Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Vilgax OV 003

Vilgax is a recurring character in Ben 10: Inversed Roles. He is a Chimera Sui Generis from the planet Vilgaxia.


Vilgax is the ruler of 10 worlds, which were generously handed down to him for the greater good, so he could protect them. However, Ben and Psyphon eventually destroyed all the worlds, and Vilgax swore vengeance. He has since been part of the Shattered.


Vilgax appears as a humanoid squid with a lot of wrinkles. He wears red armor, with a red crown and a yellow bolt in the middle that resembles his shoulderpads. He wears two red gloves and a blue glowstick-bracelet on each hand. He also wears black elbow pads and knee pads. Along with this, he wears red boots and pants made of metal.

Main Characters
Albedo - Lucy - Alan - Sunnny - Finn - Jake - Zak Saturday - Fiskerton
Recurring Characters
Sixsix - Dr. Animo - Charmcaster - Dr. Psychobos - Eighteight - Enoch - Malware - Khyber - Eon - Kraab - Micheal - Zs'Skayr - Zombozo - Vulkanus - Liam - Lord Transyl - Albedo 10,000 - Ester - Jimmy Jones - Skurd
Simian - Professor Paradox
Main Villains
Ben Tennyson - Drew and Doc Saturday - Ice King - V.V. Argost - Rex Salazar - Maltruant
Minor Villains
Gwen Tennyson - Kevin Levin - Devin Levin- Psyphon - R.E.D.S. - Will Harangue - Alpha - Ben 10,000
Albedo's First Playlist (Ultimatrix)
Diamondhead - Grey Matter - Four Arms - Upgrade - Ghostfreak - Ditto - Articguana - Humungousaur - Jetray - Alien X - Chromastone - Clockwork - Fasttrack - Gravattack - Whampire
Ultimates Introduced
Ultimate Humungousaur - Ultimate Spidermonkey - Ultimate Echo Echo - Ultimate Swampfire - Ultimate Cannonbolt - Ultimate Big Chill - Ultimate Wildmutt - Ultimate Way Big - Ultimate Grey Matter - Ultimate Gravattack - Ultimate Arcticguana
Albedo's Second Playlist (Unlimitrix)
XLR8 - Grey Matter - Buzzshock - Stinkfly - Upgrade - Ghostfreak - Eatle - Echo Echo - Blitzwolfer - Snare-Oh - Frankenstrike - Upchuck - Ditto - Humungousaur - Chromastone - Spidermonkey - Goop - Lodestar - Rath - Nanomech - AmpFibian - Clockwork - Feedback - Kickin Hawk - Toepick - Atomix - Swampfire - Cannonbolt - Big Chill - Wildmutt - Way Big - Gravattack - NRG - Diamondhead - Four Arms - Heatblast - Ripjaws - Eye Guy - Wildvine - Alien X - Brainstorm - Jetray - Spitter - Armodrillo - ChamAlien - Fasttrack - Jury Rigg - Water Hazard - Terraspin - Giganglione - Seastorm - GIR - Me-Mow - Crashhopper - Ball Weevil - Shocksquatch - Pesky Dust - Walkatrout - The Worst - Molestache - Astrodactyl - Bullfrag - TenTen - Crabdozer - Buglizard Slamworm - Mucilator - Terroranchula - Tyrannopede - Hypnotick - Omnivoracious - Vicetopus - Panuncian - Whampire
Unlimited Formes Introduced
Unlimited NRG - Unlimited AmpFibian - Unlimited Ditto - Unlimited Humungousaur - Unlimited Spidermonkey -Unlimited Echo Echo - Unlimited Swampfire - Unlimited Cannonbolt - Unlimited Big Chill - Unlimited Wildmutt - Unlimited Grey Matter - Unlimited Gravattack - Unlimited Arcticguana