Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Paperluigi ttyd Paperluigi ttyd 28 January 2013

Suggestion: Picture Naming Policy

Just something I've been noticing and actually I saw a thread about how there have already been fights over this...

I would recommend this wiki adopt a policy of specific naming when it comes to images. For example, the image has a quite lengthy history of re-uploads and version-warring. Consider yourself in this situation: you come up with an episode named "The Guardian." You go make a page for it but discover that there already is one. You then decide to make your page The Guardian (Young Plumbers) so that it is more specific and people realize that it is different than the other page. Likewise, this should be done with images. Naming an image "BenInOmniverse.png" is better than naming it simply "Ben.png"

Just to emphasize, consider this:…

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Paperluigi ttyd Paperluigi ttyd 20 January 2013

YP Layout Changes

Two quick things are changing for YP's layout. First thing's first, the templates are getting remade so that they are ONLY for YP. Second thing's second, YP is going to be getting Info Pages, similar to BTMT.


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Paperluigi ttyd Paperluigi ttyd 18 January 2013

JavaScript - Functions

A function in JavaScript is anything that is executed when called. In this tutorial, I will explain what a function looks like, how to pass variables in a function, and how to call a function. Another key thing about functions is what they can be used for. I will talk about this to.

Functions in JavaScript may remind you of a coding block in CSS. To define a function, you must first put the word "function" followed by the name, usually multiple worlds stylized with all lowercase except for the first letter of every word except the first. The "function" followed by the same is the same way variables are defined. After this comes () followed by {} with a line of code to be executed inside the curly brackets. For example:

It doesn't make the JS…

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Paperluigi ttyd Paperluigi ttyd 5 January 2013

JavaScript - The Basics

After conducting some better research about JavaScript and practicing more, I decided to make this new tutorial because frankly my old JavaScript tutorial was not very good, nor was some of it correct. Again, JavaScript is a scripting language and the most used scripting language on the internet today. I still have not found a way to make JavaScript directly compatible in Wikia's main namespace, so to make this easy I'm only going to be using Notepad++ for this tutorial.

  • 1 What You Will Need
  • 2 JavaScript vs. Java
  • 3 Basic JavaScript
  • 4 Variables
  • 5 Next Time
    • 5.1 Schedule

  • Knowledge of HTML and CSS. Visit my old blogs to learn more!
  • Notepad++, free download from
  • (optional) A wiki that you, meaning that you are either the founder …

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Paperluigi ttyd Paperluigi ttyd 1 January 2013

The BTFF Cinematic Universe

I hinted a writing collaboration for 2013 at Fanon Con just a few days ago. Well, here it is.

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