Voratrituruhomo sapienses are a race of 2 subspecies of salamander Gourmand opposites.
Voratrituruses in general are humanoid salamanders, though they have longer snouts so they resemble more of a humanoid komodo dragons.
Perk Voratriturus[]
Perk Voratrituruses are blue with yellow splotches.
Murk Voratriturus[]
Murk Voratrituruses are green with red splotches.
The queen is white all over and 2 times the average Voratriturus size.
Though they do tend to argue over their differences, though they will do anything to protect their planet and queen without question.
Perk Voratriturus[]
The Perk subspecies are thought-oriented, defense-minded, use metal cups for helmets, and fight with spoons.
Murk Voratriturus[]
The Murk subspecies are action-oriented, attack-minded, use metal saucers for helmets, and fight wih forks.
Notable Voratrituruses[]
- Queen Caud
Perk Subspecies[]
- Sergeant Cookmeister
- Perk Dyjest (X-Matrix's DNA Sample of a Perk Voratriturus)
Murk Subspecies[]
- Sergeant Cast Iron
- Murk Dyjest (X-Matrix's DNA Sample of a Murk Voratriturus)
- Not even the greatest minds don't know how the Voratriturus evolved so lizard-esque.
- The Perk Voratriturus' color cheme is very similar to theHynerpetons' in Walking with Monsters.