Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Reo 19
Season 1, Episode 8
Air date 01/09/2013
Written by XLRverse
Directed by XLRverse
Episode Guide
Jax 10 and Reo 19: Forces Combined

Under Attack is the 7th episode of Reo 19.


We see Reo at School. his sitting on his desk.

Reo: why do aliens always attack on Saturdays or Sundays, Or Fridays nights??? Why not at school time.

Mick wlks next to Reo

Mick: atleast they didn't attack on your birthday

Reo: But i wanted that

Mick: You didn't have the watch

Reo: I know!

the bell rings. he teacher gets in the class, everyone sits in there seats. 

The Teacher: Good Morning Class!

Then Malware Burst in Through the Window

Malware: The Acceletrix, Now!

Everyones running to the doors. Reo and mick are behind a desk that was fliped when malware crashed

Reo: Finnaly some Action!

Reo slaps the Accelertix, but before he does Malware grabs reo's hand and scraches the accelertix, transforming reo in to The Worst

The Worst: Say what?

Mick: am, new alien?

The Worst: Good Question!

HE takes a breath and Bounces on the grund, then Bounces up till Malwares Face and kicks him

The Worst: Oh Yeah!

He Takes a biger Breath and Becomes realy, realy fat. then He Shoots the Air out as a Blast. The blast shoots Malware away.

The worst: Awesome!

He transforms

Pesky Dust: REaly? what the hack?

Mick: Amm... Reo, what about that guy?

Pesky Dust: Oh Right!

He flys Towords Malware, while Mick Runs beside him. Malware gets up

Malware: So you are the new user!? Ha! I can take you

Pesky Dust: I don't think so!

He sprays so Dust on him. 

Malware: I can't see! Everything looks so Girly!

He looks at a near by Car

Malware: come here, Unicorn, Come here!

Mick (To Reo): IS he alright?

Pesky Dust: I don't know! i just sprayed some dust on him, that's all.

Mick: we should stop him!

They look at Malware, who is trying to jump on the car.

Mick: Do You by any chance have sleeping dust?

Pesky Dust: I Have, Let me-

He transforms

Molestacsh: -just get... it? What the Heck Accelertix?

He shoots his Moustch at Malware and ties him up

Molestach: What now?

Malware Brakes free

Malware: Hey you!

Molestach: me? 

Malwarer: Yeah!

Malware Shoots an Electric Blast at Molestach who transforms

Walkatrout: Aww mna! A Fish!? Realy?

Mick: lawl!

Walkatrout: Hey!

Mick: Cool Appearance!

Walkatrout: Tnx!

Malware Shoots an electric blast at Walkatrout. Who Spits water in Malwares face

Walkatrout: Cool!

Mick: Lame!

walkatrout shoots water in Mick's Face.

Mick: Okay, Cool!

Malware: You will pay For that

MAlware shoots an electric blast and smoke appears everywhere. When the smoke clears Four Arms Punches Malware.

Four Arms: Oh Yeah!

Malware: Raaaahhh!

Malware shoots an Other blast, but Four arms makes a Clap and Malware flys away.

Four Arms: Oh Yeah!

Four arms takes Malware and throws him away. He detransforms. The Teacher gest up behind the desk

Teacher: Class Dismissed!

Reo and Mick Look at him and walk away.




