Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Void Matter
General Information
Species Dark Matter Being
Home World Deep Space
Body Humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Control of matter, atom and particle manipulation
First Appearance TBA

Void Matter is an alien in The Hero Generation series.


Void Matter wears a titanium suit to contain the dark matter that naturally flows through his body. His limbs and head flicker like flames, but are actually dark matter. Void Matter also has four eyes and a green inner-head, which acts like a skull for his liquid cerebrum, as well as a liquid heart inside of his containment suit.


Void Matter


Void Matter can basically create voids in atoms, tearing them or modifying them individually to his choice. This said, he can make solid matter into liquid, liquid matter into gas, etc. Void Matter can also stretch his limbs to unbelievable lengths and use said atom-modifying powers on anything he touches. Even though Void Matter's liquid cerebrum and liquid heart are indeed liquids, they cannot be modified by Void Matter himself; they also do not split apart.


Since mechanical things have a powerful electric current in the atom's electrons, Void Matter has a hard time with machinery. He can get shocked, but his containment suit acts like a fuse and protects his delicate insides, such as his liquid cerebrum and heart.

Appearances in The Hero Generation[]


  • It is confirmed that Void Matter is indeed omnipotent, but Joe does not know how to use that power yet.
  • Void Matter takes Super Nova's place and Toxicon's place in the new version of The Hero Generation as of 10/9/12.