Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Galvanic Mechamorph
Home World Galvan B
Body Technological Humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Technopathy
Technological Mimicry
Technological Possession
Technology Enhancement
Optic Laser
Enhanced Strength
Space Survivability
Voice Actor Tara Strong (Mack)
Yuri Lowenthal (Ben and Albedo)
First Appearance ???

 Upgrade is the name of an alien that originates from the Ben 10 canon. He has yet to appear in any of Rob's series, but he is planned to. He evolves into Ultimate Upgrade.


In Mack 10Upgrade wears white clothing on his front side and the Matrix on his chest. His exterior and head are black with blue lines.

When Ben uses Upgrade, Upgrade has a black exterior with green stripes that resemble circuitry all over him. The green circle on his head is his eye, which glows whenever he talks.

When Albedo uses Upgrade, Upgrade's interior is red with black stripes and his exterior is black with red stripes. The red circle on his head glows when he talks.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Technopathy
  • Technological mimicry
  • Technological possession
  • Technology enhancement
  • Optic laser
  • Regeneration
  • Elasticity
  • Enhanced strength
  • Space survivability


  • Upgrade is weak against electricity.
  • Upgrade is also weak against electromagnetic and magnetic pulses and fields.
  • Upgrade can be hurt if strectched too far and long.
  • Upgrade can be harmed by technorganic viruses.
  • If Upgrade is attached to technology when it is damadged, he will be hurt as well.


Upgrade has not appeared in any series yet.



  • Credit to CaT for the photo of Albedo as Upgrade.