Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ultimate Viris
General Information
Species Evolved Virobe
Home World Celiron
Body Humanoid Containment Suit
Alternate Counterparts Ultimate Viris (Tech 10: Rebooted)
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Enhanced Bio-Generation
Viral Corruption
Enhanced Durability
Equipment Armored Containment Suit
Classification Fauna
First Appearance TBA

Ultimate Viris is the evolved form of Viris from Tech 10: Combalien Evolution.


Ultimate Viris's abilities include:

  • Enhanced Bio-Generation
  • Viral Corruption
    • Ultimate Viris is able to corrupt living organisms with a unique virus only he can create. The corrupted organisms fall under his complete control, down to every single cell in their body.
  • Enhanced Durability
    • Ultimate Viris now wears an armored containment suit instead of the simple mask of his unevolved form.


Ultimate Viris is a tall, humanoid alien covered by a green and black armored containment suit. The "head" of the suit is made of a bulletproof glass-like substance, and shows Ultimate Viris's liquid form flowing inside the suit.

It also displays the relatively massive core virus, which essentially acts as the brain of the alien. The evolved Ultimatrix symbol is on his chest.


Ultimate Viris's armored suit leaves him unable to break apart his body like his unevolved form.
