Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Dioga beta Dioga beta 1 January 2017

2017 Resolution

Hello everyone! It's Dioga beta! If you've joined after this past August, you probably don't know me, as I have been inactive this past semester. For those older members and old friends, I am back! At least, I plan to be.

This past Fall, I started up a Masters Program in college, and found myself unable to finish the two main series that I had been writing on here. These series take up a lot of my time, and even though each episode I write is (on average) 10 pages long, it can take several hours to write them, and I had chosen to work on other projects that didn't take up as much time, as more as a relaxer.

However, I don't like the idea of leaving anything unfinished, especially since I'm close to the end on them. So, my "New Year's Resolut…

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Dioga beta Dioga beta 28 August 2016

Upcoming Show Schedule

Hey everyone, it's Dioga beta! I don't usually do blog posts, so I feel like this is a big deal. So I'll get right to it.

Starting this week, I am starting up my Masters Program in College, expecting my workload to double than I've had in the past. Therefore, here is my current airing schedule on this site (and UPF, as many people here are there as well). 

Ya-Mi-Oh! will air on Mondays, while Ryder 10 will air on Thursdays. My goal, is to be able to write one of each of those a week, so I can keep that airing rate. However, I cannot guarantee that I will be successful with this, and there may be weeks that episodes don't air. Upon finishing one (or both) of those series, I plan on continuing Omnimania. The episodes on UPF will remain the sam…

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Dioga beta Dioga beta 23 September 2012

link question

How do I make links on a page? so i can l make the links to other pages, or do the contents feature on a page.

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Dioga beta Dioga beta 23 September 2012

article question

how do i create a new article? i'm trying to start a fanon, and i can't find where the article button is.

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Dioga beta Dioga beta 23 September 2012

fanon question

where do i post a fan fiction of my own, and what details about the posting should i know about?

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