Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki


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General Information
Series Ben 10: Haunted
Season 1
Episode Number 72
Written by Ghost King001
Directed by Ghost King001
Episode Guide
Previous episode Hysteria of Halloween
Next episode Samhain Cometh


October 24th, 2020

Ben: We are NOT giving into his demands! How de we know he isn`t lying!?

Kevin: Do we have any other choice Ben? Besides, all we have to do is do a weird little dance and bribe them with some candy and other treats and they`ll go away.

Ben: If they aren`t lying that is.

He leaned against the wall, deep in thought.

Gullet: (From his cell) Hey cops, when`s lunch?

Ben: Lunch...LUNCH!? We`re at war and all you can think about is LUNCH!?

Gullet shrugged, he was pretty hungry.

Max: Ben, calm down. They have a right to eat.

Zorak: Yeh "hero", we have rights.

Ben snarled and punched the wall next to Zorak`s cell.

Ben: Tell us what he`s up to!

Zorak: I already told you, I was roped into his plan last minute. I have no idea if he`s telling the truth or not.

Gwen: Ben...maybe you should get some sleep?

Ben: How could I Gwen? Not with the racket they made all night.

He then stormed off, tired of these games.

Theme song!

A Dogman pack bounded into town, they would begin to mark their territory in the subways. The alpha male`s ears suddenly perked up as he heard something. Ben ran up to them as Blitzwolfer and sonic howled them into a wall. The Dogman pack snarled as they leaped at him, only to be knocked back by the sonic howls. They then whimpered and ran away through the tunnels.

Blitzwolfer: You BETTER run!

Suddenly the now demonic Occult Leader grabbed Blitzwolfer by the throat from behind.

Occult Demon Leader: Ben Tennyson, your doom is nigh!

Blitzwolfer tried to bite the demon`s hand, but he just couldn`t pierce the thick, rock-like skin. He then howled at the ground, making it crack. When it collapsed he managed to break free of the Demon`s grip and leap to safety. The demon roared in anger as he vanished into the large hole in the ground.

Blitzwolfer: That was close.

He then bounded off to the safety of Plumber HQ. A few ghosts watched from the shadows and snarled.

Ghost #1: Stupid demon, all brawn no brains. Let`s go boys, we`ve seen enough.

His cohorts nodded and they flew away to Ghost King`s lair.

October 25th, 2020

The Mutant Punks can be seen stealing more candy from various supermarkets, they have been doing this since they busted out a few days ago. And each one of them had an escort in case the Plumbers arrived to arrest them.

Bebop: This is great, we`re the only ones getting candy...and it`s FREE for us!

He shoved a blaster in a clerk`s face, intimidating the employee.

Bebop: RIGHT?

Clerk: Y-yes sir.

Suddenly Wildmutt crashed into the building and roared.

Rocksteady: It`s Tennyson, let`s get him!

They opened fire at Wildmutt as he dodged all their energy beams and pinned Rocksteady to the ground. Rocksteady grunted softly as Wildmutt slammed Bebop to the ground. He snarled at both mutants as suddenly Scrag arrived and tasered Ben.

Scrag: Trick...or threat!

He snickered and kicked him off of his friends.

Rocksteady: He chose threat I guess.

Bebop: Let`s beat it!

They then ran off, leaving the sleeping Wildmutt behind. Scrag left a lollipop behind as an insult to Ben for when he woke up. Ben woke up five minutes later and grunted.

October 26th, 2020

Ghost King can be seen sparring against the Horseman, both using swords to try and sharpen their skills. #1 entered during their training.

#1: Sire, we have a bit of a problem. Tennyson refuses our demands. What should we do?

Ghost King sighed, he dodged the Horseman`s blade as he was trying for a sneak attack.

Ghost King: Time out!, Time out!

The beheaded spirit stopped and sheathed his blade. Ghost King stood and began to think of a way to deal with this arrogant human.

Ghost King: Why does he continue to pester us? No matter...he`ll pay dearly on the night of Samhain.

#1: How do you plan on punishing him?

Ghost King: Great question, all will be revealed in time.

He packed up his sparring sword and began to walk away to his quarters. He sat on his bed and began to plot his plan.

October 27th, 2020

A few of the creatures can be seen being chased out of town by the Plumbers. Their numbers had significantly dropped over the course of a few days thanks to the Plumbers` hard work.

Max: Things are starting to go to normal, good.

Ben: Is it just me, or is this getting easier?

Rook: We should not push our luck Ben. These things are still around, just not as many.

Ben: Dude, I`m Ben Tennyson. Do you remember how many times I`ve saved the universe?

Max: I wouldn`t brag if I were you Ben. That seems to make them angrier.

Ben: Grandpa, please. I`ve dealt with worse than Ghost King. Vilgax, the Highbreed, Aggregor, Malware, Khyber, Albedo, Dr. Psychobos...I beat them all. Can you blame me?

Max: Ben, that`s enough.

He said, noticing the Jersey Devil appearing in the sky. Jersey looked down and seemed to grin, preparing to divebomb the heroes. He drew his blaster and shot at the demon, leaving him in minor pain.

Jersey Devil: You pest! I`ll have your head for that!

Ben: I don`t think so deer breath. It`s hero time!

He then turned into Alien X and stayed still, presumably arguing with Serena and Bellicus over letting him use Alien X. The demon rammed into Alien X, sending him crashing into a building. He began to laugh as he slowly made his way over to the immobilized alien. He raised his clawed hand to strike, but Alien X woke up and levitated the demon.

Jersey Devil: Hey, what`s the big idea!? Put me down this instant you brat!

Alien X:...No...

He then slammed the demon to the ground over and over, leaving him dazed. He then used his powers to launch him out of town, sending the demon flying far away against his will.


As he sailed from sight, Ben turned back.

Ben: That...worked surprisingly well, maybe I can turn into Alien X again and just get rid of all those beasts!

Max and Rook looked at each other and shook their heads.

Max: Ben, not everything has to be violent. Maybe...just maybe we can work out a way to make peace.

Ben: Grandpa, are you joking!?

His grandfather gave him a stern look, he wasn`t joking.

Ben: Fine, we`ll do things your way.

He stormed off.

Rook: What has gotten into him. He has been like this for awhile.

Max: I think he`s letting his work consume him. Maybe we should take him on a day`s trip out of town.

Rook nodded as both walked away.


Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

  • Ben`s mood begins to change.

Minor Events[]

  • Alien X returns


  • Ben Tennyson
  • Gwen Tennyson
  • Kevin Levin
  • Rook Blonko
  • Max Tennyson
  • Julie Yamamoto (non-speaking)
  • Plumbers
  • Clerk
  • Ghost King
  • Headless Horseman
  • the Ghosts


  • Gullet
  • Zorak
  • Dogmen
  • Occult Leader
  • Bebop
  • Rocksteady
  • Scrag
  • Grunt (non-speaking)
  • Dopey (non-speaking)
  • Dumbo (non-speaking)
  • Sasquatches (cameo)
  • Mannegishis (cameo)
  • Mothmen (cameo)
  • Snallygasters (cameo)
  • Humanoid Bats (cameo)
  • Jersey Devil

Aliens Used[]

  • Blitzwolfer
  • Wildmutt
  • Alien X



  • The Occult Leader from "The Demon State" returns, implying he was released from Hell offscreen by the Jersey Devil at some point.
  • Jersey Devil was flung all the way from Bellwood back to the Pine Barrens.
  • In a scrapped scene, Ben and Ghost King were going to have a meeting. In another scrapped scene, Alien X would`ve banished the Jersey Devil back to hell, raising tensions between the paranormal horde and Plumbers.
  • Scrag seems to break the fourth wall by saying the episode`s title. This isn`t unusual seeing as the denizens of the 1987 TMNT universe broke the 4th wall constantly in the show.