Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Roads Roads 3 May 2011


We all know it's a rule to always categorize pages, right? Well, it's not very well enforced. Every day there's at least one uncategorized page and/or category (excluding Browse). From now on, the Category Policy will be enforced more.

---****--- Roads (Anchovies! They come out of buses and destroy buildings!) 18:24, May 3, 2011 (UTC)

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Roads Roads 28 April 2011

Fan Lists

I have an idea to keep track of who likes what series: fan lists! I have one on BTMT, and you can put it on yours, too, if you want to. Here's how it should look:

Add your signature (]]) 16:53, April 28, 2011 (UTC)

Update! -- I've created a category for all series with fan lists, the title being "Fan Lists." This blog is in said category.

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Roads Roads 15 April 2011

Picture Policy

Every once in a while, I look at the recent uploads. Some pictures are fantastic! Some are so-so, but some are poorly done. I'm not going to point fingers or anything in order not to hurt anyone's feelings, but there are a large number of poor edits, or plain badly-made pictures here. So I propose a new policy that says that pictures must not be done sloppily. This is an example... ------------------------------------------------>

Sometimes good edits actually come up here. The below, left picture is one..., a scrapped idea for a villain that he gave me.]]

There is a problem, though. You need special software (most of the programs you have to pay for), like Photoshop, to make the really good edits like the one to the left. Sometimes we admin…

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Roads Roads 12 April 2011

Dawn of... Evil Ben!

DO NOT comment here! The episode has already come out. The issue is solved.

Remember that "Unnamed Episode" from my episode guide? Well, I've come up with a title, and it's now a two-part episode called Dawn of... Evil Ben! Not much is known, except that...

  1. Paradox takes Ben back in time to when he took off the Omnitrix, and Ben wonders what would have happened if he never took it off. Paradox makes that happen.
  2. Ben discovers an alternate, evil version of himself, and must stop him!

With those two summaries, tell me what you think will happen in the episode...

---****--- Roads (Anchovies! They come out of buses and destroy buildings!) 23:08, April 12, 2011 (UTC)

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Roads Roads 9 April 2011

Dead Page

I have created a new page to redirect old, unneeded blogs to. I call it the Dead Page. If you have a blog that you don't need, replace its contents with this code.

]]) 16:12, April 9, 2011 (UTC)

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