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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Shocksquatch's debut

Previous episode: Origin

Next episode: Trombipulor


As the battle ships hovered away from Xenon Ben turned into Waybig and thats how Fabian got back to the Rust Bucket III. They headed back to the original course. Galvan mark II. To tell Azmuth about the "Problem" that they had. When they reached close enough they had to state their buisness on the planet. When they reached Azmuth they told him everything (including what happened on Xenon) Azmuth didn't seem to react to anything any of them told him. He simply said "Yes?" over and over again. Eventually when they finished he finally said "So?" "Well?! What do we do?" Ben said "Figure it out! Honestly you humans"' He whispered. "Hey, what am i supposed to do?" exclaimed Fabian. "Your supposed to fight along  side Tennyson here" Azmuth concluded. "And do what?" "Fight criminals you ding dong!" "Okay, Okay." So they sail back to Bellwood in order to train Fabian. Dr. Animo is on the loose with his mutant frog! (Haven't seen that one i a while) Fabian turns into another new alien. Shocksquatch! He roared "Hey... How do you know his name already?" Ben 10 asked. Fabian simply said "Because this is one of your, Ahhh! *Shocksquatch is launched into a building* "Im okay!" Ben now turned into NRG! and shot a radioactive blast at the frog. It managed to dodge the attack by jumping out of the way! The frog's toungue latched on to NRG's suit and pulled him... *Smoke explosion* NRG in his true form shot out the frog's mouth. Shocksquatch surprised to frog by jumping in front of it and using his electric powers to shock the frog unconsious. Dr. Animo then said "Ben Tennyson! This will not be the last of me!" and with that Shocksquatch blasted Dr. Animo in to the air.

Aliens used[]

  • Waybig
  • Shocksquatch
  • NRG

