Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

"I'm known for having an Omnitrix?"

"You have an ULTImatrix. Totally different thing."

The Ultimatrix is a Level 20, DNA altering device attached to and used by Ogrend Trolundi.


The Ultimatrix is a red, gauntlet-like band with a dial on the top and various semi-exposed wires and energy. The dial has the Galvan tech symbol on it.



The Ultimatrix was first conceptualised by Albedo as a replica Omnitrix. Albedo ended up creating both the blueprints and the basis for a "prototype" Ultimatrix as well as obtaining the first few DNA samples and the outbreak aliens. However, Albedo (for a currently unknown reason) crashes his ship on Earth, becoming knocked unconscious in the rubble of his ship.


After about a day after Albedo's crash, a Gobhockle named Ogrend Trolundi finds the Ultimatrix's blueprints and spends a few years gradually finishing the Ultimatrix. He then uses the device for his own means of entertainment while living in his forest and obtains a couple other transformations. After Ogre's forest burns down and he joins with Fly and Fish, the Ultimatrix has been used for various "heroic" deeds. The Ultimatrix goes through a few processes thanks to Ogre like the expansion of its first playlist and later the breaking of the playlist hard drive which is fixed by Albedo. It has since been destroyed due to a self destruct protocol, however parts were reused for the Flumpyflix.

Known Users[]


The Ultimatrix can be used to alter its wielders DNA into various other samples contained inside.

The Ultimatrix can put its DNA samples into simulated million year warzones, turning them into evolved "ultimate" versions.

The Ultimatrix can scan species and add them to its DNA database.

The Ultimatrix has an automatic protocol that enables it to return to its wielder if ever separated.

The Ultimatrix has a locking feature that can stop the user from turning into specific aliens without a special key.

The Ultimatrix has a self destruct protocol that can be activated in extreme situations.


Alien Species Notes
Rowboat Buoyan Unlocked by Albedo.
Orange Citronian Unlocked by Albedo.
The Morning Chronotal Unlocked by Albedo.
Camel Humperite Unlocked by Albedo.
Nut Shellehs Sampled from the Nut.
Flying Money Capitalistic Avosian Unlocked by Ogre during his time in the forest.
Ben Woke Fruitien Unlocked by Ogre during his time in the forest.
Meatster Fleshphos Unlocked by Azmuth as a reward for stopping a Highbreed invasion.
Scorpion Scorpian Sampled from the Scorpion.
Gus Celestialsapien Sampled from Fergus.
Orgulon Orgulon Sampled from Orgulon.
Abe Lincoln Human Sampled from Abraham Lincoln.
the brick Cyndurranble Sampled from Malware's DNA sample of a Cyndurranble which had been taken from Fly's Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Cyndurranble.
All my Buddies Buddies Randomly unlocked when fighting Spongebob. Previously taken and absorbed by Malware. Reunlocked after being taken back from Malware.
Green Boy green guy Unlocked by Albedo.
Jo Trout Strirgeon Unlocked by Albedo.
Glorben Gletal Locked in the Ultimatrix by Albedo. Unlocked by Ogre via lockpicking.
Billblegum Megawad Unlocked by Albedo.
Porridgemungousaur 1/2 Slopsopod, 1/2 Vaxasaurian Unlocked by Gus, specifically the Voices of Porridge and Voice of Humungousaur.
Ismail Yeigk Sampled from Ismail. Removed after being turned into the Porridge Planet.
Clavi Gnat Clavi Gnat Randomly unlocked after Fly unlocks epictuskski. Removed by Fergus.


Alien Species Notes
Rowboat Evolved Buoyan N/A
Orange Evolved Citronian N/A
The Morning Evolved Chronotal N/A
Camel Evolved Humperite N/A
Nut Evolved Shellehs N/A
Flying Money Evolved Capitalistic Avosian N/A
Ben Woke Evolved Fruitien N/A
Meatster Evolved Fleshphos N/A
Scorpion Evolved Scorpian N/A
Orgulon Evolved Orgulon N/A
the brick Evolved Cyndurranble N/A
All my Buddies Evolved Buddies N/A
Porridgemungousaur 1/2 Evolved Slopsopod, 1/2 Evolved Vaxasaurian N/A


  • The Ultimatrix (prior to Ogre expanding his first playlist) came in almost entirely playlists of 10.
    • The one exception to this is the final playlist which only has 4 maximum alien slots. This playlist contains Ogre's outbreak aliens.
  • Albedo implimented the locking feature exclusively for Glorben.