Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Ultra Ben: The Galactic Video Game is the first Ultra Ben video game. It is able to run on the Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii U and Playstation 3.


Sublimino come to the Big Ben to hypnotise people while Ben is on holiday to London. The Ultimatrix X protects Ben. But everyone is changed into a...Tetramand? Ben transforms! Destroy all Four Arms!  In the end, Sublimino is revealed to have a Tetramand boss who wanted to turn everyone into Tetramands. Ben foils them by turning into Ultimate Waybig and unleashes Cosmic Discs at them.


Chapter 1[]

(Ben): Gramps! Uhh. Evil Gramps! Attack!

(Tetramand Max): Gaur!

(Hercules): Now he's acting like Hades!

Chapter 2[]

(Ben): Gwen! 

(Tetramand Gwen): Guar!

(Ben): Uh not cool

Chapter 3[]

(Ben): Argit!

(Argit): It is me! (shoots spikes)

(Ben): Hunh! (dodges them) (transforms)

Chapter 4[]

(Ira): Lemme tell you som-

(Ben): Shut up!

Chapter 5[]

(Ben): Vilgax! Grr!

(Vilgax): It is me. But what can you do?

(Ben): Kick your butt!

Heroes available[]


1. Tetramand Max

2. Tetramand Gwen

3. Argit

4. Ira

5. Vilgax

6. 300 Agggrebots

7. Tetramand Kevin

8. Aggregor

9: Sublimino

10: Jargon (Tetramand leader)
