This page is about a movie. For the show adaption of it, see Userama (Series).
Userama is a crossover about user with their series Trixes fighting a villains from their series too.

The logo. (Made by Charbel2001)
User Featured[]
Villains Featured[]
- Vilgax (Main Villain)
- Prisoner 773
- Kael
- Zyrokks
- Salts
- Lord Zedd
- Prime Kevin
- Draco
- Wrath and Pride
- Trona
- Ristego
All user suddenly teleported to Galvan Mark II by a giant portal. Now, the user must stop the villains from destroying Galvan Mark II.
REAL Plot[]
Brian's House[]
Brian is walking to his laptop.
Brian: Let's see what's happening on the wiki.
Suddenly, a huge portal appeared behind him!
Brian: What the-
And then, Brian got sucked in the portal!
Other user[]
The same thing (The portal thingy) happened to them. I don't want to write too much XD
On Galvan Prime[]
Brian: WTFUDGE is happened to me? Whoa, who are you guys?
Roads: No, who are you all? Hey look, I have the All-Power-Trix! (Let's just call it APT)
Brian: I got Omnitrix IV! Wait, it doesn't exist, how come it's in my hand?
Charbel:Where am I?Ah,Ahhh,Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!(faints)
Brian: (To Charbel) Hey wake up dude.
Charbel: (Wakes up) Yes sir!
Brian: LOL
Charbel: Yep.
Azmuth: Ahh.....Finally you come.
Bink: Azmuth?
Ancy: Real Azmuth?
Brian: Oh....
Dan: ....My....
Omyx: ....GOD!
Everyone: *scream* (run and hide)
Azmuth: No need to fear out.
Brian: How come a Galvan exist in universe? Hey guys, maybe he just a hologram!
Azmuth: I'm not a hologram! I'm real.
Brian: Lies
Azmuth: Nope
Brian: Lies
Azmuth: *with a megaphone* NOPE!!!!
Brian: Okay......
Azmuth: I'm here, to warn you all, that the villains you created in your mind exist.
Bink: No way!
Azmuth: Yes way, and now, they are attacking my home planet.
Ancy: Here?
Azmuth: Of course, foolish humans.
Azmuth: Shut it pesky human.
Brian: Guys serious, I can see Kael attacking it.
Dan: Kael, seriously?
Brian: Go look yourself.
Dan: And Ancy, I know we are in Galvan Prime because the section where we are say "On Galvan Prime"
Brian: Fourth wall breaker.
Azmuth: You all need to split up. There are too much villains.
ET: Oh come on, The Creator didn't get much villains, we still win!
Then, The Creator come to the room and punches ET.
The Creator: That's for breaking the fourth wall.
The Creator flew away.
Brian: Weird.
Rocketslug: I know, right?
Brian: Anyway, let's go!
Everyone: Yeah!
They transform to Jetray and flew away.
Brian and Dan[]
Brian transform to Heatblast and attack 773 from behind
773: Hey!
Brian: Surprised huh?
773: I don't know.......Yeah?
773 breath ice at Heatblast but he avoid it.
Brian: Just that little teddy bear?
773: I'm not a teddy bear!!!!
Brian: Yes you are for.......*transform* Way Big!
773: Oh snap!
Brian then grab 773 and throw him aside.
Brian: Time to help Dan.
Brian transform to XLR8 and rushes to Dan.
Brian: Yo Dan.
Dan: Oh hi. (Dodge Kael's attack)
Brian: Watcha' doin'?
Dan: Usual stuff, kicking Kael's butt.
Kael: You guys didn't read the script, right.
Brian: Yep.
Kael: Go read it or I report you to the director.
Brian: Nope.
Kael: Why?
Brian: Because......I want to kick your face!
Brian kick Kael's face, making Kael goes up to the sky.
Dan: That's a references to Pokemon, right?
Brian: Exactly
Suddenly Kael come back and smah the ground.
Brian: Whoaaaaaaa.
Kael: That's for breaking the fourth wall.
Dan: O RLLY? (transform) Mudluck!
Brian: (Transform) Mudluck! Dan, let's combine so we make a HUGE goo.
Dan: Yeah!
They combine into one.
Kael: Oh sh- (Get hit by a giant goo)
Mudluck: Get enough heh?
Kael: Not really.....
Kael throw a bomb inside Mudluck and Mudluck explodes!
Kael: Heheheheheheh......
We see two goo regenerate and forming into two Mudluck!
Brian: More evil laugh? Lame.....
Kael: Huh?
Dan: Surprising if we can regenerate huh?
Brian: Must be very very very surprising! *laughs*
Kael: *groan* You! (Throw a fireball at Brian and Dan)
Brian and Dan: Me! (dodge the fireball)
Kael shoot fireballs everywhere
Brian: THIS IS CRAZY! (transform) Stick Man!
Brian summon a fire sword and swing it at Kael
Dan: Fire is useless againts him!
Brian: Then what?
Dan: Look at his page on BTFF Wiki!
Kael: Fourth wall breaker.
Brian: (transform) Echo Echo!
Dan: (transform) Brainstorm!
Brian and Dan use their power at Kael.
Brian: Well. that's was WEIRD.
Dan: Yes, yes it is.
Jon and Rocket VS Salts and IAX[]
Rocket: Oh my god. It's real! Salts, the Omnifinity, Azmuth, it's all real! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jonathan: No worry, just as long as we stick togesther. Azmuth assigned us together. I can't believe IAX, a villain is alive!
Rocket: Let's see... Fire, water, sonic, ice, magnetism. I think that's Salts weaknesses... (Hand slips while looking through the Omnifinity's playlist and goes greymatter) Oh, come ON!!!!
Jonathan: Looks like you're grey so what's the matter? (laughs)
Rocket: I was going for Heatblast!!!!! Okay?!?!
Jon: No, no I don't.
Rocket: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (Runs towards Salts and gets hit by a laser)
Jon: Where the fudge did he come from?
Rocket: He was there with that IAX guy!!!!! (transforms) Heatblast!
Jon: How could I not see them there? Well, whatever. (transforms) Swampfire!
IAX: Nice to see you again. It's been a while. We controled your devices by our leader. I helped Salts get here.
Salts: He did, needless to say I wouldn't have needed his help. (Salts flashes a cruel grin)
Jon (Swampfire): Who's your leader?
IAX: Now now, no need to be nosy.
Salts:NOW WE WILL DESTROY YOU!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (Shoots lasers at Jon and Rocketslug)
Jon (Swampfire): Lets burn them into a crisp!
Rocketslug (Heatblast): On it! (Shoots giant fire ball at Salts, sending him flying backwards)
Salts:You are going to pay for that! (Shoots a laser at Rocketslug causing him to time out)
Rocketslug: Come ON!
Swampfire: You gotta be kidding.
IAX: Good bye former enemy of mine. (blasts giant beam)
Rocketslug:(Fiddles around with Omnifinity) Aww... It's recharging! This sucks!
Swampfire: aww great. (gets blasted and reverts) AWWW!!! How? Man, this is harder than writing.
Rocketslug:WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!
Jon: Hmmmm.... Let's see.... (messes with Ultimatrix) Man, it's easier to use when writing episodes.
Rocketslug:Work! Stupid thing! Just work!
Omnifinity: Voice command mode activated.
Rocketslug: Uhhh... Timewalk?
Omnifinity: Manna mode activated.
Rocketslug: This doesn't do anything. Unless you happen to have an anodite on hand?
Jon: Sorry, but.... wait, I don't know how to work the Ultimatrix. Azmuth said that it doesn't need to recharge. Can you work this for me?
Rocketslug: I guess.
IAX: Say good bye you 2. (Gets hand charged with power)
Omnifinity suddenly charges.
Rocketslug: PLease work!
Rocketslug:(transform) Alien X! How does this guy w-(freezes)
Jon: To what? Work? Hmmmm... I think if I touch the symbol on your chest... (touches symbol)
Rocketslug: Not going him any more.
Jon: Why are IAX and Salts frozen?
Rocket: Uhhhhh...
Jon: (transforms) Ditto!
(Salts and IAX unfreeze and blasts black beams)
Rocketslug:Better idea (transforms) Echo Echo! (Duplicates and shoots sonic and IAX and Salts)
Jon: WOW! Look! Their bodies are coming apart! (Duplicates and tackles them ripping out their body) It's like ripping paper! What's going on?!
Rocketslug: I- I don't know. What if... No that's stupid.
Jon: LETS SEE!!! (Transforms) Rockhard! (Throws rocks from the ground at them) Common Rocket! Lets finish these guys off!
Rocketslug: (Transform) Concrete! (Turns hands into swords and starts attacking Salts and IAX)
Salts & IAX: NOOOO!!!! (Gets destroyed)
Jon: Done. So weird. Right? (Reverts to normal)
Rocketslug: Yeah. weird. (Detransform)
Bink and Ancy VS Hound and Hyjinx[]
They encountered Hyjinx
Ancy: A wild HYJINX appeared.
Bink: No time for joke! Battle!
Ancy: Fine. (transform) Waylighter!
Bink: (transform) Interval!
Bink beat Hyjinx with one shot
Ancy: O.O (surprised)
Bink: Let's go! (transform to Dividend and throw away Hound)
Ancy shoot fire at Hound, and goes Amazing
Ancy: Amazing Waylighter! (freeze Hound)
Bink: (revert back) Well, I guess we are done.
Ancy: Right........
Hyjinx wake up and shoot missiles at them!
Ancy: Oh yeah!
Ancy freeze Hyjinx's legs and then Bink (as Infernoptera) shoot fire at him.
Hyjinx: NOOOOOO!!!!! (is disappeared)
ET and Roads VS Draco and Paparo[]
ET: Draco, your days are finally numbered!
Roads: Is that a reference to the ATSD game on Disney website?
ET: Yep.
Draco: When you count it? Today? Yesterday? Way back?
ET: Your mom. (transforms to Humungousaur and punches him on the faces)
Roads: XD.
Paparo: Hi Roads.
Roads: I thought you were dead.
Paparo: Yeah but when Userama started, I'm not dead.
Draco: Fourth wall breaker.
ET transformed to FuzzBall and rolled at Draco but he dodged it!
Draco: You need more than that to defeat me.
ET: ......
Paparo: Now minions, attack them!
Now there was like 10, 000 Flatonians!
Roads: Uh oh.
ET: Hey I know what could beat them! A Null Void Projector!
Roads: Perfect. *take the Null Void Projector and shoots it at all of the enemies*
Paparo, his minions, and Draco: NOOOOOOOOOO!
UH and Omi vs. Ristego and Zyrokks[]
To be completed..........