In an upcoming Ben 10: Multi Trixes special, I plan to have Ben get a new set of ten aliens, all randomly donated fanfiction aliens. LMN and Paperboy will be in the main ten, but for the rest of the ten, and some future unlocked aliens, I need donations. If you'd like your alien in the series, please state the name, powers, secret ability (if there is one), and your name. Please provide links to the aliens' pages and your username. All aliens with no pages will not likely be added. That's all for now
---****--- Roads (talk, blog, and Ben 10 series) 18:22, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
UPDATE 1: Pick an alien of yours with similar powers to Ben's original ten aliens. If one is already picked, pick another. For example, if a fire alien is picked (like Heatblast), pick a strong one (like Fourarms).
---****--- Roads (talk, blog, and Ben 10 series) 23:09, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
UPDATE 2: The main ten is complete! We have Werewolf, Punisher, Attraction, Blocked, Freaky Wizz, Het, Hammerhead, Pelicarve, Techno-Halloween Man, and Superspeed. Donations may still be made, but they will be unlocked later.
---****--- Roads (talk, blog, and Ben 10 series) 16:07, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
UPDATE 3: Once I start offictially writing Season 3, the donations will close. I will disable commenting then, and leave this blog up for a few weeks or so. After that, I'll delete it.
---****--- Roads (talk, blog, and Ben 10 series) 17:58, February 5, 2011 (UTC)