Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Jagged Fang's debut

Previous episode: Extermination

Next episode: Not created yet


Fabian, Ben, Kevin, Gwen, even Rook went to investigate a series of attacks that took place in Mexico. When they got their there was nothing but rubble. The Mayor still in is office waved for them to come in. He shook everyones hands and then told them that their is big monster roaming around the city at night and destroying the town, aswell as killing any soul that is un-lucky enough to be in proximity. "Bigger then a human... Much bigger" He had said. They waited for night fall (and when i say "They" i mean Gwen and Rook) They saw a dark shadow moving across the city. It suddenly disappeared and appeared a few feet away demolishing a building. Rook fired his Proto-tool, it proved in-affective. Kevin turned his hand into a sword and swung at the beast. Fabian turned into Buzzshock and Ben turned into Crashhopper. Gwen threw energy discs at the monster. It knocked Kevin out of the way. Crashhopper "Crashed" onto it's chest and fell a few feat away. Buzzshock electracuted it. It staggered backwards Buzzshock turned back into Fabian. The Shomatrix started scanning the beast's DNA. Fabian turned into the thing and yelled "Jagged Fang!" He charged to monster and they tumbled over things. The monster got up and tackled Jagged Fang. Jagged Fang howled in pain and pried the monster off of him. He threw it into a building. It looked completly unfazed besides a minor limp. It tried to tackle Jagged Fang again but Gwen trapped it in a mana bubble. Rook called for reinforcements and plumbers took control of the beast and shoved it into their prison ship where it would eventually escape. THE END? Obviously not i just said it would escape.

Aliens used[]


  • Beast/Monster/Thing