"I'm Ultimate brick now, the brickiest brick in town."
Ultimate the brick, sometimes shortened to Ultimate brick, is the ultimate variant of the brick and the Ultimatrix's sample of an Evolved Cyndurranble.
Ultimate the brick resembles a large rock with two eyes on the front. It has one beefy leg / arm / limb with a prehensile webbed appendage on the end. The Ultimatrix symbol is on its head.
Ultimate the brick is used once, however is used for a long period of time and to do multiple things. It is first used after Malware throws regular the brick out Tuuga's spaceship in which it manages to propel itself back towards and into the spaceship and Malware at high velocities. It then gets into a back and forth fight with him before launching itself through the ceiling to find Fish and Fly (and Tuuga). It is then used again to launch itself further upwards in order to find "the" cockpit of the ship, accidentally finding themselves in the middle of a crowd of the ship's crew members who were looking for Ogre and Fly before collapsing an umbrella-like crew member and transforming into Abe Lincoln.
Powers and Abilities[]
Ultimate the brick is able to leap / fling itself at high veolcities.
Ultimate the brick does not need to leap off a surface and is capable of leaping off of nothing.
Ultimate the brick is incredibly strong.
Ultimate the brick is practically indestructible.
Ultimate brick can be picked up by beings who are strong enough and have a strong enough grip.
Ultimate brick loses the ability to erase things from the universe.
See the brick.
- Ultimate the brick has been used the least amount of times out any ultimate, although tied with Ultimate Ben Woke, Ultimate Orgulon and Ultimate Scorpion.