since October... And we think the upcoming alignment is the perfect opportunity to try and get back home...
[Other Arthur, to Other Lotin]: There is a planetary alignment occurring tonight at midnight...
[Other Lotin]: What were you planning?
[Paper]: We think that the Plumbers of this world may be trying to launch an invasion of our world... We were going to use the portal that they open up during the alignment to get back home...
[Other Blitz]: We'd have to infiltrate their headquarters... It's nearly impossible...
[Bink]: I think we've heard that too many times... We need to forget how hard this is going to be and just go ahead and do it...
[Other Lotin]: Are you sure about this?
[Paper]: Yes, we need to act quickly, though. There are less than 10 hours until the alignment begins...
[Nick]: And one more question... Where are Ra'ol Set and Viper?
[Other Arthur]: They escaped into your dimension long ago... We obviously haven't been in contact with them since...
[Other Chemestris]: With that out of the way, are all of you ready?
[Sci]: I believe we are...
[Other Lotin]: Then let's go fight some Plumbers...
[The camera cuts to the Dimension 19 Magisters running down the hallway in the Academy, with the Dimension 91 Ra'ol Set and Viper following them. They arrive at the team's office and knock down the door, finding it completely empty inside.]
[Hornbok]: Where could they be?
[Other Viper]: They might have gone to Midnight City to look for the diamond...
[She takes the diamond out of her pocket.]
[Other Viper]: But they won't find it there... Our best option is to stay here, and wait for them to come to us...
[Ivada]: How do you know that they need the diamond?
[Other Ra'ol Set]: They're certainly planning on launching an invasion... If so, they need the diamond...
[The camera cuts to Midnight City in Dimension 19. The Dimension 91 team is investigating around the museum, which is still destroyed and surrounding by police tape and barricades.]
[Other Paper]: This is getting us nowhere...
[He turns to Bink.]
[Other Paper]: Why don't you track the diamond, already?
[Other Bink]: I suggested that earlier, but you said it would just waste time...
[She closes her eyes and thinks for a moment. Her eyes glow purple then return to normal.]
[Other Bink]: It's at the Academy...?
[Other Paper]: Let's head back then... And be prepared for trouble... It shouldn't be at the Academy...
[They head off to the Plumber base and the transport platforms in the city. The camera cuts back to the Academy. The Magisters, and the Dimension 91 Ra'ol Set and Viper are still at the team's office.]
[Ivada]: This is weird to not be fighting you two...
[Other Ra'ol Set]: I can't believe it, either...
[They hear the sounds of footsteps running down the hallway.]
[Slick]: Someone's coming...
[As the footsteps get closer, several distinct people can be heard.]
[Slick]: Several people...
[The entire Dimension 91 team arrives in the hallway, across from the Dimension 19 Magisters, the Other Ra'ol Set, and the Other Viper. The Other Paper sees the diamond in the Other Viper's hand.]
[Other Paper]: Viper and Ra'ol Set? Hornbok, what are you doing...
[Hornbok]: Paper, exactly where have you been the last few hours?
[Other Paper]: Midnight City, trying to find Oslet and Persons. Hornbok, are you...
[Other Ra'ol Set]: You can drop the act now, they know.
[Other Paper looks around, finding the Diamond in Other Viper's hand. He smirks. ]
[Other Paper]: Its a shame that it had to end like this.
[Suddenly, the Dimension 91 Team lunges at the Magisters, Other Ra'ol Set, and Other Viper. Other Paper runs up to Hornbok, grabbing a chair and throwing it at Hornbok, who falls to the ground after being hit with the chair. Other Sci uses his elemental powers to remove the air around the Other Ra'ol and the Other Viper , making them struggle to breath. Other Toon sends large flames at Slick and Ivada, as the other Dimension 91 recruits begin using their powers on the Magisters as well. Other Bink walks into the office, as she looks around at the lights and technology in the room. ]
[Other Bink]: Noisnemid ruo fo repiV dna teS lo'aR eht sa llew sa ,noisnemid siht fo elpoep eht kcattA .eeht nommus I eciffo fo seriw ,won srewop krad ym htiW.
[The Wires of all the electronics are ripped from the walls, attacking the Magisters and the Other Elite members. The ground collaspes under Hornbok, as he falls down into a classroom. Other Paper jumps into the hole, kicking Hornbok over, as Other Toon and Other Bink jump into the hole as well. ]
[Other Paper]: How sad... this Hornbok can't even fight his own recruits.
[Hornbok kicks down Other Paper, before trying to run away. Other Bink lefts her hand up, making Hornbok freeze where he is. Paper shoots a capluse arrow at Hornbok, which opens up, releasing an electric net, hitting Hornbok and forcing him into the ground. Bink raises her hands into the air and releases blue energy at Hornbok as she chants. ]
[Other Bink]: Create an ice prision surrounding Hornbok, with one hole for air near his face. Then I command the roof above to come down, change into bars, and surround the ice prision, so Hornbok can't escape. Finally, I demand a ring of fire surrounding these prisions, but the ice is not to melt.
[The blue energy becomes ice, entrapping Hornbok with the exception of a hole for air. Suddenly, parts of the roof come down, breaking off but freeze, change into the shape of prision bars, and strike the ground, surrounding the ice prision. A ring of fire appears around the ice prision, but it doesn't melt. ]
[Other Paper]: Well done, Bink.
[Other Toon appears with the Diamond in his hand. ]
[Other Toon]: We have it. The others are surrounded by special prisions made of earth, thanks to Sci.
[Other Paper]: Then, let us head to Midnight City. To begin the Invasion.
[It cuts to Dimension 91. ]
[Paper, voiceover]: This is the plan.
[It shows three Paladins marching in a hallway, marching past a group of other Paladins. Once the other Paladins have left, the three Paladins enter a room. Inside the room is a generator attached to multiple computers. The Paladins walk over to the computers, and begin typing commands. ]
[Paper, voiceover]: The place we're going to is called the Palace of Parosia. Parosia is the planet that the Plumbers originate and have their Headquarters on in this dimension.
[The generator shuts down, as it cuts to an another area of the Palace. ]
[Paladin]: Emperor Hornbok, the generator in Section 19 has been shut off.
[Other Hornbok]: Get the camera feed immediately.
[A screen appears, showing the Paladins in the Generator room. ]
[Paladin]: Are you sure this is going to work Toon?
[Toon, as the Paladin]: Of course, Bink.
[Paladin #3]: Lets get out of here.
[Other Hornbok slams his fist on this throne. ]
[Other Hornbok]: What the hell, why are th- unless... sound the alarms and bring them to me.
[The alarms begin going off as the Paladins look around in the Generator Room. ]
[Paladin #3]: They know we're here.
[The Paladins take off their ID Masks, to reveal themselves as Bink, Toon, and Zon. Paladins burst into the room. ]
[Paladin]: Freeze!
[Paper, in voiceover]: They're going to know we're there, which means we'll have to fight through the Paladins. All of them.
[Zon transforms into Diamondhead and shoots crystals at the Paladins, as Bink uses her magic to cause an explosion, and Toon destroys the Generator with his fire. ]
[Paper, in voiceover]: According to this dimension's Elite, there are 19 generators in 19 out of 20 sections of the Palace of Parosia. So, we're going to have to either shut them down or destroy all of them to allow the Elite's forces to attack.
[Paper sends an explosive arrow at a generator, destroying it. Sci sends a burst of fire at another generator. Jack sends energy blasts at a third generator, causing it to be destroyed. It cuts to Ben fighting Paladins after destroying a generator. ]
[Paper, in voiceover]: Now there's only 17 of us, so we'll meet at the two generators near the Throne Room. When we take them down, the Other Elite will attack, and help us fight this dimension's Magisters.
[It shows Will teleport behind a group of Paladins, then take them out. Nick on the other hand, uses his Acid Breath on other Paladins, melting them as Rob shoots heat vision at a third group of Paladins. Multiple cameras show the team members running in different directions, fighting Paladins. Emperor Hornbok is watching. ]
[Other Hornbok]: We took over the galaxy, have we slacked off in the last few months?
[Suddenly, he hears something. A sound. The sound get louder and louder. After the moment, he hears an attack occuring outside. He begins hearing explosions, as the ground begins shaking. ]
[Other Hornbok]: Paladins, fight my rogue team.
[The Paladins begin heading towards the door as the other Magisters appear next to Other Hornbok. ]
[Other Ivada]: If our team has indeed gone rogue, they may be planning to overthrow us.
[Other Kruto]: They could destroy us, they could take over both dimensions...
[Suddenly the door explodes, with a Paladin being thrown across the room. The Team appears, as Sci puts down a Paladin, and Kali appears with a pistol. ]
[Sci]: Dang, you look hot in that leather, Kali.
[Kali]: Excuse me?
[Sci]: Nothing.
[The Team enters the throne room as Other Hornbok stands up. ]
[Other Hornbok]: What is the meaning of this?
[Paper]: Excuse us, your highness but we're not your team. We're from the other dimension. And we're not going to let you or them invade our world.
[Other Hornbok]: Is that so.
[Other Hornbok presses a button on his throne. Suddenly, energy bars shoot up from the ground to the roof, surrounding the Team. ]
[Other Hornbok]: Predictable.
[Sci]: The Generators are done, which means that anyone can teleport or attack. Speaking of which...
[Suddenly, the Other Elite appear in the room. ]
[Other Lotin]: I see the fun started without us.
[Other Hornbok]: Deal with them... I'll get the Invasion ready.
[The Other Magisters charge at the Other Elite, who also charge. Other Lotin throws Other Kruto across the room, as Other Lucifer and Other Arthur team up against Slick and Relgo. Chemestris runs over to the Team as Blitz fights Magister Ivada. ]
[Other Chemestris]: Its an electric energy bar trap, I've dealt with this before. It'll require a binary virus, which will take some time...
[Kali]: We have 15 minutes before the Portal can be opened. Hurry!
[Other Chemestris]: I'll try.
[Other Chemestris heads to one of the Paladin Control Panels, as Other Lotin fights Other Kruto. Other Kruto grabs Other Lotin, flips him into the air and slams him into the ground. Other Lotin grabs Kruto by the leg, and presses a button on his glove that he's wearing. The glove shocks Kruto, sending him to the ground. Other Ivada then begins shooting ice at Other Lotin, having frozen Other Blitz. It cuts to Other Hornbok in a private viewing room, with a large window showing the armada of spaceships preparing to leave. Hornbok throws a device onto the ground, which creates an hologram, showing Other Paper. ]
[Other Paper]: What?
[Other Hornbok]: It appears that you sent the other team here, and now they're attacking my stronghold to get back to your world.
[Other Paper]: We can handle them.
[Other Hornbok]: Get everything ready. You have 14 minutes till the portal needs to be opened. I'm preparing the fleet. DON'T disappoint me.
[The transmission ends, as Chemistris stops typing. The energy bar prision disappears, as Chemistris is struck with ice, falling down. The Other Magisters stand up, as the Other Elite are barely able to stand up. ]
[Other Lotin]: Goo... stop the invasion... leave us. Save yourselves...
[Paper]: No, we'll fight, we'll...
[Sci]: We only have 6 minutes, we don't have time to do both.
[Other Chemistris]: Stop Hornbok... at all ... costs.
[Other Lucifer]: Please, leave us. Stop them.
[Paper looks at the Other Elite, then nods. The Team heads towards the secret chamber Hornbok is in, as the Other Magisters aim their weapons at the Other Elite. ]
[Other Kruto]: At last, we'll get rid of you rebels...
[Other Lotin]: We aren't rebels... we're the Elite.
[As Paper and the Team reaches the chamber, gunshots are heard. Other Hornbok turns around, to see the Team. ]
[Other Hornbok]: You escaped...
[Paper]: Of course.
[Other Hornbok]: You're too late, the invasion will begin, and no one will stop m-
[Paper runs up to Other Hornbok and punches him in the face, knocking him out.
[Toon]: What the hell?
[Paper]: Lets shut this down.
[Kali, looking at the ships]: There's no way we can stop them now.
[Paper]: We'll take a ship then. Sneak in, hijack a ship, get back home. We can deal with our counterparts and this invasion there.
[Nick]: Then let's get to it.
[It returns to Dimension 19, at the Plumbers Academy. Hornbok is still trapped in the net and ice prision, when all of a sudden, he hears something. Suddenly, he hears the fire being put out, before the same noise is heard. Then, the roof bears and ice prision are shattered, as Hornbok turns his head to see Humungosaur. ]
[Hornbok]: Ben?
[Humungosaur]: Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about Animo, but then I found you and the rest of you trapped.
[Humungosaur detransforms back to Ben, who takes off the net. ]
[Hornbok]: We've been betrayed... oh and the Elite, don't arrest them. We'll need them...
[Ben]: Why?
[Hornbok]: We have an invasion coming.
[It cuts to Midnight City. The Dimension 91 team is standing in the middle of a park. Other Bink and Other Sci are standing in front of each other. Other Bink chants a spell, causing her hands to glow, then shoot out energy hands that change to Sci's hands size. ]
[Other Bink]: To open the portal, we shall use your elemental powers, as well has the darkness inside you caused by the demon king. Now, chant with me.
[Other Bink places the diamond on the ground, as they chant a spell, shooting lighting at the diamond. ]
[Other Bink and Other Sci]: Won ti nepo ot uoy dnammoc I dnomaid, eno ytnin noisnemid, nepo llahs ssenkrad, nik ruo nommus, latrop eht esaeler, rehto eht ot, latrop eht nepo. Won ti nepo ot uoy dnammoc I dnomaid, eno ytnin noisnemid, nepo llahs ssenkrad, nik ruo nommus, latrop eht esaeler, rehto eht ot, latrop eht nepo.
[As they do this, dark smoke comes out of Other Sci's mouth, going towards the diamond. Flames appear in front of Other Sci's hands, as a twister surrounds Other Bink and Other Sci, water forms around the two, and the pebbles on the ground begin to levitate. ]
[Other Bink and Other Sci]: Won ti nepo ot uoy dnammoc I dnomaid, eno ytnin noisnemid, nepo llahs ssenkrad, nik ruo nommus, latrop eht esaeler, rehto eht ot, latrop eht nepo. Won ti nepo ot uoy dnammoc I dnomaid, eno ytnin noisnemid, nepo llahs ssenkrad, nik ruo nommus, latrop eht esaeler, rehto eht ot, latrop eht nepo. won nepo uoy dnamed I!
[Suddenly, the diamond glows bright, stopping the spell, and sending the two back. The Diamond shoots out a beam of energy, which opens up a portal in the sky. Suddenly, spaceships begin flying out of the Diamond as the Dimension 91 Team watches. ]
[Other Paper]: It has begun.
[Suddenly a smaller spaceship appears, and begins shooting at the Dimension 91 team. ]
[Other Nick]: What the heck?
[The spaceship lands at the edge of the Park, as a second spaceship shoots at the invasion spaceships before landing next to the invasion spaceship. Out of the first ship comes the Dimension 19 team, and out of the second ship comes the Dimension 19 Magisters. They meet up together, to each group's shock. ]
[Paper]: Sir?
[Hornbok]: Paper? Is that the this dimension you?
[Paper]: One way to find out. What did you say? Before we went to GBA Headquarters in 2014?
[Hornbok]: There is a day, in every Plumber's life were things are darker than ever. When good has failed, evil seems to have won, and all seems lost. But, some things are more powerful then evil. Some things are more powerful than a crystal, or a sword of darkness, or even a demon king. You see.. one of the most powerful things in the universe.... is hope. Remember that. Always remember that.
[Paper]: Word for word... alright. We have an entire fleet of other dimensional spaceships coming out of that portal to attack the city and the dimension. We need air support, and ground support. Get all available plumbers. This is ground zero.
[Hornbok]: Alright.
[Hornbok goes back onto one of the ships, as a third small spaceship lands on the opposite end of the Park. Kruto takes a device and puts it up to his eyes. ]
[Kruto]: I see... wait a second. Is that... Me?
[Paper]: There are alternate everyone. The Plumbers in the other dimension are galactic rulers. We have to take them, the fleet, and the alternate team down.
[The Team, Magisters, including Hornbok now and Kali, walk towards the middle of the Park. On the opposite end, the Other Magisters and Other Team walk towards the middle of the Park as well. The Papers glare at each other, as the Magisters inspect their opposite selves. ]
[Kruto]: I look good in that color.
[The two groups stand in front of each other, a few yards away from each other. ]
[Other Paper]: Are you REALLY going to try and stop us?
[Paper]: Since you are indeed me, I think you know the answer.
[Other Paper]: Indeed.
[The two Papers speed at each other, but the real Paper jumps over the Other Paper and tries to kick him in the face, but he misses. Both turn around and aim arrows at each other, but don't fire when they realize that they are locked in check. Across the park, Sci shoots a stream of water at the Other Sci, who blocks it with a wave of fire. He sends rock of Earth at Sci, who jumps up with a burst of air and then sends a wave of fireballs at his counterpart. The Other Toon sends another wave of fire as a counterattack, but then jumps back as Toon sends more fire his way. Toon starts to force the Other Toon to back away from Sci, but his counterpart jumps over him and then sweep kicks his legs. On the other side of the fight, Zon is fighting his counterpart.]
[Zon]: You can't even come close to beating me...
[Other Zon]: Well, I'm you, so we'll see how this goes...
[Zon rushes at his counterpart and turns into his full vulpimancer form. He charges at him and then lunges, but the Other Zon avoids. He blasts green energy at his counterpart, but Zon rolls out of the way to avoid. He turns back into his human form and then blasts green energy at his counterpart to counterattack his own green energy. Next to them, Brian and his counterpart are locked in a dual sword exchange. Brian swings his left arm, as a sword, at his counterpart, but he counters with his right arm, also as a sword. The swords continue to slash back and forth, with neither of them gaining an advantage. Above them, Aevan and his counterparts' shadows are locked in combat, as their bodies remain motionless below. Aevan's shadow quickly gains advantage and knock's the Other Aevan's shadow back into his body. The Other Aevan then kicks Aevan's body down, which forces his shadow to return. Aevan jumps up and tries to roundhouse his counterpart, but he avoids. Both of them then get caught in a giant wave of ice sent by the Other Sub and the Other Ivada as they fight their counterparts. Sci and Ivada jump over the frozen Aevans and form large ice swords to continue the fight from close range. The frozen Aevans break free and continue close range combat as Sub and Ivada charge at their counterparts with their swords ready. The camera cuts Hornbok and the Other Hornbok, who are standing across from each other.]
[Hornbok]: I don't understand you...
[Other Hornbok]: I feel the same way about you...
[Hornbok]: Why are you so evil?
[The Other Hornbok chuckles before drawing a sword.]
[Hornbok]: Why are you so good?
[He lunges at his counterpart, but Hornbok stretches around him and the kicks him in the back of the leg. The Other Hornbok spins around and slashes his sword, but Hornbok quickly draws his own sword to block it. He spins in the other direction to try and catch Hornbok off balance, but he blocks that attack, too, and then swings the sword offensively, making his counterpart take a couple steps back. Near them, Bink and her counterpart exchange magic attacks.]
[Other Bink]: You know, you're the strongest of all the Plumbers... Stronger than the Magisters, stronger than Paper, even maybe stronger than Sci, and yet you let them boss you around...
[Bink]: I follow their orders because I respect them and their orders. Maybe you think that being the strongest means you have to be in charge, but that's not how it works in this dimension. Maybe I am stronger than them, but that doesn't give me the right to lead, you have to earn it.
[She blasts a magic beam at her counterpart, which ends the large magic attack she was preparing.]
[Bink]: Won rof cigam eht fo lla pots.
[Her counterpart tries to blast a magic beam at her, but it doesn't work.]
[Other Bink]: Oh you little... Cigam eht kcab gnirb.
[Nothing happens.]
[Other Bink, angry]: Oh you little...
[She charges at Bink and tries to punch her, but Bink ducks underneath the punch and kicks her in the back, knocking her forward. She stumbles to a stop and then turns around as Bink punches her in the face. Near them, the Jacks are locked in a lightning duel. They each cut off the lightning as the Other Jack charges at his counterpart. Jack jumps and kicks at his counterpart's face, but he misses and gets zapped by his counterpart's lightning. Next to them, the Robs are locked in sword combat while the Waters are locked in a close range brawl. Water grabs his counterparts arm and throws him into the Other Rob. The Dimension 91 Plumbers quickly get back up and charge at their counterparts as Slick collides with his counterpart. He punches his counterpart in the face, and then gets flipped over onto his back. Behind them, Nick chases after his counterpart while he avoids spurts of acid from his mouth. Below them, Will tries to roundhouse his counterpart, but misses and then gets hit by a blast from the Other Cassie. Her counterpart jumps and kicks her back before firing blasts of her own at her.]
[Cassie]: Nice try...
[She continues to fire blasts of energy at her counterpart as the two Wills return to their own fight. Near them, the two Nars are locked in close range combat with their katanas. Nar knocks one of his counterpart's katanas out of his hand and kicks him back. The Other Nar ditches the katana and charges at his counterpart. Relgo and Kruto have teamed up to fight their counterparts in more close range combat. Relgo punches his counterpart and then jumps to avoid a sweep kick from the Other Kruto. Kruto checks his counterpart, who quickly regains his balance and punches him back. The Other Ben chases his counterpart as the two blast sonic screams at each other, which only seem to affect each other. Ben lands and then jumps at his counterpart and kicks him down to the ground. He lands and stumbles but then jumps back up and continues the aerial combat. Back on the far side of the park, the two Papers are still aiming arrows at each other.]
[Other Paper]: You're making no progress whatsoever...
[Paper, grinning]: Are we?
[He looks up at the sky. The invasion force from Dimension 91 seems to have shrunk, and hundreds of Dimension 19 Plumbers' ships can be seen facing the Dimension 91 ships.]
[Paper, angry]: ARE WE?
[The Other Paper fires his arrow at Paper, who quickly unleashes his arrow. Paper's arrows opens a portal, and the Other Paper's arrows flies through it into a void of space before exploding. The portal obstructs the Other Paper's view, and once it closes, he is punched onto the ground by his counterpart. He looks around the battlefield and sees that all over, the Dimension 19 Plumbers are slowly winning the fight over their counterparts. He looks at the Dimension 91 fleet, which starts to retreat into the portal to Dimension 91.]
[Other Paper]: This fight isn't over...
[Paper]: But it will be soon...
[Other Sci]: No, it won't be...
[He overwhelms his counterpart with a blast of pure lightning, electrocuting Sci and sending him stumbling back. On the other side of the Paper's, the Other Bink can be seen walking away from a possibly unconscious Bink as the three Dimension 91 Plumbers surround Paper.]
[Other Sci]: Did you really think you could stop us that easy?
[Other Bink]: My magic is gone.
[Other Sci]: We don't need your magic for this, by merely saying the incantation from the SVT, we can summon him.
[Paper]: Him?
[Other Sci]: Yes, him. You wouldn't know him, since he hasn't been to this world for a very, very long time. Since before the days of the slaughter of Love, and the transformation of Hate into Rigon.
[Paper]: I thought Hornbok was the leader of your dimension...
[Other Paper]: No, he's the front man. The person who acts as the leader. Our TRUE leader, is someone else.... someone you'll soon meet with the help of five friends...
[Other Paper points to Other Will and Other Nick coming out the spaceship with five other people. Paper, and the recruits watch as they realize who the five are. ]
[Other Bink]: I believe you know them as the Sages... Hope, Fear, Grief, Rage, and Joy.
[Hope]: Don't lose hope, Guardian. You can defeat the Others.
[Fear]: Don't give into your fears.
[Grief]: Grief later, but for now you must stop them from unleashing him.
[Joy]: I'm just so HAPPY that you returned to this dimension.
[Other Nick]: Silence.
[Other Nick presses a button, which activates the metal collars around their necks. Suddenly, each of the Sages eyes glow red. ]
[Other Nick]: The sages are under control now.
[Other Paper]: Let us perform the ritual at once.
[Other Toon burns into the ground a series of runes, circles, and lines surrounding the Diamond. The diamond is in an inner circle, followed by three more larger circles that grow bigger and bigger, surrounding the smaller circles inside. From the center are five lines that shoot out like a pentagon, leading to five smaller circles with ancient runes in them. One for Hope, One for Fear, one for Grief, and the other two for Rage and Joy. The sages are placed there as Other Sci takes out the Dimension 91-version of the SVT, opening it out for him and Other Bink to read. ]
[Other Sci and Other Bink]: rewop neddibrof eht hsaelnu ew sa hctaw setaf eht tel ...noisnemid emoh ruo ,rehtO eht fo eman eht nI!
[The sky grows darker till its pitch black as the Dimension 19 Magisters and Recruits watch. The nearby grass and trees begin dying off, as the windows in the nearby skyscrapers shatter, and begin flying around the park in a fast speed. ]
[Other Sci and Other Bink]: Won eb ot dlrow ruo fo emit eht eralced I ,rehtO eht fo eman eht nI .dehsaelnu eb yoJ dna ,egaR ,feirG ,raeF ,epoH segaS eht fo srewop eht ,setaF eht fo srewop eht dnamed I ,rehtO eht fo eman eht nI .noisnemid siht nmednoc I ,rehtO eht fo eman eht nI.
[Energy bursts from the bodies of the Sages, as Hope's energy spirals around then comes towards the center and hits the diamond. Fear's energy does the same, but Joy and Rage's energies go in the opposite direction, spiraling around before hitting the other side of the diamond. Grief's energy spirals around the diamond multiple times before hitting at the very top of the diamond. The diamond begins growing bigger, as Other Sci and Other Bink smile. Paper begins crawling towards his bow and arrow, which had fallen off, only for Other Paper to notice. He grabs the bow and arrows right before Paper gets them. ]
[Other Paper]: Why aren't you watching the show?
[Other Paper kicks Paper's face, making him face the Sages being forced to do the ritual. ]
[Other Sci and Other Bink]: Retsam ruo eerf ,rehto eht fo eman eht nI .won eb ot dlrow ruo fo emit eht eralced I ,rehtO eht fo eman eht nI .dehsaelnu eb yoJ dna ,egaR ,feirG ,raeF ,epoH segaS eht fo srewop eht ,setaF eht fo srewop eht dnamed I ,rehtO eht fo eman eht nI .noisnemid siht nmednoc I ,rehtO eht fo eman eht nI!
[A shock wave sends everyone backwards, including the sages as their energy disappears. Then, a burst of energy shoots from the diamond, hitting the ground. It forms into a container with a lid on it. Suddenly, the lid bursts off, revealing a liquid-like substance that fills the ritual site Toon created. As it covers it, it begins to come together towards the center. As the concentration grows bigger, the liquid begins to rise, forming a humanoid shape. After a body and item has been made by the liquid, the liquid turns solid, until items begin appearing. Boots. Armor. Hands. A humanoid alien appears once the liquid is solid, opening his eyes and looking around. ]
[Humanoid Alien]: I am freed...
[The Dimension 91 team and Magisters, including Other Hornbok bow to the figure. ]
[Other Paper]: Kogan sir, we have brought you back to your home dimension.
[Kogan]: Yes, indeed.
[Kogan notices the Dimension 19 team still alive, watching. ]
[Kogan]: But you have not killed them?
[Other Paper]: Well no, but...
[Kogan grabs Other Paper by the throat. ]
[Kogan]: I demanded that they were to die, and you have failed me...
[Other Paper]: No, I .. I ...
[Kogan throws Other Paper into the sky before taking his alien tech sledgehammer and shooting a boomerang of energy at Other Paper. The energy hits Other Paper, ripping him into atoms before he fades into nothing visable. The Dimension 91 team and Dimension 19 team both look in shock. ]
[Kogan]: Now, I suppose before I wipe all of you out, you want to know my back story.
[Voice]: Actually, I can do that.
[Everyone turns their direction to see Paradox standing in the distance. ]
[Paradox]: Hello everybody! I figured I'd drop by, watch you all fight.
[Hornbok face palms himself for a few moments. ]
[Hornbok, talking to himself]: Why does he always show up in these kind of situations?
[Paradox]: Now as I was saying, I can tell you the story. You see... Kogan was a member of this dimension's Plumbers many hundreds of years ago, before the time of Rigon. He believed that the Plumbers were superior over all other races, and decided that it was time to take control of the galaxy. But when his vision for a dictator-like society was turned down, he and his fraction went rogue. Using dark Nikon'ali magic, they decided to infiltrate the Plumbers and destroy them from the inside out. There was a nasty war that lasted for a good nineteen months, when Kogan and his fraction were found, and defeated. With his fraction stuck as other people, I sent them into a newly born dimension called "The Other". In "The Other", the dimension did indeed prosper under his cruel leadership, but there was a curse. A curse that said that everyone born in that dimension would be forced to be the exact opposite of a figure in this dimension, to the point where they even look alike. That is, with the exception of immortals. Born immortals, I must add. I had sealed off access to that dimension, and removed the ability to travel to it from the Mirror of the Stars. Kogan had created the diamond, which was the only way to get to the dimension. I couldn't destroy the diamond, so I hid it in his dimension.
[Hornbok]: Until Ra'ol Set found it, ten years ago.
[Paradox]: Precisely, dear Hornbok. Well, if I'll be watching from beyond time and space. Cheerios!
[Paradox vanishes out of nowhere, as Kogan pays his attention towards the Plumbers. ]
[Kogan]: Now, where were we? [Kogan charges at the guests as he shoots more energy out of his sledgehammer. Nick and Cassie dodge the energy, as the Magisters attempt to fight. However, the D91 team begins attacking them, Other Sci grabbing Kruto and Other Bink grabbing Ivada. ]
[Other Sci]: I don't think so.
[Kruto]: Sci, you were never the best student...
[Kruto jumps up, flips around, grabbing Other Sci and slamming him into the ground before punching him repeatedly in the face. This causes Other Sci's nose to break, making him bleed out. ]
[Kruto]: We all knew that Paper was the best.
[Ivada freezes Other Bink, then looks at Kruto]
[Ivada]: Lets go.
[Kogan throws his sledgehammer towards Bink, who uses her magic to teleport away and appear behind Kogan. The Sledgehammer hits Other Hornbok, killing him and ripping him to shreds. Kogan motions for the sledgehammer to come back, and it begins to come back, as Kali attempts to revive Sci. ]
[Kali]: Wake up Sci. Wake up!
[Kali puts her lips on Sci, before getting up. Sci opens his eyes, as he looks at Kali. ]
[Sci]: What's... going on...
[Kali]: Get up Sci, we need you. I need you.
[Sci takes out his hand and is picked up by Kali. ]
[Sci]: Who is th-
[A blast of energy is shot towards Sci, as he dodges. ]
[Sci]: Whoa! What the heck!
[Toon runs up to Sci and Kali. ]
[Toon]: Let's burn that maniac.
[Toon and Sci shoot out fire at Kogan, who jumps upwards and runs on the side. Kogan shoots lighting at the two of them, knocking them down. As Kogan throws his sledgehammer at Kali, Paper takes out an arrow with a claw and rope on it, and shoots it at the sledgehammer. The claw grabs onto the Sledgehammer, pulling it towards Paper, its energy hitting multiple buildings and destroying them and everything in them, including people nearby. It hits the ground near Paper. ]
[Kogan]: Noo... NOO.
[Kogan runs towards it, creating energy swords and cutting down anyone in his away, including Will and Cassie, who get their Plumber suits damaged but survive. Paper grabs the sledgehammer, lifts it upwards, and shoots the energy out of it towards Kogan. Kogan turns to the side, nearly being hit, as the energy flies past him. ]
[Kogan]: You... missed.
[Paper]: Did I?
[Kogan turns around to see where the energy is heading towards. The energy is in the direction of the diamond as Kogan looks in horror. ]
[Kogan, screaming]: NOOO.
[The energy hits the diamond, causing it to crack open into pieces. This causes a massive explosion, causing the first portal to close leaving only the energy shooting into the air, and creating a new portal on top of the ritual site where the diamond was. The Dimension 91/The Other team begins getting sucked into the portal, as well as any remaining wreckage from the Dimension 91/The Other team's invasion ships. Kogan realizes this, and screams as he runs towards Paper. ]
[Kogan]: You ruined everything!
[Kogan shoots lighting at Paper as Paper defends himself with the sledgehammer. The lighting begins shocking Paper, as he tries blocking it with the power of Kogan's sledgehammer. Suddenly Kogan begins feeling himself being sucked back into the container. With one last scream, he flies backwards, turning back into liquid, before being thrown into the container, and having the lid put on, and having the container thrown into the portal. The Dimension 91 team/The Other team are sucked into it as well as the wreckage, and with one last breath, the energy comes towards the portal, before causing yet another explosion, before the diamond appears, as if it was never destroyed, dropping onto the ground. Paper puts down the sledgehammer, before Paradox pops up in front of the diamond. ]
[Paradox]: I'll take this, thank you very much.
[Paradox picks up the diamond, whaving his hand on it. The diamond glows yellow for a second before the yellow glow disappears. ]
[Paradox]: Once again, they will be unable to travel via the Mirror of the Stars, or any other methods. I'm going to keep this with me this time, that way they can't escape.
[Paper]: Good idea.
[Paradox]: You did good, Guardian. We will meet again, though I shall say this, we will meet at a time when you will face a threat unlike any other. Now remember... reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, now cheerios!
[Paradox flashes away as Paper scratches his head. ]
[Paper]: Um... okay bye Paradox.
[The team begins to regroup as the Plumbers' fleet begins to leave the Earth, leaving only one ship.]
[Hornbok]: Everyone here did good today... I can't believe that you guys were trapped in another dimension... For 7 months...
[Paper]: It's hard to believe; I can't believe it either...
[Hornbok]: I honestly don't have anything to say... Do whatever. Go, have fun. I can't imagine what that must have been like for you...
[The team looks at Hornbok and the other Magisters. They all walk off to the ship and prepare to head back to the Academy. Hornbok is left standing across from the ship, checking the scene once more, just to be safe. He turns around and sees the destroyed park and museum.]
[Hornbok]: I just wonder how the Elite feel, being trapped in prison forever...
[Ivada, approaching Hornbok]: Did you say something?
[Hornbok]: Uh, no, I was just making sure everything was back to normal...
[He turns around and walks with Hornbok onto the ship as the camera cuts to a news conference a few days later. Damian Walker is addressing a group of reporters.]
[Damian]: ...And the only reason I haven't talked about this yet is because the Plumbers' just lifted the gag order...
[Reporter]: So what do you think caused this whole thing?
[Damian]: To me, it's obvious... The chaos in Midnight City was caused by the Plumbers, which is why I believe that the Plumbers have outlasted their stay on Earth...
[End of Part 3]
Part 4: Prelude to Destruction[]
[The camera shows the Washington Monument. Fireworks go off in the distance as thousands of people gather in the area below to celebrate Independence Day, specifically the 250th anniversary of the singing of the Declaration of Independence. The grand display of fireworks continues as the camera cuts to the base of the Washington Monument. A figure walks towards several guards blocking entrance to the monument.]
[Guard]: Hey, stop!
[The figure blasts a red energy beam out of weapon at the three guards, knocking them back. He kicks down the door to the Washington Monument and then runs in towards the elevator. He kicks open the door to the elevator shaft and sees the elevator below him. He activates rocket boots and then flies up the shaft all the way to the top of the Washington Monument. The figure lands at the top and then takes a small panel out of a containment device. He presses a button underneath the railing looking towards the Capitol Building. A tile in the floor opens behind him and a strange device. He places the panel on top of the device and then presses a button on it. The device turns on. The figure makes a hologram appear in front of him with a feminine figure on it.]
[Figure]: Phantress, the first panel is in place...
[Phantress]: Excellent, the other two are still on their way... Soon, we will have what we have always wanted... A war with the Earth!
[The camera cuts to lobby of the Plumbers Academy. The recruits are watching a news feed of the celebrations back on Earth. Everyone appears to be in a happy mood. The Magisters and some other Plumbers are standing around in other parts of the lobby.]
[Ivada]: Should we tell them about the surprise?
[Hornbok]: Soon, give them a couple minutes...
[The camera shows several of the recruits. Sci is watching the celebration with Kali at his side. Paper and Bink are near them. Other recruits are talking with each other.]
[Hornbok]: They've become a family, you know?
[Ivada]: You still have to tell them...
[Hornbok]: I'm doing that right now...
[Hornbok taps a device on his badge and turns of the screens. The recruits turn around and look at Hornbok.]
[Hornbok]: I've got some important news for you... We have decided to promote all of you up one rank for your hard work in the recent weeks... Aevan, Nar, Zon, Rob, Ben, and Water will become First Officers, Brian, Will, Cassie, Sub, and Jack will become Sergeants, Sci, Bink, Nick, and Toon will become Commanders, with Toon specializing in the navy brigade, and Paper becoming Lieutenant. We hope you are all pleased with out decisions and you can continue on with your conversations...
[He turns the screens back on, which reveals a breaking news story: an attack on the Washington Monument. In the story, the Washington Monument is shown with a red eye in front of the top of it. Hornbok sees this and his eyes widen.]
[Hornbok]: The Bymosis Eyes...
[Paper, suspicious]: Bymosis...?
[Hornbok]: You may have heard the world before... Bym is the Aldabarbarian word for energy, and osis means medium... The world literally means energy medium, but we would call it a portal...
[Jack]: But... Aldabarbarians? The Phantom guy?
[Ivada]: I doubt it... The last time he was free, he was captured by Lotin... Maybe Phantress?
[Hornbok]: Phantress is the wife of the Phantom, and she's probably equally as dangerous, if not more dangerous...
[Sci]: Okay, but what's this about the Bymosis Eyes?
[Hornbok]: It's quite a lengthy story... Dating back... Really far...
[Sci]: As old as Rigon?
[Hornbok]: Before any of the Sages were born... We are talking about perhaps 10 million years ago... It's common knowledge in the galaxy that the Aldabarbarians arrived in the galaxy in the Earth year 1768, but this is far from true... In fact, the Aldabarbarians had almost complete galactic domination shortly after their first arrival in the galaxy, nearly 10 million years ago... They installed a warp generators and three power generators on every planet, but deactivated them when they left. Humans eventually unknowingly built over the deep-underground generators, but the Aldabarbarians quickly returned, albeit in small numbers, and connected the structures above the generators so that they would act as the mediums of the generators... Each of the power generators became known as a Bymosis Eye, and the warp generator is called the Bymosis Gate. Each Eye needs to be activated by connecting a device a machine hidden within it.
[Water]: Where are the Eyes and Gate?
[Hornbok]: The Washington Monument is the first, and it has already been activated... The Statue of Liberty and the Seattle Space Needle are the other two Eyes, and the St. Louis Arch is the Gate. The Aldabarbarians actually turned the whole arch into an inactive jump gate. Once the Eyes are activated, the Gate activates and the Aldabarbarian armada can arrive from the other side of the galaxy...
[Nick]: So, you want us to prevent them from activating the other two Eyes?
[Hornbok]: Yes, Paper will be in charge of one squad... He can go to the Statue of Liberty.... Sci can take the other squad to Seattle.
[Paper and Sci and nod and them look at each other for a moment.]
[Paper]: Okay, Bink, Nick, Will, Cassie, Aevan, Rob, and Ben, you're with me, the rest of you are with Sci, now let's go...
[The camera cuts to a Plumbers ship flying towards Earth. Inside, Paper's team is waiting for the mission ahead. Nick is flying the ship. Paper and Bink are sitting next to each other, holding hands.]
[Bink]: Paper, we're on a mission...
[Paper]: When are we not on a mission...
[She smiles and hugs him.]
[Paper]: Besides, we were going to head to Earth tonight anyway, just not for this reason...
[Bink]: Hopefully this is over with quickly...
[Rob, piloting the ship]: It may be quicker that expected...
[Everyone on the ship looks in front and sees three Aldabarbarian scouts riding hovercrafts up to the ship.]
[Nick]: Will, we've got this?
[Will]: Definitely...
[The camera cuts to Nick and Will standing in the front of the ship as it cruises towards New York City. The scouts shoot red energy blasts from their weapons at the two recruits. Will jumps at one of the scouts and punches him in the face. He avoids a blast and then kicks the scout off of his vehicle and begins to fly it himself. More scouts begin to the chase the ship, sending it far in front of Will. He chases the other scouts from behind and starts to shoot some of them down. Meanwhile, Nick blasts a stream of acid, knocking down one of the scouts. He gets hits from behind with a blast from another, but then regains his balance and kicks that scout out of the sky. Some of the scouts start to jump onto the ship next to Nick. A few corner him while the others attack the ship itself. Nick kicks one aside, but then gets knocked over by two scouts. He spits up a wave of acid, stopping most of the scouts on board. The last scout manages to make a large crack in the windshield of the ship before losing his grip on the side of the ship and falling to his ultimate death. Will jumps off his stolen vehicle and walks over to Nick.]
[Will]: Can you handle that crack?
[Nick]: Yeah...
[He runs over to the crack and stands there, thinking of how to repair it as more scouts arrive. One sneaks up behind Will and punches him in the back. He stumbles forward and then slides directly off the side of the ship. Nick sees him and immediately goes into a nosedive off the ship and grabs Will mid-descent. He starts to fly back up as Aevan, Ben, Cassie, Paper, and Bink get onto the front of the ship. They are now only about 10000 feet above the ground as the scouts begin to back away.]
[Cassie]: Was that a diversion or something?
[Will]: I don't think so... We got down faster than we would have at protocol flying speed.
[Aevan]: I don't think it matters. We're basically here, and now we've got to hold our ground until the Magisters can deactivate the Bymosis Eye in DC.
[The recruits turn and look at the Statue of Liberty in the distance, and the lights of New York City even farther away.]
[Rob]: So what's the plan? Ground surveillance? Aerial patrol?
[Paper]: Nick and Aevan, you're on aerial patrol, Ben, Cassie, Rob, you've got ground patrol, Bink, Will, and I will take the inside of the statue.
[Rob nods as the camera cuts to the Statue of Liberty. Ben, Cassie, and Rob are walking around the outside of the statue, which is closed down for the night. The camera cuts up to Nick and Aevan in the air, the latter with a jetpack, who see a government boat arriving at the docks of the island.]
[Aevan]: The government's here?
[Nick]: Maybe they think this is a target after the attack on the Washington Monument?
[Several government troops get out of the boat and begin to walk towards the statue before stopping to talk to each other.]
[Nick]: It shouldn't be a problem...
[He puts his ear up to his communicator.]
[Nick]: You three inside yet?
[Will]: Yeah, we're not at the top yet though... Why, problem?
[Nick]: Well, the government is here...
[Cassie]: The Washington Monument was just attacked. They have every right to be here...
[Nick]: Yeah, well, I'll let everyone know if I see anything...
[He stays there for a second and stares at the government troops, before starting to fly around the rest of the island as the camera cuts to the rest of the recruits making their way for Seattle. Sci, Toon, Jack, Water, Brian, Zon, Nar, and Sub are standing in a ship as it approaches the Space Needle.]
[Sci]: Our first goal should be to locate the device connected to the underground generator. If the Aldabarbarians can't get to that, then they can't invade...
[The camera cuts to the ship hovering above the tower with the recruits having exited onto the observation deck. Sci begins to walk over to the elevator, and when he is halfway there, it opens. On the other side, several Aldabarbarian soldiers are waiting for the Plumbers.]
[Toon]: Ambush?
[Jack]: Doesn't matter, just crush 'em...
[Toon runs at one of the soldiers and kicks him back. The soldier punches at Toon and then ducks to avoid a punch from him. Toon steps back to avoid a punch and then kicks the soldier back. Another soldier behind him knocks him to the ground in order to get an open lane to fire his blaster at the Plumbers. Zon blasts green energy at the soldiers as interference for the others. Brian jumps at the soldier with the blaster and kicks it out of his hands. The soldier punches him back, but Jack electrocutes him and then kicks him to the ground. As the soldiers and Plumbers on the deck continue to fight, another ship of Aldabarbarian soldiers flies into view, and about a hundred more soldiers exit the ship. Sci blasts a wave of wind at the soldiers, holding them in place. Several of the soldiers fly forward, against the wind with rocket boots. Three approach Sci and one of them manages to knock him back, cutting off the blasts of wind. Sci blasts protective fire around him to keep the Aldabarbarians away, but the soldiers continue to blast at him. Sub tries to freeze the soldiers surrounding Sci, but he only manages to delay some of them. One soldier runs up to Sub and punches him in the face, knocking him backwards into Nar.]
[Nar]: Easy now...
[Nar draws his katanas and runs forward, slicing at the same soldier's armor. He kicks the soldier down as he runs past and continues to attack the soldiers surrounding Sci. Sci, in turn, unleashes a mini tidal wave at all of the soldiers, knocking all of them back. More soldiers continue to fight with the other recruits. Water grabs two soldiers, slams their heads together, and drops them on the ground as three other soldiers all fire their blasters at him. He grunts and then closes his eyes and unleashes a red energy blast at the three soldiers, destroying their weapons. He runs up to one and kicks him back, and Jack helps him out by electrocuting the other two.]
[Water]: Thanks...
[Jack]: Don't mention it...
[Brian kicks the last soldier down to the ground and then turns around and faces the other Plumbers.]
[Brian]: Looks like we were just in time...
[Zon]: There'll be coming, just wait...
[Sci]: Agreed, we should look for the--
[Toon]: No need Sci... I think I found it...
[He points to part of the railing of the observation deck. He looks under the railing and presses a button, opening up a pedestal. There is a slot on top of the pedestal where something can be placed inside.]
[Sci]: How'd you find this so quickly?
[Toon]: I was leaning against the railing and I felt a button underneath it. I'm surprised no one else has noticed it...
[Brian]: Should we radio the others and tell them that we've secured our machine?
[Sci]: Yeah...
[He puts his ear up to his communicator.]
[Sci]: Paper, what's the status of your machine?
[Paper]: We've found it. It's at the very top of the statue... What about you...
[Sci]: We ran into some Aldabarbarians, but we fought them off and secured our machine... Any trouble over there?
[Paper]: The government is doing some investigating, but other than that the island is deserted... If you encountered some Aldabarbarians then we'll be on the lookout...
[Sci]: Alright...
[He looks at the others.]
[Sub]: Okay, so do we just guard these forever? If we leave the Aldabarbarians are just going to activate them immediately.
[Toon]: That's a good question, what are we going to do?
[Sci]: We wait until the Magisters tell us what to do... They need to deactivate the Bymosis Eye in D.C. Considering that it's already been activated, it's probably highly protected...
[The camera cuts to Washington, D.C., where the Hornbok, Ivada, Slick, Kruto, Relgo, and the newly promoted Magister Jopius are fighting off Aldabarbarian troops. The camera shows the red eye in front of the Washington Monument for a moment before cutting down to ground level where the fighting is taking place. In a large circle surrounding the Magisters and the Aldabarbarian forces is the U.S. army. Ivada forms two ice swords and slashes them at the Aldabarbarian soldiers. He uses the swords to block blasts from their weapons and continues to fight them off. He slashes one and then ducks to avoid another's blast. He tosses his sword in the air, roundhouses one, slams another's head into his knee, then catches the sword and uses them to block another blast. Slick punches one aside and then slams two more of them into each other. Jopius fires blasts from a golden energy blaster and then disperses the blaster, in favor of an energy shield to defend himself. He gets rid of that, too, and forms an energy hammer to take out more troops. Relgo kicks several troops back and then gets blaster in the back. Kruto kicks that soldier in the back and then roundhouses another. He turns to avoid a punch from another, and then pulls that troop towards him and kicks him into a group of several more. Hornbok slashes at one soldier and then stretches out of the way to avoid blasts from another. He uses his sword as Ivada did to block an energy blast, and then slices the soldier's gun in half before punching him down to the ground. As the fighting continues, the camera shows the army surrounding them.]
[Lieutenant]: Shouldn't we end this?
[General]: Firstly, this is the Plumbers... Secondly, I have strict orders not to...
[Behind the circle of tanks and army soldiers, an Aldabarbarian captain and three soldiers stand waiting. The captain points at the army, and one of the soldiers drop a briefcase on the ground and open it up. He takes a large missile launcher out of the case and then aims it at the tank. He launches a missile at the tank, and it explodes in a fiery eruption, sending the tank flying into the middle of the fight. Ivada notices the tank and kicks Relgo out of the way before sending up an enormous wave of ice to stop the tank's momentum and flip it back over. A few human soldiers exit the tank and run off towards the opening in the barricade, but the captain and the other two soldiers begin to fire at them. One soldier gets hit to the ground and the other two barely avoid fire.]
[Lieutenant]: Those are our own men...
[General]: Protect them only, don't interfere with the Plumbers...
[He nods and then looks to several officers on the other side of him and points at the Aldabarbarian captain. A little bit farther down the circular barricade, a tank rotates its cannon and fires at the captain. He gets taken out by the blast, but the two soldiers don't, and turn to focus their attention on the tank. As the third soldier, who fired the missile, arrives, the three begin to blast at the tanks. Back in the center of the circle, the Magisters have finished off most of the Aldabarbarians. One blasts at Slick, but he ducks and then pile drives into the soldier, knocking him back. He turns and looks at the others.]
[Slick]: That's the last of them...
[Hornbok]: More will be coming... Ivada and Jopius, you two head over to the monument. The rest of us will take out the rest.
[Jopius nods his head and forms a golden platform that carries him and Ivada over to the monument. The others run over to the last three soldiers. Hornbok roundhouses one of them and Kruto slams the other two's heads together, dropping them to the ground. The human soldiers start to relax as they realize that the threat has ended.]
[Hornbok]: General what do you think you're doing?
[General]: Human lives were in danger...
[Slick]: Understood, but you do realize that you violated orders and could have made the situation worse...
[General]: My orders were to barricade the area and only attack to save human lives.
[Relgo]: We've taken care of the area. More Aldabarbarians will probably be on their way...
[Lieutenant]: What about the monument? Are you going to take care of that...
[Hornbok]: I sent two Magisters to deactivate the Bymosis Eye... Deactivating that, and making sure that the other two aren't activated will guarantee that the Aldabarbarians do not launch a full scale invasion...
[The camera pans over to Ivada and Jopius standing on a golden platform in front of the red eye on the monument. Ivada blasts a stream of ice at the eye, but it seems to absorb the ice and fire it back as a red energy blast. Jopius blocks it with a golden energy shield.]
[Ivada]: If only I knew how this thing worked...
[He tries forming a large ice sphere around the eye, but it unleashes a wave of red energy, destroying the ice barricade. Jopius forms a golden spear and stabs it into the eye, but realizes that it is only made out of energy. The golden energy disbands and the eye remains active.]
[Jopius]: And more ideas?
[Ivada]: Yeah, hope that the other two eyes don't activate...
[The camera cuts to Seattle. The team is guarding the pedestal that is connected to the underground generator. As they guard it, two more Aldabarbarian ships arrive at the Space Needle. The door opens on one of them, and an Aldabarbarian holding a laser blaster aims at the team.]
[Jack]: We've got company...
[The Aldabarbarian fires at the team, making them scatter. Many soldiers now start jumping out of both ships and attacking the team. Another Aldabarian still on the ship, holding what appears to be the missing piece of the pedestal jumps down onto the Space Needle and slowly walks towards the pedestal. He kicks Sub out of the way and then looks at the pedestal. Sci turns and sees him holding the missing piece.]
[Sci]: The pedestal!
[He blasts a stream of fire at the Aldabarbarian, but several soldiers block it. Two large Aldabarbarian brutes, one from each ship, jump down to defend the Aldabarbarian at the pedestal. He places the piece in the pedestal and there cracks in it flash white and then seal up. The pedestal sinks into the ground as Sci grimaces and looks above him. A second red eye has appeared right in front of the tip of the Space Needle. Sci screams and let out a burst of winding, blasting several of the troops back. The rest fly back onto the ships, except for the brutes, who stay to fight the team. Water jumps up at one and punches him back. Sub freezes him in place and then Water picks him up and throws him at one of the ships, making it explode. The other brute backs up and then jumps towards the ship, landing on top of it as it flies away. Brian grows wings and flies down towards the crashing ship. He blows wind at it with his hand morphed into a wind generator, making the flames go away. He flies underneath it and tries to lift the ship and prevent it from crashing into the ground. He manages to slow it down, but he flies out from underneath it and it crashes with a thud, destroying part of the road. Brian flies back up and deforms his wings.]
[Sci, into his communicator]: You have to stop them from activating the third eye. If they activate it, it means total war across the planet...
[The camera cuts to Paper, Bink, and Will in the top of the Statue of Liberty. They are fighting off an Aldabarbarian assault.]
[Paper]: Yeah, we're trying.
[He fires an arrow at a soldier. As it hits him, it unleashes a wave of foam, trapping in four of the soldiers. Will kicks one soldier and then ducks underneath a punch from another one. He kicks that soldier back into another one and then tries to avoid a blast, but it hits him anyway, making him slide back. Bink blasts magic blasts at an Aldabarbarian brute, but the blasts simply hit his armor and do nothing.]
[Bink]: Topskaew sih em wohs
[She blasts a wave of magic at the brute, which this time manages to knock the armor off on the back of his legs. Paper fires an arrow at the back of his legs, which explodes and sends the brute flying forward. Bink avoid the brute as he hurdles past her. She starts to fight off more soldiers as the camera cuts outside. Nick and Aevan are fighting a bunch of flying Aldabarbarian troops. Nick breathes a stream of acid onto a group of them, but some of them avoid. Aevan sends his shadow out to take out more troops, and he succeeds, but more troops continue to arrive. The ship that the troops came from flies over, and Aldabarbarians on it start to fire at the two Plumbers. The camera cuts to the base of the statue. Cassie, Ben, and Rob are arrive at the entrance of the statue and start running up the stairs to get to the top. Back at the top, Paper speeds though three soldiers and then slides underneath another before jumping up, kicking off the wall and roundhousing another soldier. From outside, the Aldabarbarians start to blast at the team inside. Will teleports from the statue onto the ship and punches one of the troops firing the blasters. He teleports to behind the others and then takes them out, too. He gets hit on the back by one troop, but he grabs onto the edge of the ship and teleports back into the statue. Several of the troops jump from the ship and into the statue. One Aldabarbarian is holding the device that will activate the underground generator.]
[Paper]: Bink, the machine...
[She turns towards where the machine is and blasts a wave of magic attacks at all the Aldabarbarians around it. Some of them get knocked down, but others block the attack with their shield. The troops start to form a barricade around the machine as the Aldabarbarian with the device attaches it. After a moment, a red glow can be seen outside the statue. The camera shows a wide shot of the statue, with another red eye right in front of the statue's face.]
[Paper, in disbelief]: No...
[Suddenly, a red barrier forms around the eye. In Seattle, the same happens. The camera cuts to Washington, D.C. A red barrier forms around the eye. Jopius notices and moves himself and Ivada away from the eye.]
[Ivada, into his communicator]: Hornbok, look up here...
[Down at ground level, Hornbok looks at the Washington Monument and the red eye, now in the barrier, above him. He turns to the other Magisters.]
[Hornbok]: Get to St. Louis.
[The camera cuts to the St. Louis arch. At the left base, the tip, and the right base, three more red eyes appear. The eyes float forward and closer together until they are all in a small circle several hundred feet in front of the arch, aligned right with its center. Each eyes fires a red laser back to the point on the arch where it came from. The eyes also connect in a red energy circle, the beginnings of warp gate. Red lights start to appear on the arch, going from the base to the tip as the eyes start to return to their original positions. At ground level, a warp portal opens up and the Magisters exit out of it. Storms clouds begin to gather around the arch as the eyes lock into their normal positions, with the warp gate now encompassing the entire arch.]
[Hornbok]: This is bad...
[The portal itself doesn't appear to lead to anywhere. It shows black space with red streaks of energy occasionally rippling through it.]
[Hornbok]: It seems to be locating the coordinates of the gate on Aldabarbaria, so we should have 5 to 10 minutes to make any preparations...
[Ivada]: What do you suggest?
[Hornbok]: I have no idea...
[Suddenly, two more warp portals open up, with the team that was in Seattle arriving in one, and the team that was in New York City arriving in the other.]
[Will]: How long do we have until that's an active jump gate?
[Hornbok]: 10 minutes maximum... When it does activate, I've got an idea...
[The camera cuts Aldabarbaria. Phantress is standing in front of another warp gate as it tries to find the coordinates of the one in St. Louis. Behind her, hundreds of warships prepare to attack the Earth. An Aldabarbarian general walks up to her.]
[General]: Phantress, according to one my admirals, one of the ships had a malfunction and repairs are currently being conducted on it, which leaves us one ship short.
[Phantress]: Do you know what caused the malfunction?
[General]: We don't know by whom, but it appears to be sabotage.
[Phantress]: Figure out who sabotaged the ship and end them.
[General]: Of course...
[He walks off as Phantress grins. The red streaks in the warp gate start to ripple faster as an image of St. Louis on Earth appears in it. In the image, a group of Plumbers can be seen in the distance. Phantress' grin turns into a full smile as she walks forward through the jump gate and into St. Louis. From the Plumbers' point of view, they see Phantress exiting the warp gate.]
[Relgo]: She's here...
[The Plumbers notice the massive warships waiting on Aldabarbaria.]
[Hornbok]: Slick, Kruto, Water, Rob, Jopius, Zon, Cassie, and Aevan, go confront Phantress. The rest of us have something else planned...
[The names Hornbok called go off towards the warp gate and Phantress.]
[Sci]: So what do you have planned?
[Hornbok]: The other Magisters and I have been preparing to bring in new recruits... You know, to follow in your footsteps... Now would be the perfect time...
[Jack]: You're bringing in more recruits...?
[Ivada]: Now's not the time to argue... Paper, Will, Bink, and I will be heading through the warp gate to attack the Aldabarbarian forces there... The rest of you will split up into groups to pick up each of the 5 new recruits. Now, we don't have much time, so let's get moving...
[Hornbok and the others nod their heads. Paper, Will, Bink, and Ivada run off towards the Phantress as the others continue to talk among themselves. The camera cuts to Phantress, basking in the different environment of the Earth. The group assigned with confronting her arrives just as she appears to be finishing.]
[Phantress]: Is this my welcoming committee?
[Water]: I guess you could call us that...
[Phantress]: That's strange, because I don't feel very welcome here...
[As Phantress and the Plumbers continue to banter back and forth, the four Plumbers going to Aldabarbaria sneak past her and stop just feet in front of the warp gate. Aldabarbaria can be seen clearly through the warp gate, with many warships preparing for battle.]
[Ivada]: Ready?
[He holds his arms out. One one side, Will grabs his arm, while on the other, Bink grabs his arm and then Paper grabs Bink's other arm. They walk forward into the portal as the camera cuts to the opposite point of view with them exiting the portal.]
[Will]: Okay, we're here, now what?
[Ivada]: The plan is to hijack and small Aldabarbarian ship and take off for Pollunia, a neighboring planet...
[Paper]: Hornbok's plan is to make a peace treaty?
[Ivada]: It's the best way to end a war, and that's what we believe we're dealing with, now let's go...
[They run off towards a small scout ship off to the side of the much larger warships.]
[Ivada, while running]: And how'd you know that the plan is to force a treaty?
[Paper]: I knew from Kali that the Pollunians have served as the middle man between the Aldabarbarians and Betelgusians...
[Will]: They've been surprisingly quiet... the Betelgusians.
[Ivada]: Which is also quite possibly very bad...
[The group arrives at the scout ship. No Aldabarbarians are standing around it, but there some that are inside. Will teleports onto the front of the ship and then inside the ship, he kicks one soldier and then throws another one into the third soldier, knocking them all unconscious. Paper, Bink, and Ivada run over to the door as Will opens it from the inside. Without talking, they run onto the ship. More Aldabarbarians can be seen arriving at the ship to try and stop the Plumbers from leaving on it. The ships begins to power up and fly away as the soldiers start firing at it. The ship gets off the ground and then turns around and flies away from the soldiers, eventually getting out of the range of their attacks. The camera cuts back to the team fighting Phantress. Slick punches Phantress, making her slide back, but she quickly runs forward and kicks Slick before moving onto her next target and kicking Jopius in the face before he can hit her with his golden hammer. Water swings Rob around and throws him at Phantress. He manages to slash her in the arm with his sword before she kicks him back. Water picks up Zon, transformed into his full vulpimancer form, and throws him at Phantress. She knocks him to the side and then turns her head just in time to notice and avoid an attack from Aevan's shadow. His shadow loops back around and returns to him Phantress approaches him.]
[Aevan]: Work together, guys...
[Cassie looks over at Zon, back in his normal form, laying on the ground.]
[Cassie]: Zon, you heard him!
[Zon slowly gets up and looks at Cassie.]
[Zon]: Right...
[He blasts a stream of his green energy at Cassie, who absorbs it with one arm and fires it back with the other arm directly at Phantress, who grunts at the attack and then stops in place and grunts.]
[Phantress]: This is getting you nowhere, children...
[Cassie]: We're not...
[Phantress]: Compared to me, you are...
[She grins.]
[Phantress]: And now it is time...
[She looks up to the jump gate as the Aldabarbarian fleet begins to arrive. The Plumbers stand in shock, wondering what to do about the ships.]
[Rob]: What now?
[Slick]: We've got to try and stop the ships...
[He points at a ship close to them.]
[Slick]: If we can make that ship crash, it will take out all the other ones near it...
[Aevan]: How are we going to take down a whole warship?
[Slick]: I have no idea, but it's still worth a shot...
[He looks at Water and Rob.]
[Slick]: You two, going up?
[They nod their heads. Slick grabs Water by the arm, swings him around, and then throws him towards the ship, before doing the same thing to Rob. Water smacks into the hull of the ship and manages to grab on to the dent he forms in the ship. He punches the hull and forms a hole in it, then climbs inside and kicks out that piece of the metal hull. Rob lands on another piece of the hull and then jumps inside the ship. He turns to the wall near him and sees a control panel. He stabs his sword into the control panel, which makes all the lights turn off in the ship.]
[Water]: We're still not crashing?
[Rob]: There must be a separate generator for the engine...
[Down below, Phantress has left the scene as Zon, in his half-vulpimancer, half-lepidopterran form, carries the rest of the team up to the ship.]
[Aevan]: So how do we bring this thing down?
[Zon]: Beats me...
[Slick]: Maybe the same thing we used to stop the Phantom's Nest...
[Jopius]: Ice? It's a good thing we sent Ivada through the jump gate...
[Slick]: You have any ideas?
[Jopius]: Destroy the backup generator...
[Suddenly, the ship begins to tilt and fall towards the ground.]
[Kruto]: Or it can just crash on its own?
[Water]: Did the backup generator run out of power or something?
[Zon]: I don't care, we should get out of here...
[Rob grabs Aevan, Water grabs Jopius, and Slick grabs Kruto as all the pairs jump down to the ground. Zon returns to his half-vulpimancer, half-lepidopterran form as he flies Cassie to the ground. The massive warship can be seen falling to the side as it crashes into another ship, sending both of them crashing to the ground. Phantress watches from another ship and grunts.]
[Phantress]: What caused that ship to fall?
[Soldier]: It's not entirely our fault... The Plumbers destroyed the main generator, and the backup generator ran had very little power left...
[Phantress]: It's insignificant, but a shame nonetheless... Press forward with the invasion...
[As the team lands on the ground, the remaining number of ships begin to launch their assault on the city. Some of the ships fire massive laser cannons at tall skyscrapers, destroying many of them, while others drop explosives, burning the ground.]
[Cassie]: This can't continue...
[Jopius]: How are we supposed to stop it...?
[Hornbok, returning]: I can't answer that question...
[The Plumbers look and see the rest of the team, with the five new recruits, standing behind them.]
[Hornbok]: ...But I can tell you that you won't have to do it alone...
[The camera cuts to the hijacked Aldabarbarian scout ship landing on Pollunia. Paper, Bink, Will, and Ivada exit the ship and begin to walk towards a palace on the planet. The camera shows a female figure standing on the balcony over looking the palace grounds. She is seen grinning as the camera cuts to the grounds below. The four Plumbers continue walking towards the palace as there is a flash of white light in front of them and the figure from the balcony appears in front of them.]
[Figure]: Plumbers?
[Ivada]: Are you who is going to help us negotiate a treaty with the Aldabarbarians?
[Figure]: Princess Polarys of the Pollunians at your service. What have the Aldabarbarians done, though? We haven't heard of any troubles from the Betelgusians.
[Paper]: That is very worrisome. Why haven't the Betelgusians done anything about the Aldabarbarian aggression?
[Polarys]: This is the first I've heard about any aggression. Three of you are humans; have they attacked the Earth?
[Paper]: Indeed they have...
[Bink]: They activated a jump gate using the Bymosis Eyes that they left on Earth long ago... We used the gate to reach Aldabarbaria and then hijacked a ship and came here...
[Will]: We know that the Pollunians can force a treaty on the Aldabarbarians...
[Polarys]: Who did you hear this from?
[Ivada]: Hornbok though that--
[Polarys]: And what was his source?
[The Plumbers stand their quietly for a moment.]
[Paper]: Regardless of what Hornbok said, I heard from someone that the Pollunians served as the mediators in treaty negotiations between the two sides long ago...
[Polarys]: Who told you this?
[Paper]: Someone named Kali, the adopted--
[Polarys]: daughter of Grief? I know; Kali is an old friend of mine...
[Polarys thinks for a moment and then starts to grin.]
[Polarys, intrigued]: Guardian...
[Paper]: How did you--
[Polarys]: Kali and I have remained in touch... She told me everything about how the prophecy unfolded... About Sci, Virton's reformation, and about the Guardian...
[Bink]: I think we're getting off topic... Is it a bad thing that we know that the Pollunians can force a treaty?
[Polarys]: It's bad in the sense that it's not correct. We can't force a treaty; we only have a reputation of being extremely good negotiators.
[She sighs.]
[Polarys]: I don't want to tell stories, but know that whatever you have heard isn't true. If that is all you were here for, then I am sorry, but I cannot help you.
[She turns around and walks away.]
[Ivada]: If you can't force a treaty, then how did you get the Aldabarbarians to ever negotiate one originally?
[She stops and turns around.]
[Polarys]: Perhaps my parents could better explain this, but I will try my best. As I'm sure you are all aware of, Aldabarbarian, Betelgusia, and Pollunia surround the Destination... Originally, we kept to ourselves while the other two races fought each other... After Rigon was sealed in his prison, the Destination was built in one of the most hostile regions in the entire galaxy... As the wars between Betelgusia and Aldabarbaria continued, the Pollunians eventually realized that the isolation that the region was suffering due to the wars and the Destination was detrimental to the quality of life of our people, and so we continuously interfered in the wars, ending them with treaties each time...
[Will]: So you can help us make a treaty?
[Polarys]: We can. If you want our help, then we will see what we can do...
[Bink]: So you can help us? Why did you make it sound like you couldn't?
[Polarys]: It was in part a fallacy of communication and in part a test of your perseverance... Most would have given up after the initial denial...
[She turns around again and starts to walk away towards the palace.]
[Polarys]: Follow me, we should probably contact the Betelgusians...
[The camera cuts to the lower throne room in the castle. Polarys is standing right in front of the throne, with her back to it. The others are standing in front of her. There is a holographic screen between them. The screen seems to be trying to access a server.]
[Polarys]: Something is wrong, the connection shouldn't be this unstable...
[Ivada]: Are you sure that it's working?
[Polarys]: It should work, but now that you mention it we have not used it in several months...
[Will]: Why not?
[Polarys]: It's an emergency connection... We only use it when there's an emergency...
[There is a ping sound from the holographic screen. The screen shifts from the accessing screen to a view of throne room on Betelgusia. Instead of the Betelgusian King, an Aldabarbarian governor is sitting on the throne.]
[Paper]: Well, there's your emergency...
[Governor]: What is this mockery? Who contacted you?
[Polarys]: I'm afraid that you forgot to deactivate this emergency connection, governor...
[Governor]: That's governor Ciryus to you.
[He turns to several soldiers.]
[Ciryus]: Shut this frequency down...
[The soldiers begin to work to shut the frequency down, and after a moment, the holographic screen disappears, leaving the group alone.]
[Bink]: So, Aldabarbaria invaded Betelgusia, too?
[Polarys]: It appears to have happened months ago... We never knew...
[Paper]: So what do we do?
[King, entering]: We invade Betelgusia...
[The group turns and sees to Pollunians entering the lower throne room.]
[Polarys]: Plumbers, these are my parents, King Rygal and Queen Caphella...
[Rygal]: We heard about your contacting of the Betelgusians... Such an attack could have been conducted quickly; the Aldabarbarians must have been occupying Betelgusia for at least a while...
[Ivada]: And you think a counter-invasion is the best course of action?
[Rygal]: I've already sent word to our generals, and they are preparing for an attack on Betelgusia for the purpose of liberation...
[Caphella]: And before you ask, I agree one hundred percent. The Aldabarbarian shenanigans have gone for far too long.
[Polarys]: What about the attack on the Earth?
[Rygal]: Earth is under attack, too? We don't have a large enough army to launch a counter-inaction on the Earth as well...
[Caphella]: We could always use the liberation of Betelgusia as a way to make the Aldabarbarians retreat...
[Ivada]: That sounds good... Liberate Betelgusia and then use their liberation to show that we won't let them take the Earth... The perfect deterrent.
[Paper]: Or we fake the liberation with a... semi-liberation... Invade to cause a diversion, then sneak in, rescue the Betelgusian officials, and return to Earth...
[Polarys]: If I come with you, then when we return to Earth, all three sides will be present, and that will surely bring a beneficial end to this situation.
[Rygal]: You will do no such thing. You will stay here where you are...
[Paper]: I swear to you, King Rygal. Our team will keep her safe. We will infiltrate the Betelgusian castle and get out as quickly as possible...
[Rygal]: I trust the Plumbers... But you must promise me that she, and all of you, will return unscathed...
[Ivada]: We promise...
[He nods his head.]
[Caphella]: Then leave immediately; you don't have a moment to spare...
[As she says this, the camera cuts to the Pollunian army arriving on Betelgusia. Thousands of Pollunian soldiers storm out of the their fleet and begin to fight the Betelgusian troops waiting for them. An enormous fight breaks out between the two sides as the camera cuts to the Aldabarbarian scout ship also arriving on Betelgusia, but far away from the Pollunian army, in a dark area behind the Betelgusian castle. The camera cuts onto the ship; Paper, Bink, Will, Ivada, and Polarys are on it.]
[Will]: Split into two groups?
[Ivada]: Why, the army is already creating a diversion?
[Will]: It will be easier to find the Betelgusians...
[Polarys]: How do you usually form teams?
[Paper]: Usually at random...
[Polarys]: Okay, how about I go with Polarys and you three stick together...
[Ivada]: Sounds good, now let's get out of this ship... I'm surprised that we haven't be spotted yet...
[The camera cuts to Paper and Polarys sneaking down a hallway. Paper gets to a corner and looks around it. He slowly begins to walk down the next hallway as Polarys follows him. They get to another corner and Paper stops, but Polarys keeps walking. Paper quickly looks around the corner, sees an Aldabarbarian guard facing in the other direction from them, and grabs Polarys, pulling her out of sight of the guard.]
[Polarys]: Hey--
[They hear footsteps of the guard turning around. Paper pulls Polarys into a side room in the hallway as the guard turns the corner a shines a light down the hallway. After observing the empty hallway, the guard goes back to where he was standing. The camera cuts to Paper and Polarys.]
[Polarys, quietly]: Thanks...
[Paper, quietly]: Don't mention it... You don't have years of training in this kind of stuff, and it's my job to protect you...
[Polarys, quietly]: Yeah, it's my fault, isn't it...? Sorry...
[Paper, quietly]: Again, don't mention it...
[He looks at her for a moment.]
[Paper, quietly]: I wonder what that Aldabarbarian was guarding... We haven't seen any other guards...
[He turns to leave the room and then turns back at Polarys.]
[Paper, quietly]: I'll be right back, stay here...
[He exits the room and turns the corner. The guard is facing away from him, and suddenly the guard falls to the ground as Paper smacks him on the head with his bow. He turns around to head back to the room, but he sees Polarys standing right behind him. Paper takes a step back.]
[Paper, worried]: I told you to stay in the room...
[Polarys]: Sorry, I had to do something...
[Paper]: What did you do?
[Polarys]: I took out that camera...
[She points to a disabled camera in the upper corner of the hallway. She turns to Paper and smiles at him. He smiles back but then turns around.]
[Paper]: We should continue our search and not take any... Unnecessary breaks...
[Polarys]: Is it that obvious?
[Paper]: That you're flirting, yeah? And from experience, that's only going to get us captured, or worse...
[Polarys]: But...
[Paper]: We should...
[Polarys]: How old are you even?
[Paper]: Just turned 29... 2 days ago actually
[Polarys, shocked]: Wait, are you married?
[Paper laughs and then stands silent for a moment.]
[Paper]: No, but...
[Polarys]: You have a girlfriend?
[Paper]: Yeah...
[Polarys]: Your female teammate?
[Paper]: Bink, yeah...
[She looks at him with a more disinterested look.]
[Polarys]: Well, let's continue our search, shall we?
[She walks past him and observes the door that the guard was standing in front. She creates a golden window that allows her to see through the door. A couple Aldabarbarian guards a running towards the door.]
[Polarys]: Get ready...
[The door suddenly opens, and Paper immediately fires an exploding arrow, surprising both of the guards and knocking them back. One guard stays down while the other quickly gets up. Polarys blasts a golden energy beam at the guard, knocking him to the ground. Paper stands forward as he puts his bow on his back.]
[Paper]: They clearly know that we're here, so we should hurry...
[The camera cuts to Ivada, Bink, and Will searching in another part of the castle. They are walking down a hallway and reach a door. It suddenly opens in front of them, revealing a guard standing in front of them with his back turned. Before he can turn around, Ivada freezes him and then kicks him onto his front. They slowly walk forward as the door closes behind them.]
[Will]: Well that was a close one...
[Bink]: What are all of these guards even guarding? Are the Betelgusians close?
[Will]: Maybe...?
[The three Plumbers reach a fork in the hallway. Bink looks around the corner and sees that no guards are waiting for them.
[Bink]: Which way?
[Ivada]: If we go forward, we'll probably just run into Paper and Polarys... Right it is...
[The group turns right and opens the door at the end of the hallway. They find themselves in a small room that is completely dark. The door closes behind them. Will turns to the door and tries to open it in the same way as they opened it entering the room, by standing in front of it, but it remains closed.]
[Will]: Are we stuck here now?
[There is a loud banging sound in the room.]
[Bink]: Are we alone?
[There is silence for a couple moments.]
[Bink]: Moor siht pu thgil
[The lights flicker on, revealing four tied up Betelgusians, including Admiral Truph, sitting on the floor.]
[Ivada]: Good thing we went right...
[They quickly untie and ungag the Betelgusians, the other of whom are Admiral Placius, King Proykon, and Queen Viga.]
[Proykon]: Thanks you for rescuing us Plumbers... We've been trapped in here, wondering if we would ever leave, for two months. I'm surprised that the Aldabarbarians even fed us...
[Truph]: Is this your entire team?
[Ivada]: Paper and Polarys are somewhere else in the castle, and a large portion of the Pollunian army just launched a counter-invasion to try and liberate the planet...
[Viga]: They're only doing so now?
[Will]: The Pollunians didn't know that Betelgusia had fallen...
[Bink]: They only realized this when we asked for their help in ending the Aldabarbarian attack on the Earth...
[Proykon]: So the Aldabarbarians are on Earth...
[Ivada]: Yes, and we came here to free you and show the Betelgusian liberation to the Aldabarbarians as a deterrent for their invasion of Earth, but...
[Viga]: But what?
[Ivada]: We're stuck in this room...
[The camera cuts back to Paper and Polarys. Two Aldabarbarian guards run towards them, but Paper fires a foam arrow at one of them, trapping it and blocking the other one. Polarys shoots a golden energy blast at both of the guards, knocking them to the ground. The two run towards the door in front of them, which opens and then closes once they go through it. They find themselves in a dimly lit laboratory.]
[Polarys]: A lab...?
[Paper]: So who was doing experiments here?
[Polarys]: Probably the Aldabarbarians...
[She looks at a table in the lab with a bunch of tools on it. She picks up a small razor blade and then puts it down.]
[Polarys]: Yeah, definitely the Aldabarbarians...
[She looks at Paper, who is looking at a weird device on another table. She walks over to him as he picks it up.]
[Polarys]: What is that?
[Paper]: No idea...
[He looks at all sides of it. The device is a small silver cube.]
[Paper]: It's probably dangerous...
[He puts it down on the table and then begins to look at the other experiments. He picks up a small rod, which doesn't do anything, and then puts it back down.]
[Paper]: We should probably--
[Polarys]: Leave--
[Paper]: Wait, where'd the cube go?
[He looks around on all of the table tops and notices that the cube is gone. Polarys looks at the table behind her; the cube isn't on that table either.]
[Polarys]: I saw you put it down on that table...
[Suddenly, the alarm in the castle starts to go off.]
[Paper]: Security probe...
[He begins to walk towards the door in the room. When he gets up to it, the door won't open. He tries kicking the door down, but it remains.]
[Paper]: Are we trapped...
[Polarys steps forward and tries to blow up the door with an energy blast, but the door remains intact.]
[Paper]: Great...
[He stands staring at the door as Polarys turns around, picks up the razor blade from before, and starts using it to cut open a hole in the door. After a moment, she steps back, revealing a hole in the door. She walks past Paper and places the razor blade on the desk. He looks at her as she goes through the hole in the door and then turns around to face him.]
[Polarys]: You coming?
[Without waiting, she turns around and walks back down the hallway. As Paper goes through the hole, a bunch of guards enter the hallway and begin to fight Polarys. She shoots a wave of golden energy in front of her, which hits most of the guards. Some make it past the blasts of energy and attack Polarys directly. She jumps up and kicks one, but another grabs her by the arm and throws her at the wall. An arrow from Paper's bow hits that guard in the armor and electrocutes him, knocking him back. Paper speeds forward and kicks a guard in the face as Polarys stands up a forms a sword using her golden energy. She jumps and slashes the sword at the same guard that Paper just attacked, knocking him onto his back. She lunges at another guard and knocks him into the door that all the guards came into. She ducks to avoid a punch from another guard as Paper jumps over her and kicks at the final guard with both of his feet. He lands in front of her and then turns around.]
[Paper]: We've got to find the others...
[He turns around and then begins to run through the still open door left by the guards. Polarys follows her as they get to a fork in the hallway. They can go either straight or to the left.]
[Polarys]: They would be on the far side of the castle, go straight...
[He continues to go straight. The next door opens in front of them, revealing another room hallway with a fork in it.]
[Paper]: Straight again...
[Polarys]: Yeah...
[They start to run through the hallway as they hear sounds coming from the room off to the left.]
[Paper]: You hear that?
[Polarys]: Someone's in that room?
[Paper heads up to the door. It doesn't open in front of him.]
[Paper]: Locked...
[Polarys]: Stand back...
[She steps forward with her golden energy sword. She taps on the door with her hand and then waits a moment before stabbing the sword through the door. She cuts a large hole open in the door and then kicks it out of the door, revealing the Plumbers and Betelgusians trapped inside.]
[Paper]: Oh, you found them first...
[Bink]: Why'd the alarm go off?
[Paper]: Security probe in a laboratory... It wasn't our fault...
[Ivada]: Let's get out of here before any Aldabarbarians arrive...
[Paper and Polarys turn around away from the room as the others begin to follow them. They turn to the left at the fork, going in the direction opposite of where they came from. The next door opens, revealing another group of Aldabarbarian soldiers behind them. Polarys lunges forward as Paper ducks underneath an Aldabarbarian soldier as it jumps through the doorway.]
[Paper]: No...
[He turns to look at the rest of the team as the Aldabarbarian makes the door slammed closed. Another Aldabarbarian behind Paper slams into him, knocking him against the door. He falls to the ground as Polarys continues to fight off the Aldabarbarians. On the other side of the door, Will jumps at the Aldabarbarian soldier and kicks him against the wall, knocking him out. At the other end of the hallway, more Aldabarbarians begin to arrive. Ivada sends a blast of ice at several of them, partially freezing them. He runs up to one and punches it backwards into another, knocking both of them down.]
[Bink]: Ytivarg s'moor siht evomer
[Suddenly, everyone in the room begin to float. Ivada blasts another blast at the Aldabarbarian guards, freezing them. Bink floats over to the Aldabarbarians and pushes them towards the wall.]
[Will]: What was the point of this?
[Bink]: I really don't know... It seemed like a good idea. No kcab ytivarg eht nrut
[Everyone in the room falls to the ground. The Aldabarbarians fall and remains on the ground, unconscious.]
[Bink]: Well that worked, didn't it?
[Ivada]: What about Paper and Polarys, they're on the other side of that door.
[Back on the other side of the door, Polarys kicks an Aldabarbarian guard and then around to finish of the last one. She backs away from it as it charges a blaster, but Paper up, kicks the Aldabarbarian in the face, and then lands in front of the Aldabarbarian as he starts to fall unconscious. The Aldabarbarian falls forward as Paper tackles Polarys to make them avoid his fall. Paper rolls off of Polarys and then tries to catch his breath.]
[Polarys]: Thanks...
[As she lays on her back, she turns her head to look at Paper.]
[Paper]: No, really, I can't...
[She looks into his face.]
[Polarys]: I know... I know... Are the others okay?
[Paper]: Did they door lock or something? If they took care of the Aldabarbarian that got in then they should be here by now...
[They continue to sit there for a moment, and the door doesn't open.]
[Paper]: Are you going to open the door.
[Polarys slowly stands up as Paper starts to stand up, too. She walks over to the door and cuts a hole in it like before, opening a path from the other team. The three Plumbers and four Betelgusians go through the hole as the Plumbers regroup.]
[Ivada]: So back to Earth...?
[Paper]: Yes, let's get out of here...
[The camera cuts to the nine Plumbers and Betelgusians running out of a side exit of the castle. In the distance to their right, they see Pollunian and Aldabarbarian armies fighting, with the Pollunians making significant progress. As the group approaches their ship, it explodes as Ciryus walks towards them.]
[Ciryus]: Leaving so soon? The party's just begun?
[Polarys]: More like a nightmare...
[Ciryus]: If you want to get off of this planet, then you're going to have to go through me...
[Polarys steps forward and prepares to fight as Paper turns to Ivada.]
[Paper]: We should make a run for the Pollunian army ships... We can take one and head back to Aldabarbaria...
[Ivada]: Sounds like a plan... Can you hold off Ciryus on the way there?
[He nods his head and turns to face Ciryus.]
[Paper]: You can't tell us what to do...
[He grins at Ciryus.]
[Paper]: Run...
[As Bink, Will, and Ivada start to escort the Betelgusians away from Ciryus, Paper speeds at him but gets knocked to the side by a backhand swipe from him. Polarys starts throwing golden energy blasts at him, but he blocks them and starts to walk forwards to chase down the Betelgusian officials.]
[Ciryus]: This is amusing...
[From behind Ciryus, Paper launches an arrow at him, which hits him and explodes, sending him stumbling forward. He turns around and looks for Paper, but gets hit in the face with a golden energy blast from Polarys. He stumbles backwards as Polarys continues to attack him. he punches at her and she backs away, but Paper speeds at him and knocks him onto his back. He slides backwards and then starts to get up as Paper and Polarys run off towards the rest of the team. He grunts as they run off. The camera cuts ahead to Paper, running at normal speed, and Polarys catching up with the group. The two armies fighting can be seen very close to where they are, and the Pollunian ships are in the distance.]
[Ivada]: You took care of Ciryus...
[Paper]: He's far behind us... Shouldn't be a problem... What's the plan for getting to the ships...
[Bink]: I can cook up a spell of some sort... The closer we are the easier it will be, though...
[They continue to run and stop a moment later about 50 feet from the fighting. Bink looks at the ships and then thinks for a moment.]
[Bink]: Okay... Gnithgif eht morf efas su peek dna pihs nainullop a ot su ekat
[A magical orb appears around the entire group and takes them into the air, towards one of the Pollunian ships. Some of the Aldabarbarian soldiers are distracted by this as the superior Pollunian army continues to over power them. The team lands right in front of a Pollunian commander standing in front of his ship.]
[Polarys]: Commander, we need this ship...
[Commander]: Why?
[Polarys]: Our ship was destroyed... We need to take this one to go back to Aldabarbaria and use the jump gate to get back to Earth...
[Commander]: Okay, whatever you say...
[Polarys nods her head and gets onto the ship as the rest of the team follows behind her. The ship slowly begins to take off, but the Aldabarbarians do nothing about it. The ship flies off of Betelgusia as the camera cuts back to the continuing invasion in St. Louis. Chris, one of the new recruits, is fighting alongside Nick, Zon, and Toon against one of the ships. Nick flies across the front of ship and sprays a coating of acid on it, melting much of the metal coating. Toon uses fire to boost himself upwards and then blasts a stream of fire through the openings in the metal and into the engine of the ship. Zon lands and turns into his half-vulpimancer, half-petrosapien, stabbing hard diamond shards through the metal and into the engine. A blast of steam comes out from the engine as Zon backs up and covers the hole with diamond. Steam vents start popping up all around the engine, but Zon keeps covering them with diamond until eventually a large chunk of metal covering the engine is sent flying off by a wave of steam, sending Zon stumbling back. Chris, who was hovering near the ship using his own fire powers, lands behind Zon and catches him before he falls off.]
[Zon]: Thanks...
[Chris]: No problem...
[Zon]: Hey, I never got your name...
[Chris]: It's Chris...
[Suddenly, the ship begins to fall out of the sky towards a large skyscraper, still standing around the other buildings that have been toppled near it. Toon and Chris fly the other members who were on the ship away as it crashes into the building. Other ships can be seen crashing into the nearby fields and also the nearby water. The team lands by Hornbok, who is managing all the squads of Plumbers fighting to stop the ships. He looks in the distance as many of the ships escape the range of the Plumbers' forces.]
[Nick]: How many ships remain?
[Hornbok]: We've only managed to make 10 to 15 ships crash; there were likely over 400 ships. We're not even close to done, so the sooner Paper and the others get back here the better.
[Toon]: And meanwhile where's Phantress?
[Hornbok]: She disappeared once the ships started arriving from the jump gate...
[Nick]: Wait, how many of the ships have actually gotten through the gate...
[Hornbok]: Only about 60, but we can't close the jump gate.
[Nick]: How long would it take for Paper and the others to get back without the jump gate?
[Hornbok]: A couple of hours... With the gate open they could be back any minute now...
[Nick]: We should--
[Hornbok]: Destroying the gate is not an option, at least not until Phantress and most of the fleet is back on the other side...
[Nick]: But we--
[Zon]: They're here!
[He points to the gate. Hornbok and Nick turn around and see a large Pollunian ship squeeze between two Aldabarbarian ships as the camera cuts to Phantress watching the Pollunian ship arrive from the gate. She looks at the ship in horror and then grunts and starts to make her way for the ground. The camera cuts again to the ship landing. Paper, Bink, Will, Ivada, Polarys, and the four Betelgusians exit the ship as Hornbok and some other Plumbers arrive.]
[Hornbok]: Thank goodness you're back, many of the Aldabarbarian ships have escaped beyond our reach...
[Paper]: Well, we only need to find Phantress and convince her that her invasion will fail...
[Ivada]: That's why we brought these Betelgusian officials...
[Truph, acknowledging the previous statement]: Hornbok...
[Hornbok nods his head.]
[Hornbok]: How will that help?
[Polarys]: Betelgusia had been invaded by Aldabarbaria months ago without the Pollunians knowledge... The liberation of its leaders is a simple way of demonstrating our strength...
[Phantress, entering]: No, it is a foolish mistake...
[She walks out of the ship and looks at the group, then realizes that it was Polarys who said that. She smirks.]
[Phantress]: But, I must admit, that was very well played.
[Proykon]: Don't you realize what this means Phantress? Betelgusia has been liberated...
[Phantress]: I'm confident that my generals would have notified me of Betelgusia's liberation... Again, I commend you for your efforts, but you are not going to achieve anything with poorly enforced lying...
[Paper]: We can still stop you... You fear the Pollunians for what they can do...
[Phantress]: Your ignorance amuses me...
[Placius]: It's true, you fear them because they've stopped your plans in the past; Their military is far superior to yours.
[Polarys]: So, we'll leave it up to you to surrender...
[Phantress chuckles and then, in the blink of an eye, lunges at Polarys and punches her, sending her stumbling backwards and then rolling on the ground far behind the group. She grunts as Bink fires a magic blast and Ivada fires as ice blast at her. Both blasts invigorate her instead of weakening her, allowing her to slowly move forward and smack Ivada sideways into Bink. Will teleports behind Phantress, who spins around just as Will teleports again. She turns around again and then gets hit in the back with a punch from Hornbok's outstretched arm. She rushes forward at Hornbok, but then gets kicked in the back by Will. He teleports again, but she ignores him and keeps her focus on Hornbok. She lunges and the sweep kicks him, but he avoids as more of the Plumbers arrive. Cassie, Sub, Nar, Jack, and two of the new recruits, Roy and Holly, arrive at join the fight. Sub shoots ice crystals at Phantress, who blocks them but then gets blasted by an ice beam from Ivada on her other side. She jumps far back, leaving a giant ice crystal where both Sub and Ivada were focusing their powers. Jack shoots electricity at Phantress, who briefly gets stunned by it before punching Jack backwards into Nar. Cassie runs up and kicks Phantress in the shoulder, to no avail. She walks up to Cassie and punches at her, but she avoids and Phantress punches the ground. Roy fires a large blast from a laser attached to his arm, which stops Phantress, but she eventually overcomes the blast and knocks Roy back. Holly uses her telekinesis to throw a large piece of ruble at Phantress, but it breaks against her.]
[Holly, to her fellow new recruits telepathically]: Why did we even sign up for this?
[Roy]: I don't know why you guys signed up, but they made it sound a lot better than this.
[Chris]: And it wasn't even supposed to start for another two months!
[Roy]: Would you rather have the Earth be conquered?
[Chris doesn't respond as the fight continues. The final two new recruits, Harry and Figy, arrive with the rest of the Plumbers and join in on the fight. Meanwhile, Paper and the Betelgusians are checking on Polarys. Paper helps her up as the Betelgusians watch the fight from a distance.]
[Placius]: Can they beat her?
[Paper]: I'm sure they can, and once they do it's even more likely that the Aldabarbarians will retreat...
[They see Figy throws Harry at Phantress, sending her stumbling back. Water body checks her and then Rob smacks her head with the end of his sword. She gets on a knee and starts breathing heavily before standing up and letting out a scream.]
[Phantress]: ENOUGH!
[She takes an whip at her side and whips it at Polarys. As it snaps at her, the whip charges itself with electricity. Paper knocks Polarys out of the way and gets hit by the whip. It electrocutes him, but that doesn't deter him from speeding at Phantress, jumping at her, and kicking her square in the face. He falls back as she stumbles back and the Plumbers surround her. Paper lays on his back as Bink helps him up.]
[Bink]: Are you okay?
[Paper]: I've been worse...
[She looks at him as Polarys slowly gets up and approaches Phantress along with the Betelgusian officials.]
[Polarys]: So, are you done?
[Phantress, looking weakened, stares at Polarys with an angry look for a few moments before grinning.]
[Phantress]: I think we'll be leaving...
[Truph]: You better leave... Betelgusia has been fully liberated...
[Phantress grunts.]
[Phantress]: This is a rather unfortunate turn of events... You haven't heard the last from us though, we always have bold goals, and you have no idea what we could do next...
[She grins and starts to back away from the Plumbers in front of her. The Aldabarbarian ships still flying can be seen retreating into the jump gate.]
[Phantress]: I do have one final surprise for you...
[She takes out a small device and presses a button on it. The last of the Aldabarbarian ships can be seen retreating through the jump gate as Phantress back flips outside of the circle of Plumbers are over towards the gate.]
[Phantress]: Farewell
[She grins as she backs through the gate as the device she activated caused it to destroy itself.]
[Hornbok]: Are we just going to let her escape so easily?
[Polarys]: We have to...
[She turns to Hornbok.]
[Polarys]: It's hard to explain. It's been a long history with the Aldabarbarians, and I hope that you understand...
[Hornbok]: I do...
[She walks over to Paper as Proykon steps forward to speak with Hornbok.]
[Proykon]: Thank you for your help... It's not every day that the Aldabararians launch a surprise attack and you have no way of defending yourselves. We've become too reliant on the Pollunian military to help us, but this will change...
[Hornbok]: It's our job as Plumbers...
[Proykon]: Yes, but it's also our job to defend ourselves...
[Hornbok]: I guess we got lucky. If the Aldabarbarians didn't attack Earth, then we wouldn't have gone to the Pollunians for help and discovered the Aldabarbarian's recent activities...
[Proykon]: Agreed...
[The camera cuts to Paper and Bink, now standing close to each other. Sci and some of the other recruits are standing near them.]
[Brian]: Why don't you two just kiss already?
[Zon smacks his head against his forehead as Bink and Paper laugh it off. Sci approaches Paper with a worried look on his face.]
[Sci]: Are you okay?
[Paper]: The electricity... hurts, but I'll be fine...
[Sci]: Okay, listen, can I talk to you later, about something?
[Paper]: Sure...
[Sci]: Thanks... I guess I'll leave you two alone...
[Bink blushes and looks at Paper.]
[Bink]: So, we were going to go somewhere...
[Paper]: We still can, it's only like 3 in the morning...
[He smiles as Polarys taps him on the shoulder.]
[Paper]: Who--
[Polarys]: Thank you for helping...
[She steps by him and looks at Bink.]
[Polarys]: You, too. All of the Plumbers, in fact...
[She smiles and then turns around to leave with the Betelgusians, before turning around one more time.]
[Polarys]: I'll see all of you again sometime, maybe...
[She turns around and leaves without another word. Bink wraps her arms around Paper as the camera cuts to Paper, Sci, and Hornbok talking in a Plumbers' ship still in St. Louis. They are the only ones on the ship; everyone else is still outside.]
[Hornbok]: Okay, you better explain why we're holding this meeting; everyone else is eager to get back to the Plumbers' Academy.
[Sci]: I'm suspicious...
[Hornbok]: Of the Aldabarbarians? We all are, and I'd expect that they'd be back very soon...
[Sci]: No--
[Paper]: He's suspicious of Lotin...
[Hornbok]: How does--
[Paper]: ...because Lotin is the only one who knows where the Phantom is...
[Sci]: Lotin, rather the Elite, may be playing both sides, baiting the Aldabarbarians to invade, but also being the reason for the invasion...
[Hornbok]: So, what are we going to do?
[Sci]: If we could figure out where the Phantom is...
[Hornbok]: And how are we supposed to do that?
[Everyone is silent for a moment.]
[Paper]: This might be very risky, but I have an idea...
[The camera cuts later to all of the Plumbers standing outside of the ship. The five new recruits are standing across from Hornbok, while the other Plumbers are standing around.]
[Hornbok]: I'd like to thank all of you for helping us before we ever said you would have to... I hope that you understand...
[Chris]: So are we staying or not?
[Hornbok]: The Academy is not currently in session, so you are free to go back to your homes. We will be contacting you in two months to bring you back to the Academy once the fall term begins...
[Roy]: And what about--?
[Hornbok]: All of your questions will be answered when you return to the Academy... For now, a few Plumbers will escort each one of you back home.
[Two Plumbers go with each of the five new recruits as they head off to separate ships, leaving only some of the recruits.]
[Hornbok]: I'm assuming that the rest of you are returning to the Academy...
[He walks up to the main ship as most of the others walk with him. He sees Paper and Bink walking together in the opposite direction. He watches them as Sci walks past him.]
[Sci]: Are you mad?
[Hornbok]: I'm happy that we won... I couldn't care about anything else...
[The camera cuts to Paper and Bink walking together, holding hands.]
[Bink]: So... Where are we going?
[They stop at a street corner and look at each other.]
[Bink]: St. Louis isn't exactly the most romantic city, especially not with all the destruction...
[She smiles at him.]
[Paper]: Where do you want to go?
[Bink]: Wherever you want to go, I will go...
[He smiles back.]
[Paper]: That raises a question... What about if I leave the Plumbers? Don't panic, I'm not anytime soon, but eventually... You never know...
[Bink]: I'll go with you...
[She leans in and kisses him on the lips. He wraps her arms around her as the camera cuts back to Hornbok, who can see them from far away, close to each other. A thunder crack is heard as Hornbok looks up in the sky and it starts to rain.]
[Ivada]: Hornbok, we should go before the rain gets too heavy...
[Hornbok smiles as he enters the Plumbers' ship and the door closes behind him. The ships takes off as Paper and Bink watch it. They notice the rain starting to pour around them and then look at each other romantically.]
[Bink]: I was thinking Los Angeles...
[Paper]: Really, I was thinking Paris...
[Bink]: We can go to both, and wherever else our journey takes us...
[They walk down the street and then start to jog to get out of the rain. The camera zooms out and then fades to black.]
[End of Part 4]
Epilogue: The Crossroads of Fate[]
[Sci is working alone in the Magister's office. Ivada, Kruto, Slick, Relgo, Nick, Toon, Will, and Brian are also in the office, but they are all working separately. Sci is the only one working alone. He types some things into the computer and sighs, resenting what he has just typed. He looks at the screen as reads the words back to himself, specifically the ones that anger him the most: "Only the three of us may know." He closes the text file he is working on and then stands up, away from the computer.]
[Sci]: Has anyone seen Hornbok?
[Ivada]: He went to his quarters, why?
[Sci]: No reason...
[He exits as Ivada watches him. He goes back to fixing helping Relgo fix broken blasters.]
[Relgo]: He's been acting very strange lately...
[Ivada]: You'd think he'd be happy to be acting leader of the team... Maybe it's too much pressure
[The camera to Sci arriving at Hornbok's quarters. The door opens and Hornbok and Sci stand face to face.]
[Sci]: It's done... Once Paper returns, the riskiest mission we've ever conducted can begin...
[The camera cuts to Paper. He is sleeping on the floor in a house in Japan, specifically near the Kogen Falls. Bink is sleeping next to him. He slowly wakes up and looks at Bink sleeping next to him. He leaves her alone as he walks onto a balcony connected to the house, overlooking the falls. He sees some people walking up near the falls.]
[Paper, to himself]: They shouldn't be up there...
[Paper looks around him and sees another man sitting in a chair, reading a Japanese newspaper and sipping a beverage, probably tea or coffee. Paper doesn't seem alarmed that the man is sitting there.]
[Man]: Are we leaving soon?
[Paper]: I think so...
[Man]: We've got a lot of places to go if today is really your last day.
[Paper]: We probably should get going...
[He walks back into the house.]
[Man]: Are you regretting something, Paper?
[Paper]: No Makoru, I'm just torn. Half of me wants to continue our journey and travel the world, and the other half wants to return to my job and see my friends.
[Makoru]: I'm sure you'll make the right choice...
[Paper leaves Makoru on the balcony to read his newspaper and sip his tea as he walks through the house. Bink has gotten up, and is in the small kitchen of the house, preparing the last meal before the two pack their things, leave their temporary house in Japan, do some last minute sight seeing, and return to the Plumbers. He stands in the doorway to the kitchen and waits as she walks over to him and hands him a mug of tea.]
[Paper]: You want to go back, right?
[She takes a sip from her tea.]
[Bink]: It's been nice, traveling... but yes, I want to go back...
[Suddenly, there is a loud explosion. Paper and Bink run out onto the balcony and look over at the falls. The group of tourists who was exploring them seems to have been attacked, and a fire is now raging near the waterfall.]
[Paper]: Ha, I knew something would happen on this vacation!
[He runs back into the house and goes to the closet. He goes through both of his bags. Bink walks over to him. He looks through the bags and then looks at Bink.]
[Paper, forgetful]: I didn't... I shouldn't need it...
[Bink]: You're going over there?
[Paper]: Yeah, I'll meet your there...
[Now at superspeed, he runs out of the house as Makoru approaches Bink.]
[Makoru]: So, what did you say your jobs were again?
[The camera cuts to Paper running through the trees and vegetation as he approaches the falls and the raging fire. He makes it to a clearing in the forest, allowing him to see the burning trees and the smoke as it rises into the air. He runs forward as the camera cuts to him arriving at the fire. The three tourists are unconscious on the floor. Paper runs in a few circles around the fire and quickly puts it out, but then notices that more fires have erupted all around the area near the falls.]
[Paper]: What is going on?
[Three more flame columns erupt near the falls as Paper continues forward. He runs through the forests and then eventually trips over a metal wire randomly in the forest. He slides on the ground and then looks back it with a confused look.]
[Paper]: Okay?
[He slowly stands up and then looks around him. Several mysteriously dresses men surround him, pointing unknown weapons at him. Paper raises his hands above his head as he continuously turns around to look at all of the men.]
[Paper]: Can you explain what's causing the fires?
[The men look at him and stand still. Another man, who seems to be their leader, walks forward. He has strange flame like tattoos on his arms.]
[Man]: I apologize, but my men cannot speak English...
[Paper]: Are you the one who has caused these fires?
[Man]: Before I answer any of your questions, you need to answer one of mine; what are you doing on our land?
[Paper]: I was investigating these fires... I am staying at a house near the falls when I heard an explosion...
[The man smiles.]
[Man]: Well, yes, we're the ones who caused these fires?
[Paper]: Why?
[Man]: My name is Suzko, my men and I are part of an organization called the Servants of the Dragon...
[He raises his arms and shows Paper his tattoos.]
[Suzko]: When young men finish their training with the Servants, they receive these tattoos...
[He drops his smile.]
[Suzko]: Have you ever heard of us before?
[Paper]: I haven't...
[Suzko]: Not many people outside of Japan have... Where are you from... the States, correct?
[Paper]: Yes, but I don't live there?
[Suzko]: You're a wanderer, no?
[Paper]: I'm on vacation with a friend of mine... We're staying in one of the houses near the falls with a tour guide...
[Suzko]: What is his name?
[Paper]: Why do you need to know?
[Suzko]: I am looking for a deserter of the Servants who is masquerading himself as a tour guide... His name is--
[Paper]: Before I tell you...
[The men surrounding Paper shake their guns to remind him that they are ready.]
[Suzko]: It's okay... He may speak...
[Paper]: What does your organization do? Are you terrorists?
[Suzko]: I wouldn't call what we do terrorism, but others might call it that... Anyway, this tour guide--
[Paper]: Even if it is my tour guide, I won't let you take him...
[Suzko]: You're special, with your powers of super speed, but you are no match for the Servants. We will fight you, and we will kill you... Now, your guide, his name is Makoru, correct?
[Paper keeps a straight face.]
[Paper]: I said... I won't tell you...
[Makoru, approaching]: Paper, get out of there...
[Paper turns and sees Makoru approaching. One of the soldiers turns and fires a shot from his gun at Makoru.]
[Bink, approaching]: Tellub taht Tcelfed
[Makoru braces for impact, but the bullet doesn't hit him. It flies off into the jungle as Paper sees Bink running up behind Makoru. Paper speeds around and quickly makes work of all of the Servants except for Suzko. All of the men can be seen laying unconscious around the area. Suzko grunts.]
[Suzko]: Who do you think you are?
[Paper]: I'm Paper...
[He turns to Suzko.]
[Paper]: ...and I'm a Plumber...
[He dashes at him, but Suzko jumps back into a tree. Paper looks up just in time to dive out of the way of a stream of fire shot by Suzko. As Paper and Suzko continue their fight, Bink and Makoru stand watching.]
[Bink]: Do you know this man?
[Makoru]: I don't, but I recognize his tattoos and his men's weapons... He is part of the Servants of the Dragon, a well known secret organization in Japan that has existed for centuries since the end of the Heian Period... The organization is very spiritual, and was long thought to have disappeared, until it was revived within the last 50 years as an organization dedicated to terrorism... It was re-founded by my father, and he made me join. I deserted years ago and started a new life, which is why these men must be looking for me... They must have known I was in the house and caused the explosion to startle me... You two have powers... How?
[Bink]: It's hard to explain...
[Makoru]: And your friend fixes plumbing?
[Bink]: Also hard to explain...
[In front of them, Suzko blasts a stream of fire at Paper, who jumps away to avoid it.]
[Paper, yelling]: It's kind of hard to do anything without my bow...
[He dodges more fire and then runs behind a tree. He starts to climb it, but Suzko burns the base of it. Paper jumps from the tree and starts to approach Suzko. He dodges a punch and then runs up to Suzko and roundhouses him in the face. He gets knocked back. Paper rushes at him again and continues to dominate him in battle.]
[Makoru]: The Servants gain their mastery over fire when the graduate from their training... The ones with tattoos symbolize the masters...
[Paper kicks Suzko in the face as he falls back into the mud, barely conscious.]
[Makoru]: I never asked... Is he your husband?
[Bink]: No, we're just friends... Very good friends...
[Paper picks up Suzko and holds his arms behind his back.]
[Paper]: I don't know where to take you...
[Makoru]: I can take care of him...
[Paper turns to Bink.]
[Paper]: I'll go get our stuff ready... We'll head out in a couple minutes...
[He runs off back to the house as Bink, Makoru, and the captured Suzko start to walk to follow him.]
[Bink]: You said the masters have the tattoos? Do you have yours?
[Makoru]: I left the day before my ceremony... It was harder than you imagine...
[They walk for a moment.]
[Makoru]: Let's just head back and pack up your things...
[The camera cuts to Paper, Bink, and Makoru in an airport in Tokyo a few hours later. Makoru can be seen waving to Paper and Bink as they check in with security. They make it past security and begin to head down the hallway to find their plane.]
[Bink]: I still can't believe that we've been riding in actual airplanes and not spaceships...
[Paper]: This will be the last time, for now...
[Out of nowhere, a gunshot is heard. Paper and Bink stop in their tracks as they hear people start to scream.]
[Paper]: Makoru...
[He turns around and runs back into the lobby of the airport. He fights his way through the screaming horde of people as he sees Makoru down on the ground with a puddle of blood at his side. A limousine can be seen pulling up to the airport. A man in a suit walks into the airport, surrounded by security guards. The man stops in front of Paper and Bink, who are kneeling down next to the dying Makoru. The man's face can now be seen; he is Damian Walker]
[Damian]: I don't believe we've met... My name is Damian Walker...
[Paper]: And you're a murderer?
[Damian]: This man is a traitor to his organization; he deserved to die...
[Paper]: Very few people deserve to die...
[He has trouble holding back his anger.]
[Paper]: Why do you care? Are you with the Servants?
[Damian]: I'm part of something larger, but I won't go into too many details right now... I do have one request of you, though. I want you to pass along a message to your leader, Hornbok... Tell him that my offer is still open for the taking...
[He walks away as Makoru, still grasping onto life, grabs Paper's hand.]
[Makoru]: Thank you for saving me earlier...
[Paper]: I shouldn't have left you alone...
[Makoru]: You didn't know...
[He closes his eyes and his hold on Paper's hand weakens as he dies. Paper, now alone in the lobby with Bink, lets out a scream and then starts to cry as Bink consoles him. The camera cuts to later, actually on the night of the previous day due to time zones, at the Plumbers' Academy. Paper and Bink arrive via the transport platform. Sci and Hornbok are standing in the lobby of the Academy, waiting for them.]
[Hornbok, happy]: Welcome back, you two... We thought you would be here hours ago...
[Bink]: Our flight was delayed...
[Paper]: I guess even on vacation...
[He shows Hornbok and Sci his arm, which is covered in blood.]
[Paper, trying to laugh it off]: Anything can happen...
[Sci]: And what did? What happened?
[Paper]: Damian Walker happened...
[Hornbok, surprised]: Damian... That man is always up to something... Did he mention his offer to me?
[Paper]: Yes...
[Hornbok, angry]: I've told him no countless times, and he always continues to ask...
[Sci]: So... Where's the blood from?
[Paper]: I'd rather not talk about it...
[Hornbok]: And Bink... If you don't mind leaving, we need to talk to Paper... alone...
[Bink]: Sure...
[She looks at him and then smiles as she turns and walks away. Hornbok and Sci wait until she is far enough away before talking to him.]
[Hornbok]: You know what happens next?
[Paper]: The ruse, I know...
[Sci]: And we made a decision... Only the three of us can know about it...
[Paper]: I can't tell--
[Hornbok]: You can't tell anyone... No one except for the three of us may know about this ruse...
[Paper]: Fine... How exactly is this going to work?
[Hornbok]: Sci came up with the idea to put you in disguise as a guard at a Plumber prison, and then transfer Lotin there...
[Paper]: And what will you tell the others? That I'm on leave, after I just took a month long vacation?
[Sci]: Paper, it's the only thing that I could come up with.
[Paper]: Well think of something better, it's too suspicious for me to just randomly disappear. There needs to be a better reason, so if we can't think of one, the ruse if off...
[He leaves Sci and Hornbok in the lobby as he walks down the hallway. The camera cuts to the next night. The entire team is in the Magister's office, but they are not assembled as a team. Some are helping the Magisters continue the repair work while others, including Paper, Sci, and Hornbok are watching a feed of Earth news.]
[Reporter]: ...At this time we're also tracking another story that has been developing overseas in Tokyo. Police say that yesterday afternoon, at least one gunman fired shots into the lobby of the Tokyo Haneda airport, killing one man and causing the airport to go into lockdown for several hours. The police have not identified the victim's name, and there are currently no suspects in the case. We now to go--
[Hornbok pauses the news feed.]
[Sci, angry]: So... Where's the blood from?
[Paper]: That man was our tour guide...
[Bink overhears Paper talking about the incident, and she walks over to add to the conversation.]
[Hornbok]: So was he shot before or after Damian was there?
[Paper, confused]: After... What, you think Damian killed him?
[Hornbok]: Or hired someone to...
[Bink]: A couple hours before this happened, Paper and I saved that man from some terrorists who set a fire to part of a forest to lure him out of the house they knew he was staying at with us. He used to be part of an organization called the Servants of the Dragon... Ever heard of it?
[Hornbok]: The name doesn't ring a bell... I suppose you want to investigate...
[Bink]: It's not our jurisdiction, this is a domestic terrorism problem...
[Paper]: But what about Damian? What is his "offer" anyway?
[Hornbok]: Damian is strongly against all Plumber activity on Earth...
[Paper]: So we should investigate?
[Hornbok]: I think so... The three of you can investigate...
[He turns to Ivada, who is eavesdropping on the conversation. He nods his head.]
[Hornbok]: Okay, I guess the four of us are heading to Tokyo...
[The camera cuts to a Plumbers' ship arriving near the Tokyo Haneda airport. It is early in the morning of the next day in Tokyo. There are reporters, civilians, and airport officials surrounding the airport.]
[Hornbok]: If we wait long enough, Damian will show up.
[Sure enough, a few minutes later, the same limousine from the day before arrives in front of the airport and Damian Walker gets out along with several apparent co-workers.]
[Damian]: Before you start bombarding me with questions, you should know that I am not going to answer any. Now, as for the attack at this airport yesterday... I am aware that the man who was killed was a former member of a terrorist organization known as the Servants of the Dragon, with the operative word being "former." I can assure you that he was a changed man, and he we were meeting up at the airport when he was ruthlessly gunned down by an armed assassin sent by the Servants. The police are currently conducting a vigorous investigate to search for suspects, but no one has been found as of this time. Police due believe, however, that the gunman was likely standing on one of the rooftops near here.
[As he points to the buildings across the street, he sees the Plumbers ship a short distance from him.]
[Damian]: Or it could have been because of the Plumbers...
[Damian starts to walk over to the ship as the crowd starts to make a path for him. As he arrives at the ship, the four Plumbers on board exit.]
[Damian]: It makes perfect sense. In fact, two of these Plumbers were seen in security footage from the airport's cameras... They might have been distracting him when he entered the airport so that he couldn't notice the gunman. Once they heard the shots they ran back into the lobby as an alibi...
[Paper]: Of course, that makes perfect sense; so if you knew this man than what was his name?
[Damian]: I won't say because the police haven't said yet...
[Paper]: And why were you in negotiations with a former terrorist?
[Damian]: Well why do you work for aliens?
[Paper scoffs at that remark as Hornbok steps forward and gets right in Damian's face.]
[Hornbok]: May I remind the people that Mr. Walker has repeatedly stated that he is against any and all alien presence on Earth and would do anything in his power to end the Plumbers' stay here.
[Damian]: And may I remind you that I am not alone in my beliefs and almost half of the people in the world are against the Plumbers' operations and Earth...
[Hornbok]: Last time I checked we had a 57 percent approval rating, which is enough to keep us here, and the numbers are only so low because of last month's Independence Day invasion...
[Damian]: Which decimated 80 percent of a major city. St. Louis will never recover from that invasion... Neither will the three national monuments that the Plumbers defaced in the battle...
[Hornbok]: And if we weren't here who would have stopped the aliens?
[Damian]: If you left then the aliens wouldn't come!
[Hornbok]: But most of the aliens in this galaxy are benevolent; very few wish to harm the Earth...
[Damian]: And for the last 12 years, we still no absolutely nothing about that satellite that is just floating in our skies!?
[Hornbok]: We know more about that satellite than we do about the Servants of the Dragon!
[Damian]: Which still isn't a lot! And what about the Midnight City event of 6 years ago? Or the time the entire Earth was trapped within an alien prison device? Or the time that those demon aliens invaded Earth and caused massive environmental chaos?
[Hornbok]: And who was it who stopped both of those events? Oh, that's right, the Plumbers.
[Hornbok takes a step back as he tries to calm himself. He is breathing heavily. Damian closes his eyes for a moment and then reopens them.]
[Damian]: Let me put if this way. There are hundreds, no, thousands of planets, if not more in the galaxy... The Plumbers can use any of those planets, but humans can only ever use one, so if you wouldn't mind, why don't you just leave our planet alone?
[He stares at Hornbok, who looks unwilling to continue the argument.]
[Damian]: I'm done here...
[He turns around to walk back to his limousine, leaving Hornbok and the other Plumbers shocked. The media begins to surround them as Damian's limousine drives off, with him and his co-workers inside it.]
[Hornbok]: I won't be answering any question either, none of us will be.
[He turns to the ship and makes a following signal at the others. They head over to the ship, and once they get on it, they notice that it has been overrun with members of the Servants of the Dragon. There are three recognizable people in the ship that have their backs towards the Plumbers.]
[Hornbok]: Oh no you didn't...
[The three figures turn around, revealing them to be Rex, Rocket, and Ancy, the former Villain's Academy students who became Plumbers but later left.]
[Ancy]: This isn't what it looks like!
[Sci]: I know exactly what I'm seeing, Ancy...
[Rocket]: No, you really don't...
[Rocket blasts pure kinetic energy at all of the Servants in the ship, knocking all of them out.]
[Rocket]: You see, we left the Plumbers because we didn't like your style, but that doesn't mean we went back to our lives of crime.
[Rex]: We've been helping people and stopping crime. This was just the latest crime ring we've been messing with...
[Hornbok]: An undercover operation... Sounds very much like the Plumbers to me...
[Ancy]: We're not coming back...
[Hornbok]: Maybe just for a visit?
[Ancy looks at Rex and Rocket, who are busy handcuffing each of the Servants and carrying them off the ship.]
[Rocket]: Sure, why not?
[The camera cuts to the Academy a couple hours later. Hornbok, Sci, Paper, Rex, Rocket, and Ancy are sitting in classroom in the Academy. The lights are on, but the door is locked.]
[Rex]: Is there any reason we're meeting alone?
[Paper]: Sci, Hornbok, and myself have been planning a ruse, very similar to the one you just pulled off... If you don't mind me asking, how exactly did you pull it off?
[Rex]: We discovered the Servants two weeks ago, and we immediately realized that they were up to no good...
[Ancy]: So we pretended to be our own criminal organization that dealt with stolen weapons trade... We used decommissioned Plumbers' blasters as our source, and we had been planning to betray them at any point, it only made sense to do it when Plumbers arrived on the Plumbers' ship that they were planning to hijack.
[Hornbok]: Very interesting... Paper, explain your idea...
[Paper]: There are three specific individuals I want you three to disguise yourselves as... One of you must become to current Rotolysian Ambassador, and you are going to be killed by me.
[When he says "killed", he makes quotes with his hands.]
[Paper]: Another must become the new Rotolysian Ambassador, and replace the old one once he dies. The last of you must be the true killer of the Ambassador, and I say true, because we're going to frame me...
[Sci]: What?
[Paper]: Yes, I'm going to jail, and only the six of us may know about it...
[The camera cuts to the ArcTech building in New York City. Damian Walker is sitting in his office when the lights in his room suddenly go out. Amon Set appears in the center of the room, in front of Damian's desk.]
[Damian]: Alien...
[Amon Set]: Allow me to introduce myself... I am Amon Set, king of Salimore...
[He walks up to Damian.]
[Amon Set]: And if you don't like the Plumbers, then I think we're going to get along just fine.
[End of the Epilogue]
- The Aftermath (Earth-19)/Info
- Deception (Earth-19)/Info
- The Other Crisis/Info
- Prelude to Destruction/Info
- The Crossroads of Fate/Info
- Writers: Paper and Sci
- Producer: Paper
- Director: Paper