Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

"Irony is it not. I have recreated a knock off, of a knock off, of a knock off. Because the one who made the Ultimatrix attempt to recreate a better version of the omnitrix until it was stolen from him. And then he made another one to replace it. So in retrospective, mind blowing isn't it?" -Iso.

The Ultimatrix or to this version the Neo Ultimatrix.

Alex use it sometimes in need to beat his opponents.


It has the Omnitrix dial symbol.

Instead of a wrist watch design, it's more based from a arm band with tubes attached to the sides.


Same as any Omnitrix. It can turn its wearer into any alien life form.

It has an Evolution Component that can accelerate an alien to its evolutionary future form.




  • Ultimate Velociraptor
  • Ultimate Reboot
  • Ultimate Inferno
  • Ultimate Brainy Crab.
  • Ultimate Clock Knight


Only in Alien Warriors.

  • Iso.
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  • Alex takes the Ultimatrix from Iso.


  • I want to use the Ultimatrix as a main weapon in the further future.
  • I feel like the Omniverse version of Ultimate Spidermonkey and the others are like mutations of the originals.
  • Each or Some of the Ultimate Forms are not voiced by the same actor who voiced the normal form but voiced by different voice actors.

From AL 12 Ben 10 Fan Show.
