Pivot New Years Video Making Of
Alright, lets cut to the chase... I am making a video for the New Years - Winter Holiday of every Ben 10 alien and 10-20 fanfiction aliens, there, I put it out....
Please note that this blog was posted on both Ben 10 and Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki, so bare with me.
I will try to demonstrate as many powers of each an every aliens as possible, and there might be Nemetrix Pivot Aliens, and Ultimates, but that is just a concept right now to made, I DO NOT completely promise it. Besides that, I will see you guys on the holidays!
So you heard about the 10-20 fanfiction aliens above, didn't you? Well, I'm gonna start of with 5 aliens of my choice (sorry if this upsets you guys D:), and they will be:
Upchuck Norris
Ult. Ditto (Fanfic Ver…
How To Create A Series: The Diff-REN-t Way
How to Create A Good Series: The Diff-Ren-t Way
Alright, for those of you have trouble making a series, I've got'cho back bruh! Making a perfectly clear-series is really easy when you know how to do it right...Just follow these simple instructions...
But remember, I'll give you choices on how you wanna make a series, not like others who just give you directions.
- 1 1# - Make an Idea YOU think is good
- 2 2# - Logo/Series Pic. Time!
- 3 3# Intro, Summarize
- 4 4# Episodes, Heroes/Villains (either order is fine for Ep. and H/V)
- 5 #4.5 Omnitrix Aliens (For series with Omnitrixes)
- 5.1 ALIENS
- 5.1.1 Used by Ren
- 5.1.2 Used by Sally
- 5.1.3 Used by Both
- 5.1 ALIENS
- 6 #6 - Template
- 7 Step #6: Fanlist (Optional)
- 7.1 Fanlist
- 8 #8 - Trivia/Sea Also (Optional)
- 9 Major Tips
Ok, this is easy when you thin…
New Sprites
I remade sprites for my new game, No Escape. These ones look more Ben-like, don't ya think? If you want to see the full image click .
- 1 Gameplay
- 1.1 Ben Tennyson
- 1.2 Any Alien
- 2 Confirmed Aliens
Ben requires the arrow keys to move right and left, down to duck, and up to jump. When you press the A button, ben lashes out a punch. When you press and hold space, ben alternates between several alien holograms, completing a full cycle in 10 seconds. When space is released, the alien hologram currently on will be selected, turning you into an alien.
All Aliens withhold 4 different moves, along with a special move. The letters "ASD" will be used as the primary abilities, and the letter "V" as a special move. Gravatt…
Game in Construction
My Ben 10 Sprites
I have finished Ben Tenneyson's complete sprite sheet (forgot to make him kick), and added his box holograms, along with a couple of his aliens, Heatblast and Feedback.
Ben Tenneyson
I kinda mixed Ben's look in Omniverse with his Ben 10 Ultimate Alien hairstyle and didn't put facial features because it was to hard, and i thought it looked better without them, thought it does look derpy (as quoted by Nick below).
Heatblast and Feedback
I did the same to Heatblast and removed his face. I also kept the tiny Omnitrix, too. I did the same to Feedback, just didn't remove his face (it gives him his personality :P).
Grey Matter and Wildmutt
Grey Matter pretty much taken from my old emoticon design of Grey Matter, along with a mini-up to…