Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Alien X Y Z x9000 is an alien existing within the Codon Strem of Ben Ten + 0's Omnitrix. In addition, he is considered the creator deity of Earth-42069. For short, he can be called Ultimate Ultimate Alien X.

Ultimate ultimate x veiled


Dude, there are two pictures to the side. Pick one and roll with it.

Ultimate Ultimate Alien X's quality of design depends upon the onlooker's perception of his godly form. If they choose to believe that he truly is the divine power he actually is, his form will become uberreal. It is said that after witnessing his uberreal form, there will be no other joys left in one's life.

Ultimate Ultimate Alien X is almost constantly cloaked or veiled in some sort of gas or smoke.


Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Alien X Y Z x9000's powers are extreme enough that he was able to create the entire. Still, it appears that these abilities are limited because Earth-42069 is certainly not a stable one. Although, you probably shouldn't criticize him: when was the last time you created an entire BTFF universe?

Oh, that's right. You've probably done it a couple of times. Still, my canon beats yours in my universe.

The true extent of Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Alien X Y Z x9000's powers are unknown, though it can easily be assumed he is 9000 times more powerful than Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Alien X Y Z.

Ultimate Ultimate Alien X is also capable of producing any scent he desires, like an essential oils diffuser.

The gas Ultimate Ultimate Alien X cloaks himself in can incinerate the lungs of those unworthy to be in his presence.


Outside of Earth 42069, Ultimate Ultimate Alien X's powers are reduced and he is only capable of manipulating or producing cheese cake. However, that is not to say that his powers should ever be underestimated. With enough cheesecake created, he can possibly form something dense enough to be a black hole that will lead that universe into Earth-42069.

His name is ridiculously long to the point that it is an inconvenience for either himself or others to say it, or even remember it.


  • This page was remastered (after six years!) when it came under threat of deletion.
  • I assume he is Sol's oldest alien, at least on the Wiki?
  • Apparently, this alien was created as a joke in a roleplay or something? I don't entirely remember myself.