Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Paperluigi ttyd Paperluigi ttyd 16 August 2014

Introducing Archives

As has recently been discussed on the wiki in various threads, the current status of all canon content on the wiki is very unorganized to say the least. The following is a proposal, based on the ideas supported in the aforementioned discussion threads, on how to deal with pages on the wiki about canon content.

The following is the draft for a page that would be located at Project:Archive

Starting September 1, 2014, the Ben 10 Fan Fiction wiki will use an archive system to store all unclaimed content from canon pages that have since been re-branded. When a canon page is put up for re-branding, as documented below, any remaining content that is left unclaimed will be placed into that page's archive.

  • 1 The Transition Process
  • 2 Schedule
  • 3 Archive
  • 4 Reclaimi…

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Paperluigi ttyd Paperluigi ttyd 14 October 2013

The Future of Earth-19

I know what you're thinking. It has been one month since the last episode of Young Plumbers: Generations.

Wait, of course no one's thinking that! No one actually reads series on this wiki!

In all seriousness, it's extremely unfortunate that I haven't been able to release as much content as I would like to have been able to over the past month, but that just shows that things change over time. People pick up new hobbies and go to this really messed up place called school, but Earth-19 is still important enough to me and I have not forgotten about it. Even when I've been occupied with other hobbies, I've still been thinking a lot about YPG.

When I last wrote part of the series, which except for a short blurb in the movie was September 2, it was…

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Paperluigi ttyd Paperluigi ttyd 25 July 2013

Introducing How BTFF Should Have Ended

If you have YouTube, hopefully you've seen, simply put, an amazing animated series known as How It Should Have Ended (HISHE). They take your favorite films (The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Hunger Games, etc.) and even sometimes video games and creates a funny way of how they think the movie should have ended, usually based on obvious characters that the audience realizes but the characters, in order to actually have a movie, don't.

So if it's on YouTube, why can't we do it here? Well, now we can! Sci and I present to you!


Here's how it works. We'll make an official page for it at How BTFF Should Have Ended and there, you can put in the comments what you want us to do a How It Shoul…

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Paperluigi ttyd Paperluigi ttyd 6 June 2013

It's That Time of Year Again Folks

Yes, that time of year. The time when everyone complains about me for doing everything. But, since everyone seems to have forgotten about it again, it's my pleasure to announce that I will be hosting the 5th ever Fanon Con, and the 2nd annual June Fanon Con!

Set up is the same as last time. Please follow the following steps:

  1. Create this page: Special:MyPage/Fanon Con
  2. Go to source mode
  3. Add at the end of the page
  4. Publish!

And that's about it. The Fanon Con will be held on June 28, 2013, and submissions are due two days earlier. Hopefully we can have a very successful con as always.

Also, side note, Trix Awards are cancelled due to the massive amount of inactivity recently. I just don't feel like doing it if I don't think enough people are going to v…

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Paperluigi ttyd Paperluigi ttyd 3 May 2013

Second Annual Trix Awards Voting

Voting has begun! The top three nominations, unless there are ties, for each category can be voted for in the comments below. Please indicate the number of the category and the selection in a numbered list in the comments to vote. You need not explain your votes, and normal voting rules apply, with the exception of self-votes; as this is only for fun, why should it really matter if you win or not?

  1. Best overall series
    Young Plumbers (6/10 nominations)
    Ben 10: Protector of the Omniverse (2/10 nominations)
    Back in Action: Alien Universe (1/10 nominations)
    Noah 10: Super Matrix (1/10 nominations)
  2. Best writing in a series
    Young Plumbers (2/8 nomiations)
    Ben 10: Eternal Forms (1/8 nominations)
    Back in Action: Alien Universe (3/8 nominations)
    Brian 10 (1/8 n…

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