Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Upgrade is a character in the series Ben 10: Alien Team. Upgrade is one of Ben's friends and usually hangs with him. He was the first alien Ben fought that escaped, and helped Ben catching the others.


Upgrade is smart, and talks with a British accent. He is an expert with machines, due to his powers. He is usually Brainstorm's helper, with machines.


  • Merging into mechanical devices and controlling them
  • Shooting lasers from his eye
  • Stretching
  • Regeneration
  • Upgrading machines


  • Can't take control of non-mechanical devices
  • Electrocution

Species and Planet[]

Species: Galvanic Mechomorph (Escaped DNA sample)

Planet: Galvan B


Upgrade is exactly like his Ultimate alien form.


Upgrade, like Upchuck, Ripjaws and Chromastone, can evolve himself to his technological form, Upgrade 2.0.

Main Characters
Ben - Upgrade - Spidermonkey - Cannonbolt - Upchuck - Chromastone - Humungosaur - Ripjaws
Other team members
Swampfire - Echo Echo - Jetray - Brainstorm - Goop
Steeljaws - Impossiball - Windup - LMN - Boywen - FuzzBall - Cannonman - Energybender - EchoFibian - Scorch - Claycreep - Waterflush
Technological forms
Windup 2.0 - LMN 2.0 - Boywen 2.0 - Cannonman 2.0 - Upgrade 2.0 - Ripjaws 2.0 - Upchuck 2.0 - Chromastone 2.0
Main Villains
Ghostfreak - DNAlien - Humungoclone - Pyrobot
Other Villains
Plasticine - The Muscle Man