Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Upgrade 2.0 is the evolved form of Upgrade in the series Ben 10: Alien Team.

Upgrade 2.0
General Information
Species Technological Galvanic Mechomorph
Home World Galvan B
Body Ghost
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Merging with machines, magnetic powers


  • Merging into mechanical devices and controlling them
  • Shooting lasers from his eye
  • Stretching
  • Regeneration
  • Upgrading machines
  • Magnetic powers
  • Shooting electricity and controlling it
  • Controlling machines without merging
  • Turning into machines (like Ship)
  • Much smarter


  • Can't take control of non-mechanical devices
  • Electrocution

Species and Planet[]

Species: Technological Galvanic Mechomorph

Planet: Galvan B


Unlike Upgrade, he has a long ghost tail instead of legs

He has short lines instead of the lines on Upgrade

His torso is bright green

Main Characters
Ben - Upgrade - Spidermonkey - Cannonbolt - Upchuck - Chromastone - Humungosaur - Ripjaws
Other team members
Swampfire - Echo Echo - Jetray - Brainstorm - Goop
Steeljaws - Impossiball - Windup - LMN - Boywen - FuzzBall - Cannonman - Energybender - EchoFibian - Scorch - Claycreep - Waterflush
Technological forms
Windup 2.0 - LMN 2.0 - Boywen 2.0 - Cannonman 2.0 - Upgrade 2.0 - Ripjaws 2.0 - Upchuck 2.0 - Chromastone 2.0
Main Villains
Ghostfreak - DNAlien - Humungoclone - Pyrobot
Other Villains
Plasticine - The Muscle Man
