Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ultimate Humungoopsaur
General Information
Species ½ Evolved Vaxasaurian
½ Evolved Polymorph
Body Various
Alternate Counterparts Humungoopsaur (Normal form)
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Shapeshifting
Acidic Slime
Slime Projection
Enhanced Flexibility
Density Alteration
Slime Duplication
Slime Manipulation
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Agility
Spiked Shell
Mace Tail
Missile Generation
Slime Missiles
Equipment three Anti-Gravity Projectors
First Appearance TBA

Ultimate Humungoopsaur is the evolved form of Humungoopsaur.


Ultimate Humungoopsaur has Ultimate Humungousaur's general body shape with Ultimate Goop's fingers, armor, and spikes, and is composed of Ultimate Goop's slime. The armor forms over his shell, the mace on the end of his tail, and on his hands, giving them the appearance of Ultimate Humungousaur's shell, tail, and hands.

Ultimate Humungoopsaur has the evolved Biomnitrix symbol on his chest, and floating above him are three white versions of Goop's Anti-Gravity Projectors.

Powers and Abilities[]

Ultimate Humungoopsaur has Ultimate Humungousaur's strength and durability, as well as his mace-like tail, spiked shell, and the ability to generate missiles from his hands. Instead of being bone fragments, they are made of hardened slime and explode into acidic slime on contact with an object.

Ultimate Humungoopsaur has all of Ultimate Goop's abilities, being able to regenerate, turn liquids into slime to add to his body mass, duplicate himself, and shapeshift.
