Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ultimate Rockoustic
General Information
Species Evolved Metamentian
Home World Apocalypse Earth
DNA source Rockoustic
Body Rocky Humanoid
Alternate Counterparts Ultimate Rockoustic (Tech 10: Rebooted)
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Absolute Strength
Absolute Geokinesis
Absolute Sonokinesis
Reality Warping
Equipment Uniform
Classification Mineraloid
First Appearance TBA

Ultimate Rockoustic is an alien from Tech 10: Combalien Evolution.

He is the evolved form of Rockoustic.


Ultimate Rockoustic's abilities include:

  • Absolute Strength
  • Absolute Invulnerability
  • Absolute Geokinesis
  • Absolute Sonokinesis
  • Erasure Immunity
  • Reality Breaker


Ultimate Rockoustic is very similar in appearance to his unevolved form, albeit with a more human-like, streamlined shape.

His uniform consists of a black jumpsuit with green gloves, boots, a belt, and a cape.


Ultimate Rockoustic has no weaknesses aside from the utter apathy towards life that may come from being all-powerful.


  • Ultimate Rockoustic's Renovated appearance is based on Saitama from One-Punch Man.
  • Ultimate Rockoustic is the only alien that could beat the Anti-Life Entity in a direct fight.